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Relationships Quotes

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Oh Christ! Yet another reason I didn't do relationships; women and their infinite need to talk when silence would do just as well  (Relationships Quotes) It amazes me that filmmakers will still film, and audiences will still watch, relationships so bankrupt of human feeling that the characters could be reading dialogue written by a computer  (Relationships Quotes) When we believe something, we assume we are right about it to the point that we will destroy relationships in order to defend our position  (Relationships Quotes) Once you decide not to worry about that stuff anymore, dating and relationships and love and all that, it's like you're free to get on with real life  (Relationships Quotes) class is more than income - it has to do with knowing where you stand in a web of social relationships  (Relationships Quotes) So when I write characters and situations and relationships, I try to sort of utilize what I know about the world, limited as it is, and what I hear from my friends and see with my relatives  (Relationships Quotes) I would like to do another piece of fiction dealing with a number of issues: lesbian parenting, the 1960's, and interracial relationships in the lesbian and gay community  (Relationships Quotes) We should teach general ethics to both men and women, but sexual relationships themselves must not be policed. Sex, like the city streets, would be risk - free only in totalitarian regimes  (Relationships Quotes) I had lost relationships with my dad, my brother and sister and I was just like, you know what, this is definitely the time to just get it together and so that's what I did  (Relationships Quotes) When violence becomes imbedded in a region, then this affects everything. It affects your dreams, your fantasies and relationships, and your religion becomes violent, too  (Relationships Quotes) It is love and friendship, the sanctity and celebration of our relationships, that not only support a good life, but create one. Through friendships, we spark and inspire one another's ambitions  (Relationships Quotes) Poems ought to reflect the work the poet does, and his relationships with other people, and family, and institutions, and organization  (Relationships Quotes) Mary Tyler Moore was a working woman whose story lines were not always about dating and men. They were about work friendships and relationships, which is what I feel my adult life has mostly been about  (Relationships Quotes) I really think that there was a great advantage in many ways to being a woman. I think we are a lot better at personal relationships, and then have the capability obviously of telling it like it is when it's necessary  (Relationships Quotes) The attitude of insolent haughtiness is characteristic of the relationships Americans form with what is alien to them, with others  (Relationships Quotes) Creative people don't behave very well generally. If you're looking for examples of good relationships in show business, you're gonna be depressed real fast. I don't have time for anything else right now but work and my daughter. She's my first priority  (Relationships Quotes) It's easier to write from my own life, and it's also more fun. I always write about relationships, for instance, whether they're romantic relationships, friendships, encounters. There's always a lesson to be learned from them  (Relationships Quotes) A cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: you cannot continuously improve interdependent systems and processes until you progressively perfect interdependent, interpersonal relationships  (Relationships Quotes) But once you are in that field, emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job  (Relationships Quotes) I have relationships with people I'm working with, based on our combined interest. It doesn't make the relationship any less sincere, but it does give it a focus that may not last beyond the experience  (Relationships Quotes) Most of my relationships were people in the business. Having said that, me and Tim don't really talk that much about work. He comes into my bit of the house every so often to vent but we don't really have very high, cultured conversations  (Relationships Quotes) For this reason, the expansion of relations with all countries is on the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I mean balanced relationships, based on mutual respect and observation of each other's rights  (Relationships Quotes) It became very clear to the director that it would be foolish not to use our friendship. I had tried to talk to him about it because all the relationships in the film are so, not negative, but antagonistic. There's not a lot of love going around  (Relationships Quotes) I have a terrific marriage, but unlike a lot of relationships where they ebb and flow, no matter what happens you fall deeper and deeper in love every day. It's kind of the best thing that can happen to you. It's thrilling  (Relationships Quotes) Many of the mainstream agricultural scientists, especially at the agricultural schools, but at all of our major universities, are tied into all sorts of contractual relationships and consulting relationships with the life science companies  (Relationships Quotes) Color is a plastic means of creating intervals. Color harmonics produced by special relationships, or tensions. We differentiate now between formal tensions and color tensions, just as we differentiate in music between counterpoint and harmony  (Relationships Quotes) When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships  (Relationships Quotes) Most of my relationships have been like that - with record companies. I've never had a legitimate business relationship with a company. I've always had a personal relationship with someone in the company  (Relationships Quotes) Our fans want us to be happy and if that means being married or having a girlfriend, they are okay with that. Of course, in this industry it is a bit harder to have normal relationships, but it is possible  (Relationships Quotes) Here's how men think. Sex, work - and those are reversible, depending on age - sex, work, food, sports, and lastly, begrudgingly, relationships. and here's how women think. Relationships, relationships, relationships, work, sex, shopping, weight, food  (Relationships Quotes)
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