Relationship Quotes

Text Quotes
When you’re in a relationship, its okay to go out, have fun with friends, party and meet new people. You’re not in prison (Relationship Quotes)
There really isn’t an ideal relationship, its how you deal with the imperfections of the relationship that makes it ideal (Relationship Quotes)
The purpose of your past relationship is for you to realize that you have a better future without it (Relationship Quotes)
I love when people hate on your relationship just because they want what you have (Relationship Quotes)
Sometimes, all a girl wants is for you to fight for her. Make her believe that you may want this relationship more than she does (Relationship Quotes)
Everyone has someone that they regret having a relationship with. Just try not to make the same mistake twice (Relationship Quotes)
Trust, promise, relationship, and heart. When they break, they don’t make noise; but they hurt a lot (Relationship Quotes)
Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband (Relationship Quotes)
In love relationship, the most painful is to love someone but never have courage to let the person know how you feel (Relationship Quotes)
Every relationship has its problems, but what makes it perfect is if you still want to be together when things go wrong (Relationship Quotes)
You don’t need to be in a relationship to be complete. You’re complete because of who you are not because of who you’re with (Relationship Quotes)
As part of my relationship with my wife and my daughter, and we share everything and talk about everything (Relationship Quotes)
The third basic need of a male in a relationship is an attractive woman; for a woman, honesty and openness (Relationship Quotes)
Love isn’t when there are no fights in the relationship, its when once the fight ends, love is still there (Relationship Quotes)
If there’s no jealousy in a relationship then obviously neither of the people care enough to worry about the other (Relationship Quotes)
Don’t look at your past relationships as failures, but rather as opportunities to learn and improve my relationship skills (Relationship Quotes)
The most stressful relationship is being with someone you can’t trust. The lack of trust is a major relationship killer (Relationship Quotes)
Society is the product of relationship, of yours and mine together. If we change in our relationship, society changes (Relationship Quotes)
If you’re in a new relationship, you’re asking for destruction if you’re friends with an ex, or someone you had relations with (Relationship Quotes)
Never sacrifice the happy moments just because of the difficult parts in a relationship. Nobody said it was gonna be easy (Relationship Quotes)
U don’t need to be in a relationship to be a complete person. U’re complete cos of who u are as an individual, not because of who u’re with (Relationship Quotes)
Seeing couples happy makes you wanna be in a relationship but than again its just a joke for people to play with someones heart (Relationship Quotes)
The presence of conflict in your relationship means nothing; the way you deal with conflict means everything. Be wise! (Relationship Quotes)
My father and I had a good relationship, it was very relaxed. He had a lot of humour. He looked a little bit like me, although he had no beard. He had the appearance of a very elegant British-looking man (Relationship Quotes)
The thing is with the media, I have a love-hate relationship with [it]. [Journalists] are only doing their jobs and you can’t get your own way all the time (Relationship Quotes)
The Sun had a good relationship with Frank Bruno. We did lots of interviews. He was a great character, very friendly to the media (Relationship Quotes)
As long as women are in the work force making their own money and decisions, men are going to have to realize that this way of life is here to stay - because it takes two incomes to make it and more now. The sooner you address your style of saving and spending with your mate the better off your relationship will be (Relationship Quotes)
America has a love-hate relationship with celebrity. We love to follow celebrities, but we also love to mock them. And secretly, we believe were better than they are (Relationship Quotes)
Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship based marketing with quantifiable results. When powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management, your company will soon find itself on a journey that leads to new heights of business success (Relationship Quotes)
The intuitive connection children feel with animals can be a tremendous source of joy. The unconditional love received from pets, and the lack of artifice in the relationship, contrast sharply with the much trickier dealings with members of their own species (Relationship Quotes)