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Religion And Faith Quotes

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Science and religion are in full accord, but science and faith are in complete discord  (Religion And Faith Quotes) My family is just an amazing melting pot of wonderful religions and faiths  (Religion And Faith Quotes) I had not found a new religion but I had found a new faith  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Revealed religion first informed thy sight, and reason saw not till faith sprung to light  (Religion And Faith Quotes) The faith of religion is belief on insufficient evidence  (Religion And Faith Quotes) I’m not a practice religion freak. I didn’t grow up in a religious family, but I have a faith.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) THEOSOPHY, n. An ancient faith having all the certitude of religion and all the mystery of science  (Religion And Faith Quotes) When you run a company, you need to be pretty open-minded. There are a lot of different views on faith, on religion, on many different issues, and you can’t let your own faith be the barometer  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Campaigning against religion can be socially counter-productive. If teachers take the uncompromising line that God and Darwinism are irreconcilable, many young people raised in a faith-based culture will stick with their religion and be lost to science  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Religion deals with beliefs and faith, but science deals with truth and facts  (Religion And Faith Quotes) That religion and that nation will be blotted out of the face of the earth which pins its faith on injustice, untruth or violence.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Christianity teaches salvation by grace through faith, every other religion teaches salvation through works and merit.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) We are a people of many different religions and many different faiths. The only way forward in a pluralistic society of diverse faiths such as ours is to have laws that protect and respect the freedom of all, equally.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) There’s no guarantee of disaster-free in any world religion,but love, faith and knowledge give men hope and willpower.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) It’s a very different thing, religion and faith. Religion is man-made, it’s man-regulated. And faith, you can define God as you wish. But I think they’re two different things  (Religion And Faith Quotes) To use ones religion as a rationalization for lack of financial success demeans that faith  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Khomeini has offered us the opportunity to regain our frail religion ... faith in the power of words.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) I’m not particularly into the formal, political side of faith, although I am spiritual and I do have a faith. But ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ is my religion.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) I wish that I myself did have faith in God, that I had a religion, sometimes. But not always.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Americans understand we fight not a religion; ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) If religion comprises rules you follow, faith is demonstrated by the actions you take  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Men can be attracted but not forced to the faith. You may drive people to baptism, (but) you won’t move them one step further in religion  (Religion And Faith Quotes) The word ‘religion’ is only a label. What lies behind that, the most important thing of all, is the word ‘faith’. You either have faith, or you don’t have faith, or you have degrees of faith - and if you have degrees of faith, then you become agnostic. You’re kind of in-between, or you’re on the fence.  (Religion And Faith Quotes) The man who tries to prove his belief superior to the faith of another, does not know the meaning of religion  (Religion And Faith Quotes) I hold that religion and faith are two different things  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Democracy is itself, a religious faith. For some it comes close to being the only formal religion they have  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Religion indeed enlightens, terrifies, subdues; it gives faith, it inflicts remorse, it inspires resolutions, it draws tears, it inflames devotion, but only for the occasion  (Religion And Faith Quotes) In its more authoritarian forms, religion punishes questioning and rewards gullibility. Faith is not a function of stupidity, but a frequent cause of it  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Developing love and compassion and reducing anger and spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever  (Religion And Faith Quotes) Christianity is the only system of faith which combines religious beliefs with corresponding principles of morality. It builds ethics on religion  (Religion And Faith Quotes)
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