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Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re using your body (Related Quotes)
I think that promoting insecurity in the form of plastic surgery is infinitely more harmful than an artistic expression related to body modification (Related Quotes)
The quality of your life is directly related to how much uncertainty you can comfortably handle (Related Quotes)
Not only is your own happiness and welfare related to others, but the more you help them, the happier you will be (Related Quotes)
I do not know but thoughts written down thus in a journal might be printed in the same form with greater advantage than if the related ones were brought together into separate essays (Related Quotes)
Most of our problems are related to the mind, so we have to work to reduce our destructive emotions (Related Quotes)
Indecision, doubt and fear. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand (Related Quotes)
Faith has a role to play in life. It is not related to success. It is the other way round. Success is related to faith. Faith comes first (Related Quotes)
Reality check: you can never, ever, use weight loss to solve problems that are not related to your weight. At your goal weight or not, you still have to live with yourself and deal with your problems. You will still have the same husband, the same job, the same kids, and the same life. Losing weight is not a cure for life (Related Quotes)
Christmas is a rare occasion when we are reminded that we have obligations to people we did not choose to be related to, and that love is not just a spontaneous feeling but something we sometimes really have to work at, with people we may not even much like (Related Quotes)
It is not given to us to grasp the truth, which is identical with the divine, directly. We perceive it only in reflection, in example and symbol, in singular and related appearances. It meets us as a kind of life which is incomprehensible to us, and yet we cannot free ourselves from the desire to comprehend it (Related Quotes)
Most people don’t realize how important librarians are. I ran across a book recently which suggested that the peace and prosperity of a culture was solely related to how many librarians it contained. Possibly a slight overstatement. But a culture that doesn’t value its librarians doesn’t value ideas and without ideas, well, where are we? (Related Quotes)
What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is related only to objects and not to individuals, or to life. That art is something which is specialized or which is done by experts who are artists. But couldn’t everyone’s life become a work of art? Why should the lamp or the house be an art object, but not our life? (Related Quotes)
Character isn’t what we think it is or, rather, what we want it to be. It isn’t a stable, easily identifiable set of closely related traits, and it only seems that way because of a glitch in the way our brains are organized. Character is more like a bundle of habits and tendencies and interests, loosely bound together and dependent, at certain times, on circumstance and context (Related Quotes)
No being exists or can exist which is not related to space in some way. God is everywhere, created minds are somewhere, and body is in the space that it occupies; and whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist. And hence it follows that space is an effect arising from the first existence of being, because when any being is postulated, space is postulated (Related Quotes)
It is most necessary to know the nature of the spine. One or more vertebrae may or may not go out of place very much and if they do, they are likely to produce serious complications and even death, if not properly adjusted. Many diseases are related to the spine (Related Quotes)
We cannot look upon our lives as dreams of a dreamer who has no awakening in all time. We have a personality to which matter and force are unmeaning unless related to something infinitely personal, whose nature we have discovered, in some measure, in human love, in the greatness of the good, in the martyrdom of heroic souls, in the ineffable beauty of nature, which can never be a mere physical fact nor anything but an expression of personality (Related Quotes)
Some people consider the practice of love and compassion is only related to religious practice and if they are not interested in religion they neglect these inner values. But love and compassion are qualities that human beings require just to live together (Related Quotes)
In the first quarter of the nineteenth century the experimental proof for the interdependence of the composition and properties of chemical compounds resulted in the theory that they are mutually related, so that like composition governs like properties, and conversely (Related Quotes)
Well, one hopes that if you’re really related to the core of your particular culture, you have profound commitments to it, and that you are aware of how much you can strain it before you do violence to its essential nature (Related Quotes)
The demands are related to their questing of the best possible out of the people concerned. It’s this going for the highest possible factor that I’m very concerned about (Related Quotes)
If you look at music, you see theme, variation, you see symmetry, asymmetry, you see structure, and these are related to skills in the real world (Related Quotes)
Every painting I do is related to the last one: it may be a continuation of a previous painting or it may be a reaction against it (Related Quotes)
It consists entirely of people who are not related by blood, many of whom can’t stand each other (Related Quotes)
I related to his disillusionment. Thinking that he was going for this big dream. Then he kind of saw through it all at one point and went back home. Then he started a bender, which I can relate to of course (Related Quotes)
I can’t think of anyone who is up on evolutionary psychology and related areas who is deluded enough to be called a utopian (Related Quotes)
Learn it well in your head, know it well, pick things you know and bring the old you and all the experience you have from singing these various kinds of feelings that are still related to what I have done in the rest of my career (Related Quotes)
The process of creating is related to the process of dreaming although when you are writing you’re doing it and when you’re dreaming, it’s doing you (Related Quotes)
When it came time to find employment, I set my sights on becoming an engineer at a home electronics manufacturer, a field that was closely related to my major at university (Related Quotes)
Legend has it that every new technology is first used for something related to sex or pornography. That seems to be the way of humankind (Related Quotes)