Rejoice Quotes

Text Quotes
A religious hope does not only bear up the mind under her sufferings but makes her rejoice in them (Rejoice Quotes)
I cannot pretend to be impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns (Rejoice Quotes)
If the library in the morning suggests an echo of the severe and reasonable wishful order of the world, the library at night seems to rejoice in the world’s essential, joyful muddle (Rejoice Quotes)
Take what you can have. Rejoice in what you can save, and do not mourn your loses for too long (Rejoice Quotes)
You should rejoice that you’re in prison. Here you have time to think about your soul (Rejoice Quotes)
I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice (Rejoice Quotes)
The world is to be carried forward by truth, which at first offends, which wins its way by degrees, which the many hate and would rejoice to crush (Rejoice Quotes)
How sad. How frightening. To be filled with so much hate that you could not even rejoice in the healing of a child... How did anyone ever come to that point? (Rejoice Quotes)
Rejoice that you have still have a long time to live, before the thought comes to you that there is nothing more in the world to see (Rejoice Quotes)
Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think (Rejoice Quotes)
Who is the happiest man? He who is alive to the merit of others, and can rejoice in their enjoyment as if it were his own (Rejoice Quotes)
Hold on to the center and make up your mind to rejoice in this paradise called life (Rejoice Quotes)
Shall I not rejoice also at the abundance of the weeds whose seeds are the granary of the birds? (Rejoice Quotes)
Oh! Speculators on things, boast not of knowing the things that nature ordinarily brings about; but rejoice if you know the end of those things which you yourself device (Rejoice Quotes)
If a man rejoice not in his drinking, he is mad; for in drinking it’s possible... to fondle breasts, and to caress well tended locks, and there is dancing withal, and oblivion of woe (Rejoice Quotes)
Rejoice in liberating moments of victory when conflicts, trials, and adversity fall momentarily under your command (Rejoice Quotes)
The wise man looks back into the past, and does not grieve over what is far off, nor rejoice over what is near; for he knows that time is without end (Rejoice Quotes)
I rejoice in what I have and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful (Rejoice Quotes)
Lord, help me to remember that there are many ways to rejoice in any kind of day you make for us (Rejoice Quotes)
Don’t order any black things. Rejoice in his memory; and be radiant: leave grief to the children. Wear violet and purple. Be patient with the poor people who will snivel: they don’t know; and they think they will live for ever, which makes death a division instead of a bond (Rejoice Quotes)
The great majority of us are required to live a constant, systematic duplicity. Your health is bound to be affected by it if, day after day, you say the opposite of what you feel, you grovel before what you dislike and rejoice at what bring brings you nothing but misfortune. Our nervous system isn’t just a fiction, it’s part of our physical body, and our soul exists in space and is inside us, like teeth in our mouth. It can’t be forever violated with impunity (Rejoice Quotes)
How true it is that, if we are cheerful and contented, all nature smiles, the air seems more balmy, the sky clearer, the earth has a brighter green... the flowers are more fragrant... and the sun, moon, and stars all appear more beautiful, and seem to rejoice with us (Rejoice Quotes)
These are the men who, without virtue, labour, or hazard, are growing rich, as their country is impoverished; they rejoice, when obstinacy or ambition adds another year to slaughter and devastation; and laugh, from their desks, at bravery and science, while they are adding figure to figure, and cipher to cipher, hoping for a new contract from a new armament, and computing the profits of a siege or tempest (Rejoice Quotes)
I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate, adding deeper darkness to a night that is already void of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that (Rejoice Quotes)
If you had a table spread for a feast, and was making merry with your friends, you would think it was kind to let me come and sit down and rejoice with you, because you’d think I should to share those good things; but I should better to share in your trouble and your labour (Rejoice Quotes)
Maybe young women don’t wonder whether they can have it all any longer, but in case any of you are wondering, of course you can have it all. It will be a little messy, but embrace the mess. It will be complicated, but rejoice in the complications. It will not be anything like what you think it will be like, but surprises are good for you. And don’t be frightened: you can always change your mind. I know: I’ve had four careers and three husbands (Rejoice Quotes)
We should all develop the mind to rejoice in, praise and share in the gift of those who have artistic talents and a richness of heart, whether they achieve wide recognition or not. Cultivating such a beautiful mind is a very worthy effort. Culture and art are not just decorations. They are not just accessories. What matters is whether culture enriches the essential substance of our lives (Rejoice Quotes)
A collection of bad love songs, tattered from overuse, has to touch us like a cemetery or a village. So what if the houses have no style, if the graves are vanishing under tasteless ornaments and inscriptions? Before an imagination sympathetic and respectful enough to conceal momentarily its aesthetic disdain, that dust may release a flock of souls, their beaks holding the still verdant dreams that gave them an inkling of the next world and let them rejoice or weep in this world (Rejoice Quotes)
I cannot pretend to feel impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns (Rejoice Quotes)
No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his own mistakes deserves to be called a scholar (Rejoice Quotes)