Relationship Quotes

Text Quotes
You can have all sorts of relationships, but there’s something with musicians working together where you can have relationship that can just continue to grow in a beautiful way. (Relationship Quotes)
I have a beautiful son, I don’t regret it, I’m very proud of the way that we handle our relationship and the way that we keep our son first and that’s our priority. (Relationship Quotes)
Relationships are beautiful, and it’s wonderful to find someone you can spend time with and share your life with. But there’s also a lot of pressure attached to that. And I think you can’t be in a relationship until you have discovered yourself fully. (Relationship Quotes)
I love children and I love family and I love that interaction. Because I had a really close relationship with my mother, I understand that deep powerful love, and it’s so beautiful. To be a mother to a child is the most brilliant gift; it’s gorgeous. (Relationship Quotes)
I don’t dislike any of my exes. If I took time to form a relationship, it’s gonna hurt when we move on, but are you puttin’ White-Out over all that beautiful time together? That was real time in your life. It’s connected to where you are today. (Relationship Quotes)
Even if a relationship is breakable, it doesn’t mean it isn’t worthwhile, beautiful, and all the things that we look for. (Relationship Quotes)
The dog actors and the relationship they have with their trainers is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever watched happen in front of me. (Relationship Quotes)
I don’t recommend surgery at all. Women’s bodies are beautiful as they are, and I’ve had a love/hate relationship with my breasts my whole life. (Relationship Quotes)
But there’s also a strong emotional core to counterbalance the experimentalism, with some incredibly moving passages around the narrator’s relationship with her (also female) German teacher. It’s beautiful. (Relationship Quotes)
Man is a spiritual being, a soul, and at some period of his life everyone is possessed with an irresistible desire to know his relationship to the Infinite. . . . There is something within him which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world. (Relationship Quotes)
One of the beauties of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ is the very delicate and strange relationship between the two main characters. (Relationship Quotes)
The beauty of a relationship is when you get used to a person; it is not sudden. It is just a process, and you don’t realise when love happens. (Relationship Quotes)
Gratitude helps us love well by keeping us focused on the beauty in our relationship and the person we love. (Relationship Quotes)
This is going to make such a great story: How I nursed a pirate back to health and my love saved him, Miss Ohio said with a contented sigh. And then we can have our own reality show about our relationship. - Beauty Queens (Relationship Quotes)
Except, I think, it’s more about me growing up and becoming an adult that I have this new best-friend type of relationship with my mom. (Relationship Quotes)
When your child stops breathing 60 times a night, you don’t worry about what’s going on next year or even next week. You put aside thoughts about which preschool you’re going to enroll him in and focus on how he’s doing right now. It’s not the Norman Rockwell relationship that you sign on for when becoming a parent. (Relationship Quotes)
I had a very difficult relationship with my mother. She used to wake me up in the middle of the night if I wasn’t sleeping straight and was messing up the sheets. Now when I stay in hotels I sleep so straight they don’t even think I’ve used the bed. (Relationship Quotes)
It’s been nice not having a boyfriend. I could be in a relationship if I wanted to be, but I haven’t finished doing what I’m doing. I like boy, a lot. I’m boy crazy. That hasn’t changed since I was very young. (Relationship Quotes)
Fixing obesity is going to require a change in our modern relationship with food. I’m hopeful that we begin to see a turnaround in this childhood obesity epidemic. (Relationship Quotes)
It takes two to manage the relationship, but it takes one to begin the change (Relationship Quotes)
A relationship ends because you’ve outgrown it. It can begin again because you, as two, can fill the new shape. (Relationship Quotes)
The relationship between me and President Mandela right at the beginning was not a very well-established relationship. It was based on two meetings. (Relationship Quotes)
So China will be having to make some choices as to whose side it wants to be on. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a major improvement in our relationship with them, if they choose correctly. (Relationship Quotes)
Danny and I worked really hard in the beginning of the relationship to find different levels of this couple. (Relationship Quotes)
I know it sounds cliche but I believe in an essential way, it’s very true that being a Christian is having a relationship with God through Christ. (Relationship Quotes)
I love being a dad. Basically it’s the most gratifying, rewarding relationship in life. But, at the same time, it certainly is the most challenging. (Relationship Quotes)
Dictators, unlike Democrats, depend on a small coterie to sustain their power. These backers, generally drawn from the military, the senior civil service, and family or clan members, have a synergistic relationship with their dictator. The dictator delivers opportunities for them to become rich, and they protect him from being overthrown. (Relationship Quotes)
Friendship is a relationship, friendliness is a state of your being. You are simply friendly; to whom, that is not the point. . . (Relationship Quotes)
Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body - meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit. (Relationship Quotes)
The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent. (Relationship Quotes)