Religion is no friend to laziness and stupidity, or to supine and sottish despondencies of mind

Religion is no friend to laziness and stupidity, or to supine and sottish despondencies of mind
Jeremy Taylor, a prominent theologian and writer in the 17th century, believed that religion was not a friend to laziness and stupidity, or to supine and sottish despondencies of mind. Taylor's views on religion and its impact on individuals' attitudes and behaviors are still relevant today.Taylor argued that religion should inspire individuals to strive for excellence and to constantly seek knowledge and understanding. He believed that laziness and stupidity were antithetical to the principles of religion, as they hindered individuals from fulfilling their potential and serving a higher purpose. Taylor saw religion as a force that should motivate individuals to work hard, to be diligent in their pursuits, and to constantly seek self-improvement.
Furthermore, Taylor believed that religion should not be used as an excuse for inaction or complacency. He rejected the idea that individuals should passively accept their circumstances or resign themselves to a life of despair. Instead, Taylor believed that religion should empower individuals to overcome challenges and to face adversity with courage and resilience. He saw religion as a source of strength and inspiration, rather than a crutch for the weak-willed.
Taylor also emphasized the importance of intellectual engagement and critical thinking in matters of faith. He believed that religion should not be blindly accepted, but should be subject to rigorous examination and inquiry. Taylor encouraged individuals to question their beliefs, to seek out knowledge and understanding, and to engage in thoughtful reflection on matters of spirituality and morality.