Regulations Quotes

Text Quotes
Cars, toys, aspirin, meat, toasters, water - nearly every product sold has passed basic safety regulations well in advance of being marketed and sold. But consumer credit is a kind of buyer-beware, wild west. That is partly the result of history (Regulations Quotes)
Cameras are dangerous. With no waiting period or background check, any whack-job could just stroll into a Wal-Mart and walk out with a semi-automatic. Now, for years I’ve been pressing for stricter regulations on cameras, especially around our elected officials. Too many political lives have been cut short by some crazed shooter (Regulations Quotes)
Every day, we at the United Nations see the human toll of an absence of regulations or lax controls on the arms trade. We see it in the suffering of civilian populations trapped by armed conflict or pervasive crime. We see it in the killing and wounding of civilians - including children, the most vulnerable of all (Regulations Quotes)
Here in the UK the government has decided to accept the recommendations of the Better Regulation Task Force to measure and make targeted reductions in the administrative costs - the red tape costs - that regulations impose on business. (Regulations Quotes)
My definition, a definition in the drill books from the time that General Von Steuben wrote the regulations for General George Washington, the definition of the object of military training is success in battle... It wouldn’t be any sense to have a military organization on the backs of the American taxpayers with any other definition. (Regulations Quotes)
In ancient China, self-government was highly developed both in community life and in personal life. The custom of mutual protection and assistance was widespread. The organization and regulations of local self-government were clearly defined and strictly applied. Individual self-control was even more strongly emphasized. (Regulations Quotes)
Throughout the United States, at the dawn of the Progressive era, dozens of laws and regulations were established to empower police officers, public-health officials, and even the armed forces to vaccinate at will, and, if necessary, at gunpoint. (Regulations Quotes)
We have international standards regulating everything from t-shirts to toys to tomatoes. There are international regulations for furniture. That means there are common standards for the global trade in armchairs but not the global trade in arms. (Regulations Quotes)
Conflicting legislation and regulations, overlapping mandates, unwillingness to enforce land use, elite capture, entrenched attitudes, and lack of incentives to influence behavior are rife in many resource-rich countries. (Regulations Quotes)
You can’t really escape the fact that more reasonable gun regulations and procedures need to be in place, a strengthening and tightening of the national background check system. I don’t know why any civilian would ever be able to purchase an assault weapon or the parts that go with it. (Regulations Quotes)
Banks are concerned the central bank is imposing too many regulations. If the trend continues, we’ll swing to heavy regulation. We need to have balanced regulation to encourage the economy. (Regulations Quotes)
When a company is not being guided by the products they make and what the customers need, but by how they can manipulate the system - get regulations on their competitors, or mandates on using their products, or eliminating foreign competition - it just lowers the overall standard of living and hurts the disadvantaged the most. (Regulations Quotes)
If after accepting the spiritual master and being initiated one does not follow the rules and regulations of devotional service, then he is again fallen. (Regulations Quotes)
Unfortunately, President Obama’s failed policies of new regulations, higher taxes, and Obamacare and his anti-business rhetoric have hit Hispanics especially hard. Big government really hurts those who are trying to make it. (Regulations Quotes)
Europe is not becoming more unified - well, yes, on paper - but not as long as the criteria for so many things (import regulations, border control, visa politics...etc.) are still made in an unjust, unreasonable way. (Regulations Quotes)
I fear that light touch regulations that have allowed the Internet to prosper will now be replaced by a heavy hand that stifles innovation and does not adapt well to change. The Internet is not broken. (Regulations Quotes)
Do you realize that $150 billion of our tax money is given to the corporations, unions and wealthy people for tax breaks, special subsidies and special regulations? That money would be available for health and education and building bridges. (Regulations Quotes)
Finally, the House is working to require a comprehensive federal review of IRS regulations with a follow-up report to Congress on possible actions to reduce the tax paperwork burden imposed on small businesses. (Regulations Quotes)
President Obama’s policies have been categorical failures for our country. Unemployment is over nine percent, our deficits are growing, and small businesses are being burdened with regulations. (Regulations Quotes)
The best thing government can do now is get out of the way and let small businesses innovate, hire and grow. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen unless Washington stops increasing regulations, taxes and other blocks to business growth. (Regulations Quotes)
It’s about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It’s about health and safety regulations and green fines. (Regulations Quotes)
There are over 170,000 pages of regulations in Washington, D.C. I want to streamline the rules in the federal government to basically allow businesses to grow without fear of burdensome federal regulations. That’s a passion to me, regulatory reform. (Regulations Quotes)
As policymakers, we need to foster an environment that allows U.S.-based innovators and entrepreneurs to compete and to flourish. Excessive regulations and bureaucratic red tape dramatically increase the cost of doing business and create uncertainty for companies. (Regulations Quotes)
Democrats’ desperate attempt to focus on campaign finance reform instead of laws that may have been broken by the Clinton-Gore campaign is like Mike Tyson demanding a reform in boxing regulations after biting off a piece of Evander Holyfield’s ear. (Regulations Quotes)
Liberalism had come to mean spending more on everything-speech police, failed poverty programs that reward dependence, a bigger nanny state telling us we cannot eat fatty foods, workplace roles that stifle opportunity, and absurd environmental regulations. (Regulations Quotes)
We will not make inroads into the gun-violence problem until we acknowledge the underlying causes of youth behavior today, compared to yesterday. ... we must come to the realization that laws and regulations alone cannot produce a civilized society. It’s morality that is society’s first line of defense against uncivilized behavior. (Regulations Quotes)
Washington should revive international efforts begun during the Clinton administration to pressure countries with dangerously loose banking regulations to adopt and enforce stricter rules. (Regulations Quotes)
It seems the EPA has worked hard to devise new regulations that are designed to eliminate coal mining, coal burning, usage of coal. (Regulations Quotes)
We love having the freedom that we have with the web; I mean, we don’t have to answer to anybody. We have complete creative control; we don’t have to worry about FCC regulations. (Regulations Quotes)
What do the Republicans say? Donald Trump? They say they’re just going to roll back the Dodd-Frank regulations. They want to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. (Regulations Quotes)