Reject Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s one thing to reject the idea that it’s a man’s job to bring home all the bacon; it’s another the 500th time your wife reaches for the check at dinner (Reject Quotes)
I’m fascinated by the emergence of a global class. They’re highly mobile; they reject the idea of place (Reject Quotes)
Don’t ever quit. Never quit. Never show anybody you’re hurt. Grin and walk through the cannon smoke. It will drive them up the wall. You always stay true to your own principles. You always believe in your gift. God doesn’t make mistakes when he presents someone with a gift like that. It’s there for a reason. Tell the naysayers, those who reject you, to drop dead! Who cares? (Reject Quotes)
There comes a time when a race of beings makes a decision. When they chose to reject enlightenment, it’s the end of their world because the karma is inevitable. They have to destroy themselves (Reject Quotes)
I started with the belief that every person who came to the laboratory was free to accept or to reject the dictates of authority. This view sustains a conception of human dignity insofar as it sees in each man a capacity for choosing his own behavior. And as it turned out, many subjects did, indeed, choose to reject the experimenter’s commands, providing a powerful affirmation of human ideals (Reject Quotes)
It is perfectly natural for the future woman to feel indignant at the limitations posed upon her by her sex. The real question is not why she should reject them: the problem is rather to understand why she accepts them (Reject Quotes)
It’s an odd thing but when you tell someone the true facts of a mythical tale they are indignant not with the teller but with you. They don’t want to have their ideas upset. It rouses some vague uneasiness in them, I think, and they resent it. So they reject it and refuse to think about it. If they were merely indifferent it would be natural and understandable. But it is much stronger than that, much more positive. They are annoyed. Very odd, isn’t it (Reject Quotes)
I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority! Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proven! (Reject Quotes)
We must reject the idea of isolationism,. But that doesn’t mean we should get involved in every civil war around the world (Reject Quotes)
I am ready to reject all belief and reasoning, and can look upon no opinion even as more probable or likely than another (Reject Quotes)
There are clear differences between child and adult artistic activity. While the child may be aware that he is doing things differently from others, he does not fully appreciate the rules and conventions of symbolic realms; his adventurousness holds little significance. In contrast, the adult artist is fully cognizant of the norms embraced by others; his willingness, his compulsion, to reject convention is purchased, at the very least, with full knowledge of what he is doing and often at considerable psychic cost to himself (Reject Quotes)
You see a very advanced master who’s got a girlfriend, who listens to rock and roll, who thinks about things that are very earthly. The advanced course has to with coming back to everything that you had to reject in the beginning and seeing it as a far greater infiniteness than everything that you’ve attained (Reject Quotes)
As a woman you must unite with other women for a while and perhaps even reject the world of men, just to balance yourself (Reject Quotes)
It’s one thing for a person to live his life as a vacuous shell without fully comprehending the extent of his transgressions, but I was guilty of the greater sin; I knew what was right, and I chose to reject it (Reject Quotes)
I still reject lead roles, as I don’t accept any role if I don’t find it challenging enough. I am very careful while making selections (Reject Quotes)
Reject without regret whatever seems on reflection wrongheaded, dull, destructive, or irrelevant to your vision. It’s just as important to be able to discriminate between helpful and unhelpful criticism as it is to be able to write (Reject Quotes)
The wisdom of our parents, grandparents, ancestors. In each individual life, it seems, we must first reject that wisdom, then later come to appreciate it (Reject Quotes)
Science differs from politics or religion, in precisely this one discipline: we agree in advance to simply reject our own findings when they have been shown to be in error (Reject Quotes)
We reject certain food because it is rotten. Certain food we can see is fresh. But there is this creative space between fresh food and rotten food where most of human culture’s most prized delicacies and culinary achievements exist (Reject Quotes)
We refuse love, and reject society, in so far as it seems, in our own perverse imagination, to imply some obscure kind of humiliation (Reject Quotes)
Tidiness... makes life easier and more agreeable, does harm to no one and actually saves time and trouble to the person who practices it: there must be an ominous flaw to explain why millions of generations continue to reject it (Reject Quotes)
Habits of thought persist through the centuries; and while a healthy brain may reject the doctrine it no longer believes, it will continue to feel the same sentiments formerly associated with that doctrine (Reject Quotes)
It is almost impossible for the poetess, once laurelled, to take off the crown for good or to reject values and taste of those who tender it (Reject Quotes)
There are many ways to fail. Some reject success. And others do not recognize it when success comes (Reject Quotes)
Try to reject war and give peace a chance. Question the powers that be and find out why they make the dubious decisions they do that send young people to war (Reject Quotes)
For while agents and editors often misunderstand their market and sometimes reject good or even great works, they do prevent a vast quantity of truly execrable writing from being published (Reject Quotes)
When we do not reject our suffering, or add anything to it, pain is simply pain. It is what we add to our pain that turns it into suffering (Reject Quotes)
When you can take something that is a reject at the thrift store sitting on the bottom of a pile of junk and make it work, make it look interesting, that’s real style to me (Reject Quotes)
Those truly committed to liberation must reject the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead a concept of women and men as conscious beings and consciousness as consciousness intent upon the world (Reject Quotes)
I have to say that I reject somewhat the distinction between something called art and something called public art. I think all art demands and desires to be seen (Reject Quotes)