Relationships Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve had a very unique path that’s different from everybody else’s. I was never a dater. I never went out that much. I’ve always had long-distance relationships. And, everything has come very fast in my life. I haven’t waited for much. (Relationships Quotes)
...the measure of life is revealed in the quality of our relationships: with God, our families, our fellow men. - A Perfect Day by Richard Paul Evans (Relationships Quotes)
When you work alongside somebody day in and day out, the relationships tend to be wonderful: they’re lifelong. (Relationships Quotes)
Rather than deal with problems in relationships, I’ve always moved on. That’s why I’m one of the very few survivors as a woman, you know. (Relationships Quotes)
Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support. (Relationships Quotes)
Cause at the end of the day, honestly, at the end of the day when you’re in your death bed and that’s it, I think it’s the relationships you’ve had and the people that you’ve touched and the people that have touched you that matter. (Relationships Quotes)
When my son was growing up, I was always guilty, no matter what I did. Make decisions and be happy with the decisions you’ve made. I tell myself, in the long run, it’s the love, the quality of relationships that you have with your family, your friends and giving back to the community that matters. (Relationships Quotes)
This is what we desire in intimate relationships but this deep connection is often so frightful that most do not take advantage of the opportunities presented for honesty. (Relationships Quotes)
Lithium prevents my seductive but disastrous highs, diminishes my depressions, clears out the wool and webbing from my disordered thinking, slows me down, gentles me out, keeps me from ruining my career and relationships, keeps me out of a hospital, alive, and makes psychotherapy possible. (Relationships Quotes)
There isn’t anybody out there who doesn’t have a mental health issue, whether it’s depression, anxiety, or how to cope with relationships. Having OCD is not an embarrassment anymore - for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help. (Relationships Quotes)
Most mental health professionals, including clinicians and researchers, endorse the deficit theory. They’re convinced that we wage war simply because we don’t know how to make love. We desperately want loving, satisfying relationships but lack the skills we need to develop them. (Relationships Quotes)
I think the only real knowledge I had before I went to Iowa was what I learned from ‘Food Inc’. But once I got there and developed these extensive relationships with the farmers, I realized that we’re basically made of corn. (Relationships Quotes)
Success is not only the financial wealth you accumulate, it is also about being a leader, improving your relationships, living healthfully, and making a real difference in the world. (Relationships Quotes)
There are so many different kinds of relationships, so it’s sort of difficult to define what is considered normal. (Relationships Quotes)
Different people have different ways of defining, living and maintaining relationships. Your way is not the only right way, it is merely your way. As far as right way is concerned, there isn’t any. It is all about different opinions and perceptions. (Relationships Quotes)
I mean really wonderful. In teaching. Personal epiphanies. About life. About different perspectives-help with different perspectives that you have. You know what I mean? Relationships to nature. Relationships with the self. With other people. With events. (Relationships Quotes)
I understand that words can mean different things to different people, and, further, that people can have different relationships with complex abstract entities such as Buddhism. To me, anyway, the entity in my life that conflicts with my creativity is Buddhism. (Relationships Quotes)
In my early twenties, I had no idea who I was. And I think that’s one reason you should try different relationships. I’ve had good and bad ones, but I took away things from them that helped me become who I am. (Relationships Quotes)
With relationships, I’ve been through a lot of different situations with different people, and I write about it. (Relationships Quotes)
Work is a different type of pursuit than relationships. You can’t take the skills that you know that have gotten you into that great school or into that great job and apply them to your relationships. (Relationships Quotes)
Sometimes I feel like relationships consist of telling your same life stories to different people until someone finally appreciates them. (Relationships Quotes)
I’m just learning who I am and how relationships work and how to make them function. No different from anyone else. (Relationships Quotes)
Sex in general, for me, is a lot of different aspects of humanity, not just my relationships. It’s my relationship to myself and my body. (Relationships Quotes)
Miramax can buy a small independent movie that isn’t very good, but because it has great relationships with different theaters, it can get into a big theater. (Relationships Quotes)
Everyone’s relationships are very different, and very specific. I guess that’s why there are people that like to watch this show [Suits]. It’s not all the same. (Relationships Quotes)
I think the most difficult love begins with one’s self. How you treat yourself is something you bring to your relationships. (Relationships Quotes)
My experience is that relationships can be difficult, hard work. I love to be in a relationship. (Relationships Quotes)
It’s very difficult to judge relationships from the outside. You never know what happens in intimate moments with two people to know why they really support and love each other. (Relationships Quotes)
It’s hard to communicate anything exactly and that’s why perfect relationships between people are difficult to find. (Relationships Quotes)
A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, presents the most opportunity for the soul’s growth. (Relationships Quotes)