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Religion Quotes

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The difference between religion and science is the difference between thoughtless certainty and thoughtful doubt  (Religion Quotes) Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion is an important institution. A nation without religion cannot survive  (Religion Quotes) Baseball is religion without the mischief  (Religion Quotes) Hypocrisy is oftenest clothed in the garb of religion  (Religion Quotes) Never have hatred toward any religion  (Religion Quotes) It is true that every artist has his own religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion without art is a dead system of dogmas which have no effect on life  (Religion Quotes) Anthroposophie is not a religion but a tool for understanding of religions  (Religion Quotes) Make creativity your religion... because creating is soulful work  (Religion Quotes) The strongest part of a religion today is its unconscious poetry  (Religion Quotes) Religion can be condensed in a single phrase: total freedom to be oneself  (Religion Quotes) Her profession’s her religion, her sin is lifelessness  (Religion Quotes) Magic and religion are ultimately experiential in nature and should be treated as such  (Religion Quotes) Monotheism is but imperialism in religion  (Religion Quotes) A society of atheists would immediately invent a religion  (Religion Quotes) Let us then blend everything: love, religion, genius, with sunshine, perfume, music, and poetry  (Religion Quotes) Herbalism is a religion of nature, representing a balance of head and heart  (Religion Quotes) Freedom is a new religion, the religion of our time  (Religion Quotes) Religion is what a man does with his solitariness  (Religion Quotes) Maximize that which gives you joy: friends, hobbies, religion, etc  (Religion Quotes) Times change: it was once the custom to take a bath weekly and religion daily  (Religion Quotes) Religion would save a man; Christ would make him worth saving  (Religion Quotes) Not believing in anything is also a religion  (Religion Quotes) No religion knows the truth. Only he or she who lives it knows  (Religion Quotes) The taming and domestication of religion is one of the unceasing chores of civilization  (Religion Quotes) If you have a sloppy religion you get a sloppy atheism  (Religion Quotes) Religion is by no means a proper subject of conversation in a mixed company  (Religion Quotes) Bring a vampire around, people start discovering religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion lies in being and becoming, in realization  (Religion Quotes)
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