Relationship Quotes

Text Quotes
No matter where you’re from or what you’ve done, you’re never stuck in a particular circumstance, relationship, or cycle unless you say you are (Relationship Quotes)
A relationship isn’t something that has to be created in a day or perfected in a day. Part of the game is to keep working on it. It’s something that’ll always be just a little flawed (Relationship Quotes)
I don’t know if I want a steady relationship, but I’m terrified of losing you (Relationship Quotes)
It may help us, in those times of trouble, to remember that love is not only about relationship, it is also an affair of the soul (Relationship Quotes)
Relationship is about forgiveness and compromise. It is about balance where one person complements each other (Relationship Quotes)
The relationship between people knot so easily, there needs to be a person skilled at working free the threads. Sometimes, though, the only way to extricate a tangle is to cut it out and start fresh (Relationship Quotes)
Being in a relationship, that’s something you choose. Being friends, that’s something you just are (Relationship Quotes)
Their relationship was built on friendship, and in matters of friendship he was boundlessly loyal. It was a relationship that would survive the harshest test (Relationship Quotes)
I don’t want our relationship to end like this. You’re one of the very few friends I have, and it hurts not being able to see you. When am I going to be able to talk to you? I want you to tell me that much, at least (Relationship Quotes)
The sisters were glad to be together. They had the easy sort of relationship where they didn’t have to speak to be understood (Relationship Quotes)
Really, it had been stupid to expect anything anyway. A few late nights does not a habit, or a relationship, make (Relationship Quotes)
I know this much: that there is objective time, but also subjective time, the kind you wear on the inside of your wrist, next to where the pulse lies. And this personal time, which is the true time, is measured in your relationship to memory (Relationship Quotes)
I had killed our careful relationship by driving my tongue through its heart and pushing it off a cliff (Relationship Quotes)
Because one does not want to be disturbed, to be made uncertain, he establishes a pattern of conduct, of thought, a pattern of relationship to man etc. Then he becomes a slave to the patter and takes the pattern to be the real thing (Relationship Quotes)
Perhaps the depth of love can be calibrated by the number of different selves that are actively involved in a given relationship (Relationship Quotes)
In marriage you are not sacrificing yourself to the other person. You are sacrificing yourself to the relationship (Relationship Quotes)
No one can manipulate anyone else. In any relationship, both parties know what they’re doing. even if one complains later on that they were used (Relationship Quotes)
I’d been fighting for this relationship since the day I first saw his water eyes (Relationship Quotes)
I had never understood what people meant when they said they’d rather be alone if they couldn’t be in the right relationship. Now I got it (Relationship Quotes)
To deem us simply enemies is to lose the true flavor of our relationship. It was more like the two of us entered into a business partnership in order to more efficiently pursue our mutual interest of hating each other (Relationship Quotes)
Why is it that only in the very beginnings of a relationship are you aware of the heat coming from inside a person, of the number of inches you would have to move for your shoulders to brush as if it were an accident? (Relationship Quotes)
The more shared past there is in a relationship, the more present you need to be (Relationship Quotes)
She stays in the same spot, anchored by the profound, desperate loneliness of a bad relationship (Relationship Quotes)
Every last souvenir of the love we had, the prizes and the debris of this relationship, like the glitter in the gutter when the parade has passed, all the everything and whatnot kicked to the curb (Relationship Quotes)
Every relationship has a hard part at the beginning. This is our hard part. It’s not like a puzzle piece where there’s an instant fit. With relationships, you have to shape the pieces on each end before they go perfectly together (Relationship Quotes)
The truth is there ain’t no relationship in the world that doesn’t hit turbulence (Relationship Quotes)
The root of anger is the perception that something has been taken. Something is owed you, and now a debt to debtor relationship has been established (Relationship Quotes)
It was the nature of our relationship to be lusty and emotional, earthy and raw. The trust that held us together also opened us up to each other in ways that made us both vulnerable and dangerous. And it would get worse before it got better (Relationship Quotes)
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that’s why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they’ve really done is they’ve shifted their relationship with time (Relationship Quotes)
Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing (Relationship Quotes)