Regina Brett Quotes

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It’s OK to let your children see you cry (Regina Brett Quotes)
It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it (Regina Brett Quotes)
Forgive everyone everything (Regina Brett Quotes)
You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. (Regina Brett Quotes)
It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. (Regina Brett Quotes)
What other people think of you is none of your business (Regina Brett Quotes)
Growing old beats the alternative - dying young (Regina Brett Quotes)
We are all on a journey of faith, and we have to polish that faith (Regina Brett Quotes)
Family is more than DNA, more than who we used to be, more than we can imagine we will become (Regina Brett Quotes)
For me, being Catholic was who I was and who I am, just like I’m Irish and Slovak. It’s just so ingrained in us (Regina Brett Quotes)
The idea of being stuck in a plane with dozens of people chatting over each other on their phones might feel like Dante’s 10th circle of hell (Regina Brett Quotes)
God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do (Regina Brett Quotes)
God isn’t present in the past or future. The great ‘I Am’ is in the present moment. When I claim that presence, I can get through anything today (Regina Brett Quotes)
‘Star Trek’ never grabbed me. Every time I hear about Klingons, I think of those little lint balls that stick to your clothes in the dryer (Regina Brett Quotes)
Before I started chemotherapy treatments, I wrote down the best advice from doctors, family, friends, books, and survivors and created an ‘Owner’s Manual’ to help me take care of myself. It would remind me that cancer is doable (Regina Brett Quotes)
It’s rare to find someone excited over jury duty. If they’re out there, I’ve never met them. Not a one. When the summons for jury duty arrives in the mail, how many people scream, ‘Yes!’ and run to clear the calendar? None. Our first and only reaction is, ‘Oh, no,’ quickly followed by, ‘How can I get out of this?’ (Regina Brett Quotes)
Sometimes you have to censor books. When I read ‘Peter Rabbit,’ I skip the part about Peter’s father ending up in one of Mrs. McGregor’s pies. I also hid the book of ‘Grimm Fairy Tales.’ They’re just too grim for my grandkids. Reality will come soon enough (Regina Brett Quotes)
When you hear the word ‘cancer,’ it’s as if someone took the game of Life and tossed it in the air. All the pieces go flying. The pieces land on a new board. Everything has shifted. You don’t know where to start (Regina Brett Quotes)
To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written (Regina Brett Quotes)
Some days, 24 hours is too much to stay put in, so I take the day hour by hour, moment by moment. I break the task, the challenge, the fear into small, bite-size pieces. I can handle a piece of fear, depression, anger, pain, sadness, loneliness, illness. I actually put my hands up to my face, one next to each eye, like blinders on a horse (Regina Brett Quotes)
The only gift my dad ever bought me is still in my jewelry box. It died at 10 minutes to 11 decades ago, but the gold Caravelle watch keeps my dad alive. A watch isn’t about keeping time. It’s about stopping it (Regina Brett Quotes)
Back when I was dating, the dreaded C word was Commitment. As soon as most men found out I had a child, they ran. If I ever got close enough to say the words, ‘I love you,’ they ran faster (Regina Brett Quotes)
My daughter had carried within her a story that kept hurting her: Her dad abandoned her. She started telling herself a new story. Her dad had done the best he could. He wasn’t capable of giving more. It had nothing to do with her. She could no longer take it personally (Regina Brett Quotes)
I usually give a book 40 pages. If it doesn’t grab me by then, adios. With young adult books, you can usually tell by Page 4 if it’s worth the time. The author establishes the conflict early, sometimes in the first sentence. The themes of hope, family, friendship and overcoming hardship appeal to most everyone (Regina Brett Quotes)
I like that they call it an airplane cabin. A cabin is where you go to get away from stress. The cabin is a respite from the terminals on either end of the flight where noise bombards you as soon as you walk through the gate. (Regina Brett Quotes)
Sometimes you have to disconnect to stay connected. Remember the old days when you had eye contact during a conversation? When everyone wasn’t looking down at a device in their hands? We’ve become so focused on that tiny screen that we forget the big picture, the people right in front of us. (Regina Brett Quotes)
Too often, we get attention and sympathy by being a victim. If we’re invested in someone being our villain, we must love being the victim. We have to let go of both characters in the story. (Regina Brett Quotes)
How do you know someone is a grandparent? They’ve got milk stains on every shirt from burping babies. Their pants are worn out at the knees from crawling around giving pony rides. They have 2,842 pictures of the grandkids on their smart phone and not one photo of their spouse. (Regina Brett Quotes)
For me, being Catholic was who I was and who I am, just like I’m Irish and Slovak. It’s just so ingrained in us. (Regina Brett Quotes)
Going through chemo is like investing money in a retirement account. You feel the hit right now, but later in life you get to reap the benefits - by still being alive. (Regina Brett Quotes)