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Religion Quotes

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Pound notes are the best religion in the world  (Religion Quotes) There is a world of practical religion in simply being considerate of others  (Religion Quotes) Religion is an illusion of childhood, outgrown under proper education  (Religion Quotes) When you get to mixing sex and religion, it will make anybody crazy  (Religion Quotes) Freedom requires religion like a slug requires salt  (Religion Quotes) Religion can only dream to do what science and art does every day  (Religion Quotes) The intersection of religion and world politics has often been a bloody crossroads  (Religion Quotes) Every religion in the world that has destroyed people is based on love  (Religion Quotes) Religion is born out of questions, not answers  (Religion Quotes) I’m not sure about anything as far as religion and spirituality go  (Religion Quotes) There is nothing more unnatural to religion than contentions about it  (Religion Quotes) For good people to do evil things, it takes religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion has always been the wound, not the bandage  (Religion Quotes) Religion is behavior and not mere belief  (Religion Quotes) If a religion does not teach love, respect, and regard for others, it cannot be the religion of humanity  (Religion Quotes) That cannot be a true religion which needs carnal weapons to uphold it  (Religion Quotes) I’m interested in spirituality and in religion and our relationship to the divine  (Religion Quotes) Americans know more about religion than almost any other topic  (Religion Quotes) Religion is a light in the fog  (Religion Quotes) I think it’s more difficult to live without a religion, definitely  (Religion Quotes) Judaism was not a religion but a law  (Religion Quotes) I’m very passionate about philosophy and religion  (Religion Quotes) One nationality supresses another. One religion claimsto be the exclusive way to truth or God  (Religion Quotes) The only foundation for useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion and science look at reality differently  (Religion Quotes) My religion is not deceiving myself  (Religion Quotes) Atheism thrives on bad religion  (Religion Quotes) There is no right religion, and no one can prove that there is  (Religion Quotes) Meat eating and a compassionate religion do not go hand in hand  (Religion Quotes) True love is like religion. It is full of devotion and free of doubt  (Religion Quotes)
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