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Religion Quotes

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I was aware, in those early days of motherhood, that my behaviour was strange to the people who knew me well. It was as though I had been brainwashed, taken over by a cult religion. And yet this cult, motherhood, was not a place where I could actually live. Like any cult, it demanded a complete surrender of identity to belong to it  (Religion Quotes) Imagine a civilisation that’s way in advance of us wants to communicate with us, and assist us in our development. The information we provide to them must reflect our highest aspirations and ideals, and not just be some crazy person’s bizarre politics or religion  (Religion Quotes) Someone once told me that religion is like a knife: You can stab someone with it, or you can slice bread with it  (Religion Quotes) We’re all sick of holy wars and bloodshed because religion is supposed to give us life and a better life and is supposed to bring out our best self. When it results in mass destruction and hatred and anxiety, it’s the antithesis I think of what religion was designed to do  (Religion Quotes) There’s a couple things you don’t talk about in life, and that’s race, religion and politics. I try to make sure I don’t talk about politics at all  (Religion Quotes) When people discuss religion, it is a pity that they often become excited and argue. We should merely listen, as one does on a dark night; we should merely gaze at the stars  (Religion Quotes) I think it’s imperative to have faith or religion, because it’s good to have morals, to be kind to others  (Religion Quotes) While nobody has identified any gene for religion, there are certainly some candidate genes that may influence human personality and confer a tendency to religious feelings. Some of the genes likely to be involved are those which control levels of different chemicals called neurotransmitters in the brain  (Religion Quotes) Religion doesn’t make people bigots. People are bigots and they use religion to justify their ideology  (Religion Quotes) I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap  (Religion Quotes) I’m personally a nonbeliever, so I’m struggling with if we really need religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion may have become a codification of morality, and it may fortify it, but it’s not the origin of it  (Religion Quotes) The idea of entrepreneurship applies as much in politics, religion, society and the arts as it does in business  (Religion Quotes) I believe the world of the spirit is in general greatly neglected and not at all served by the practice of faith as we know it, because religion isn’t individual enough  (Religion Quotes) Our politics, religion, news, athletics, education and commerce have been transformed into congenial adjuncts of show business, largely without protest or even much popular notice. The result is that we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death  (Religion Quotes) If I believe in anything, it is in the dark night of the soul. Awe is my religion, and mystery is its church  (Religion Quotes) With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion  (Religion Quotes) Religion hinges upon faith, politics hinges upon who can tell the most convincing lies or maybe just shout the loudest, but science hinges upon whether its conclusions resembe what actually happens  (Religion Quotes) What yesterday was still religion is no longer such today; and what today is athesim, tomorrow will be religion  (Religion Quotes) There are many sources of spirituality; religion may be the most common, but it is by no means the only. Anything that generates a sense of awe may be a source of spirituality. Science does this in spades  (Religion Quotes) Lies are the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the God of the free man  (Religion Quotes) Full sexual consciousness and a natural regulation of sexual life mean the end of mystical feelings of any kind. In other words, natural sexuality is the deadly enemy of mystical religion. The church, by making the fight over sexuality the center of its dogmas and of its influence over the masses, confirms this concept  (Religion Quotes) To wipe off the froth of falsehood from the foaming lips of inebriated virtue, when fresh from the sexless orgies of morality and reeling from the delirious riot of religion, may doubtless be a charitable office  (Religion Quotes) He that has doctrinal knowledge and speculation only, without affection, never is engaged in the business of religion  (Religion Quotes) The most elementary of good manners... at a social gathering one does not bring up the subject of personalities, sad topics or unfortunate facts, religion, or politics  (Religion Quotes) My religion is nature. That’s what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me  (Religion Quotes) I wonder if children don’t begin to reject both poetry and religion for similar reasons, because the way both are taught takes the life out of them  (Religion Quotes) Political freedom cannot exist in any land where religion controls the state, and religious freedom cannot exist in any land where the state controls religion  (Religion Quotes) A ruler who needs religion to help him rule is a weakling. No weakling should rule  (Religion Quotes) In art, religion, and politics the respect must be mutual, no matter how violent the disagreement  (Religion Quotes)
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