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Religion Quotes

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Religion believes in miracles, but these aren’t compatible with science  (Religion Quotes) Religion gets its morality from us. We don’t get our morality from religion  (Religion Quotes) A religion that cannot stand a little laughter must be a very rotten one  (Religion Quotes) The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticise others  (Religion Quotes) If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, it is not worth anything  (Religion Quotes) My principal objections to orthodox religion are two: slavery here and hell hereafter  (Religion Quotes) Many people have just enough natural religion to make them immune to the real thing  (Religion Quotes) A sense of humor, properly developed, is superior to any religion so far devised  (Religion Quotes) Religion is not and can not be all encompassing identity of an individual  (Religion Quotes) Superstition may be defined as constructive religion which has grown incongruous with intelligence  (Religion Quotes) Truth, in the matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived  (Religion Quotes) Philosophy, is the talk on a cereal box. Religion, is a smile on a dog  (Religion Quotes) Nothing short of religion could persuade a normal girl to make herself look so awful  (Religion Quotes) Religion isn’t always pretty. Especially viewed from the outside, by an unbeliever  (Religion Quotes) No one in my family disbelieved in religion, and no one disbelieved in evolution, either  (Religion Quotes) If your religion does not change you, then you had better change your religion  (Religion Quotes) I feel very strongly about souls who are misguiding people in the name of religion  (Religion Quotes) Granted, religion is wishful thinking, but there is no other kind of thinking  (Religion Quotes) Some men, under the notion of weeding out prejudices, eradicate virtue, honesty, and religion  (Religion Quotes) The test of a religion or philosophy is the number of things it can explain  (Religion Quotes) Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference which is, at least, half infidelity  (Religion Quotes) Success is like war and like charity in religion, it covers a multitude of sins  (Religion Quotes) Religion crowns the statesman and the man, sole source of public and of private peace  (Religion Quotes) Sincerity is the indispensable ground of all conscientiousness, and by consequence of all heartfelt religion  (Religion Quotes) Instinct harmonizes the interior of animals, as religion does the interior of men  (Religion Quotes) Ceremony and great professing renders friendships as much suspected as it does religion  (Religion Quotes) Communism, like any other revealed religion, is largely made up of prophecies  (Religion Quotes) How can you tell when a political ideology has become the equivalent of a religion?  (Religion Quotes) Selfishness is the only real atheism; aspiration, unselfishness, the only real religion  (Religion Quotes) Whoever seeks to set one religion against another seeks to destroy all religion  (Religion Quotes)
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