Regretting Quotes

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At this very moment in time there will be people making, breaking relationships, regretting deeply what they’ve done, and causing hurt, but that is a fact of life, and if we weren’t full of emotion, we’d be automatons, and I don’t think people want us to be that. (Regretting Quotes)
I’m taking a philosophy class and regretting it with everything in me. I’m taking one college class per semester. Philosophy is studying what you already know and dismantling it. I thought it would be right up my alley. I can’t tell you how much it’s not me. (Regretting Quotes)
I never regret anything. I always said that when I’m old, I want to be sitting there regretting the things that I did and not the things that I didn’t do; and now I’m old, and I don’t regret anything! I had fun. I had fun, and I’m still having it. (Regretting Quotes)
I don’t spend much time regretting the past, once I’ve taken my lesson from it. I don’t dwell on it. (Regretting Quotes)
They’re always looking forward to going places they’re just coming back from, or regretting doing things they haven’t yet done. They say hello when they mean goodbye. (Regretting Quotes)
Opportunities flit by while we sit regretting the chances we have lost, and the happiness that comes to us we heed not, because of the happiness that is gone. (Regretting Quotes)
You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don’t see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud. (Regretting Quotes)
I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born (Regretting Quotes)
Opportunities fly by while we sit regretting the chances we have lost, and the happiness that comes to us we heed not, because of the happiness that is gone (Regretting Quotes)
Self-confidence is not pride. Just the contrary: only a person or a nation that is self-confident, in the best sense of the word, is capable of listening to others, accepting them as equals, forgiving its enemies and regretting its own guilt (Regretting Quotes)
Some people are consumed with thoughts and memories from their past. Their mourning, regretting, rehashing, and begrudging doom them to life imprisonment in their painful past (Regretting Quotes)
I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't (Regretting Quotes)
There’s no point regretting things. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Life’s too short to worry about things I’ve said (Regretting Quotes)
I felt that I ostracized myself by my behavior, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake? Why have I made so many mistakes? (Regretting Quotes)
Regret for time wasted can become a power for good in the time that remains, if we will only stop the waste and the idle, useless regretting (Regretting Quotes)
It is true that I had wanted to die, but that is peculiarly different from regretting having been born. Overwhelmingly, I was enormously glad to have been born, grateful for life, and I couldn’t imagine not wanting to pass on life to someone else (Regretting Quotes)
Commitment separates those who live their dreams from those who live their lives regretting the opportunities they have squandered (Regretting Quotes)
I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I’d just been myself (Regretting Quotes)
Sometimes you regret the things you do, but they’re over and done. Regretting the things you didn’t do is tougher because they’re still out there, haunting you with the what ifs (Regretting Quotes)
True penance consists in regretting without ceasing the faults of the past, and in firmly resolving to never again commit that which is so deplorable (Regretting Quotes)
If we spend our time obsessing with the future or regretting the past, then we will never live. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow and yesterday cannot be changed (Regretting Quotes)
I don’t spend much time regretting the past, once I’ve taken my lesson from it. I don’t dwell on it (Regretting Quotes)
We keep ourselves so tied up in regretting the past and fearing the future that we don’t have any energy left to figure out who we are and what we want to create right now (Regretting Quotes)
You create your luck by being healthy and not regretting the past or being anxious about the future (Regretting Quotes)
The time to be upset is during the race, when you can actually do something about it. Nothing could be done now. A thousand times I’d told them: the key to racing is to come off the water regretting nothing (Regretting Quotes)
If things are tough, remember that every flower had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there. So do not grieve about a bitter experience. The present is slipping by while you are regretting the past and worrying about the future. Regret will not prevent tomorrow’s sorrows; it will only rob today of its strength (Regretting Quotes)
You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don’t see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud (Regretting Quotes)
We waste half our strength in a useless regretting; We sit by old tombs in the dark too long (Regretting Quotes)
There cannot be many people who can go through life without regretting sooner or later a lack of knowledge about horses (Regretting Quotes)
I prefer buying things and figuring out where to put them later than regretting not buying them (Regretting Quotes)