Rein Quotes

Text Quotes
I suppose it is that sickness and weakness are selfish things and turn our inner eyes and sympathy on ourselves, whilst health and strength give love rein, and in thought and feeling he can wander where he wills. (Rein Quotes)
To rein a kingdom efficiently it is necessary, before all, to put into good order the family. It’s impossible for a man who doesn’t know how to lead his own family to know how to lead a country. (Rein Quotes)
I’m a pretty hands-off director. I let people try things, and if it gets over-jokey, then I’ll try and rein it in a little bit. (Rein Quotes)
I think it’s hard, when you’re someone who likes to please people, as I am, to be a boss. I had to learn how to rein myself in and not terrify people. (Rein Quotes)
Every rein aid must be preceded by an action of the torso. Otherwise you only address the horse’s head (Rein Quotes)
Precedents are dangerous things; let the rein of government then be braced and held with a steady hand (Rein Quotes)
Nature drives with a loose rein and vitality of any sort can blunder through many a predicament in which reason would despair (Rein Quotes)
Do not give dalliance too much rein; the strongest oaths are straw to the fire in the blood (Rein Quotes)
The people at the top of the league think they need to rein me in so I don't become another Michael Jordan, somebody they aren't able to mold and shape and make their puppet (Rein Quotes)
Domestic discretionary spending on education and health care and the environment has been growing at 2 to 3 percent a year. He says we have to rein it in, but he ignores the spending category that is the big spike in the budget (Rein Quotes)
This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere. Fortune sells her wares; she never gives them. In some form or other, we pay for her favors; or we go empty away (Rein Quotes)
We will cut programs, we will try to rein in the size of the bureaucracy. We will bring federal pay scales that have become so exaggerated into line with market rates (Rein Quotes)
The painter must give a completely free rein to any feeling or sensations he may have and reject nothing to which he is naturally drawn (Rein Quotes)
If businesses are to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public and regain the trust that they have lost, they should worry a lot more about what they stand for and entrust those with expertise in communication a much freer rein to express this in ways that people might recognise as being sincere and sympathetic, rather than stilted and formulaic (Rein Quotes)
Fear; if allowed free rein, would reduce all of us to trembling shadows of men, for whom only death could bring release (Rein Quotes)
... a distinction must be made between true and false ideas, and that too much rein must not be given to a man’s imagination under pretext of its being a clear and distinct intellection (Rein Quotes)
I really love printmaking. It’s like a mystery and you’re trying to figure out how to rein it in (Rein Quotes)
The organs are the horses, the mind is the rein, the intellect is the charioteer, the soul is the rider, and the body is the chariot (Rein Quotes)
Don’t lose sight of the fact that hip and legs drive the horse forward and the hands merely channel this power by gentle rein aids (Rein Quotes)
It is a mistake to keep the horse on the bit for too long. He must be relaxed at the walk on the long rein regularly and afterwards he must be carefully put back together again (Rein Quotes)
My imagination requires a judicious rein; I am afraid to let it loose, for it carries me sometimes into appalling places beyond the stars and beneath the world (Rein Quotes)
If I didn’t have children I might be more of a lush than I am. I like booze. I struggle with smoking. And I’m a big swearer. I’m trying to rein it in but I do think it’s a nice seasoning of language (Rein Quotes)
Real fulfillment, for the man who allows absolutely free rein to his desires, and who much dominate everything, lies in hatred (Rein Quotes)
I think again we’re way out of balance. We’ve got to rein in what has become almost an article of faith that almost anybody can have a gun anywhere at any time. And I don’t believe that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people (Rein Quotes)
Writing is a strange synthesis between the two parts of your mind: the analytical side and the side that knows nothing at all, and you have to allow the dreaming side free rein (Rein Quotes)
I think I’m basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I’ve learned, through experience, to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have (Rein Quotes)
Ignorant free speech often works against the speaker. That is one of several reasons why it must be given rein instead of suppressed (Rein Quotes)
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless (Rein Quotes)
As I have traveled throughout my Congressional district, the one thing I heard loud and clear was simply please stop spending money you do not have, rein in spending, live within a budget (Rein Quotes)
I’m riding you with a slack rein, my pet, but don’t forget that I’m riding with curb and spurs just the same (Rein Quotes)