Relationship Quotes

Text Quotes
I want a guy who takes charge, but lets me have my say once in a while. A good relationship is all about balance and chemistry (Relationship Quotes)
You can change your health, you can change your relationships, you can change your income, you can change anything (Relationship Quotes)
The excellence of every art is its intensity, capable of making all disagreeables evaporate, from their being in close relationship with beauty and truth (Relationship Quotes)
Become alert! Relationship destroys love, destroys the very possibility of its birth (Relationship Quotes)
The greatest investment a young person can make is in their own education, in their own mind. Because money comes and goes. Relationships come and go. But what you learn once stays with you forever (Relationship Quotes)
Patience has nothing to do with suppression. In fact, it has everything to do with a gentle, honest relationship with yourself (Relationship Quotes)
When there is breakdown in a relationship, you must have the hard conversation. It may not be pretty and it may not feel good. But if you are willing to listen and tell the truth, it will open up (Relationship Quotes)
You keep customers by delivering on your promises, fulfilling your commitments and continually investing in the quality of your relationships (Relationship Quotes)
Our relationship to money reflects how we feel about our power to affect the world. Since money is a mirror of our consciousness, the more comfortable we are with being powerful, the more money we are likely to create in our lives (Relationship Quotes)
Relationships never end, because they’re of the mind; only bodies can separate. When you’re missing someone, know it just means that on a soul level they’ve come to visit (Relationship Quotes)
When we’re dealing with money in relationships, when we’re dealing with money in our personal lives, when we’re dealing with money in our families, the flow of money in a family represents the value system under which that family operates (Relationship Quotes)
We have always conducted our relationship privately, and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and coparent, we will be able to continue in the same manner (Relationship Quotes)
Our primary relationship is really with ourselves. Our relationships with other people constantly reflect exactly where we are in the process (Relationship Quotes)
I’m a believer that you accomplish much, much more with direct relationships than by using an intermediary. And that cash you keep in the bank can be the difference between staying alive as a small business, or not (Relationship Quotes)
Yes, gay marriage is about symbolically blessing a relationship, but the larger issue is about transmitting a fundamental message about equality. Gay people should have equality in law everywhere (Relationship Quotes)
Don’t wait to be successful at some future point, have a successful relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you are doing. That is success (Relationship Quotes)
There has always been a strong relationship between music and religion. It is because they both plug directly into the heart and can have real power for good or evil (Relationship Quotes)
Only in relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction, and certainly not in isolation (Relationship Quotes)
Rather than deal with problems in relationships, I’ve always moved on. That’s why I’m one of the very few survivors as a woman, you know (Relationship Quotes)
The rock and roll industry is very incestuous, and we have all been close at one time or another. A lot of beautiful music and a lot of beautiful times came from that. A lot of pain, too, because, inevitably, different relationships broke up (Relationship Quotes)
The worst possible way a relationship can end is when somebody cheats on somebody else (Relationship Quotes)
The amount you laugh in your relationships with others is the true measure of the health of your personality (Relationship Quotes)
Oneness means that as awareness, your relationship with knowing is clean. Then for you to know is for you to be (Relationship Quotes)
The thing that will make the biggest difference to your business, your bank account, your health and your relationships in the next 12 months is your philosophy (Relationship Quotes)
People have to struggle to live and, frequently, to live in an undignified way. One cause of this situation, in my opinion, is in the our relationship with money, and our acceptance of its power over ourselves and our society (Relationship Quotes)
Hold no grudges and practice forgiveness. This is the key to having peace in all your relationships (Relationship Quotes)
The minute you start keeping score, you’re destroying the relationship (Relationship Quotes)
One of the better guarantors of ending up in a good relationship: an advanced capacity to be alone (Relationship Quotes)
Embrace suffering, and you transform your relationship with what causes you to suffer, as well as your relationship with suffering itself (Relationship Quotes)
I have a great pack of female friends, but I also have a lot of guy friends. I believe that platonic relationship is entirely possible (Relationship Quotes)