Relieve Quotes

Text Quotes
He could find no cure for his grief; but he did know that continued occupation would relieve him, and therefore he occupied himself continually (Relieve Quotes)
As long as the sky exists and as long as there are sentient beings, may I remain to help relieve them of all their pain (Relieve Quotes)
When they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian (Relieve Quotes)
My kids say if there's any family dinner that doesn't result in somebody crying, it's not a good dinner. They cry because it helps relieve them of a guilt or some onerous emotional burden. It's like a family tradition (Relieve Quotes)
I never write a book unless I can’t help it. Something has to bother me, like a mosquito, until I have to do something to relieve the itch (Relieve Quotes)
Compassion is a call, a demand of nature, to relieve the unhappy as hunger is a natural call for food (Relieve Quotes)
Perhaps one of the only positive pieces of advice that I was ever given was that supplied by an old courtier who observed: Only two rules really count. Never miss an opportunity to relieve yourself; never miss a chance to sit down and rest your feet (Relieve Quotes)
Putting a little time aside for clean fun and good humor is very necessary to relieve the tensions of our time (Relieve Quotes)
Serious poetry deals with the fundamental conflicts that cannot be logically resolved: we can state the conflicts rationally, but reason does not relieve us of them (Relieve Quotes)
Some tribes of birds will relieve and rear up the young and helpless, of their own and other tribes, when abandoned (Relieve Quotes)
I think health care is more about love than about most other things. If there isn’t at the core of this two human beings who have agreed to be in a relationship where one is trying to help relieve the suffering of another, which is love, you can’t get to the right answer here (Relieve Quotes)
In the housing projects, people talked of ways to reduce crime, relieve overcrowding, and they were good ideas that we plan to study, and possibly implement (Relieve Quotes)
People who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government (Relieve Quotes)
Try to help others. Consult their weaknesses, relieve their maladies; strive to raise them up, and by so doing you will most effectually raise yourself up also (Relieve Quotes)
We already know that anonymous letters are despicable. In etiquette, as well as in law, hiring a hit man to do the job does not relieve you of responsibility (Relieve Quotes)
True humanity consists not in a squeamish ear; it consists not in starting or shrinking at tales of misery, but in a disposition of heart to relieve it. True humanity appertains rather to the mind than to the nerves, and prompts men to use real and active endeavors to execute the actions which it suggests (Relieve Quotes)
The mad sometimes drilled holes in their own heads to let the demons out. To relieve the pressure of thoughts they could no longer bear. Jude understood the impulse. Each beat of his heart was a fresh and staggering blow felt in the nerves behind his eyes and in his temples. Punishing evidence of life (Relieve Quotes)
Perhaps love is a minor madness. And as with madness, it’s unendurable alone. The one person who can relieve us is of course the sole person we cannot go to: the one we love. So instead we seek out allies, even among strangers and wives, fellow patients who, if they can’t touch the edge of our particular sorrow, have felt something that cuts nearly as deep (Relieve Quotes)
Meditation did not relieve me of my anxiety so much as flesh it out. It took my anxious response to the world, about which I felt a lot of confusion and shame, and let me understand it more completely. Perhaps the best way to phrase it is to say that meditation showed me that the other side of anxiety is desire. They exist in relationship to each other, not independently (Relieve Quotes)
Sometimes, to relieve stress, he would soak his feet in the toilet, a practice that was not as soothing for his collegues (Relieve Quotes)
Studies show that aggressively expressing anger doesn’t relieve anger but amplifies it. On the other hand, not expressing anger often allows it to disappear without leaving ugly traces (Relieve Quotes)
Solutions and technologies exist to provide clean, affordable drinking water anywhere in the world. These solutions will save lives, reduce financial burdens, foster peace, and relieve millions of people from worrying about their next drink of water (Relieve Quotes)
If the portraits of our absent friends are pleasant to us, which renew our memory of them and relieve our regret for their absence by a false and empty consolation, how much more pleasant are letters which bring us the written characters of the absent friend (Relieve Quotes)
The venerable dead are waiting in my library to entertain me and relieve me from the nonsense of surviving mortals (Relieve Quotes)
The task of resisting our own oppression does not relieve us of the responsibility of acknowledging our complicity in the oppression of others (Relieve Quotes)
To say that it is not our fault does not relieve us of responsibility. However, we may not have polluted the air, but we need to take responsibility, along with others, for cleaning it up. Each of us needs to look at our own behavior. Am I perpetuating and reinforcing the negative messages so pervasive in our culture, or am I seeking to challenge them? (Relieve Quotes)
You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it canhelp you heal, relieve stress, and find emotional freedom (Relieve Quotes)
Telling takes away the need to write. It relieves the pressure. And once that tension dissipates, so does the need to relieve it. First write it, then we’ll talk about it (Relieve Quotes)
Compassion is ethical intelligence: it is the capacity to make connections and the consequent urge to act to relieve the suffering of others (Relieve Quotes)
Only by understanding the wisdom of natural foods and their effects on the body, shall we attain mastery of disease and pain, which shall enable us to relieve the burden of mankind (Relieve Quotes)