Religions Quotes

Text Quotes
Do not worry in the least about yourself, leave all worry to God this appears to be the commandment in all religions. (Religions Quotes)
The sovereignty of scriptures of all religions must come to an end if we want to have a united integrated modern India. (Religions Quotes)
I believe what I practice has to do with something deeper than religion, that it embodies all religions, including Judaism. And Christianity. And Islam. (Religions Quotes)
I think there are fundamentalists all over the world. I think all religions have fundamentalists who have different interpretations of scriptures that are very vague. (Religions Quotes)
Reading, reflection and time have convinced me that the interests of society require the observation of those moral precepts only in which all religions agree. (Religions Quotes)
In the end, it is conscience that will have the last word, stronger than all strategies, all ideologies and also all religions.... Peace is still possible... (Religions Quotes)
I think the real understanding comes when we recognize our humanity in each other. That’s not just between blacks and whites. That’s between all religions as well. (Religions Quotes)
We need to agree on common values for all religions as soon as possible, a kind of secular Ten Commandments on which we will build the world of tomorrow. (Religions Quotes)
Forming a new world religion is difficult and not particularly desirable. However, in that love is essential to all religions, one could speak of the universal religion of love. (Religions Quotes)
People sometimes ask me , what religion are you ? I always answer by saying, ‘’i am a little part of all religions and and a big part of no religion (Religions Quotes)
My religious reading has long been confined to the moral branch of religion, which is the same in all religions; while in that branch which consists of dogmas, all differ[. (Religions Quotes)
I was born Jewish, and I consider that my religion. But I’ve studied all religions, and as you learn more, you really learn that everyone’s praying to the same God. (Religions Quotes)
I concluded that all religions had the same foundation - a belief in the supernatural - a power above nature that man could influence by worship - by sacrifice and prayer. (Religions Quotes)
A residual sea of symbols which is shared by all mankind, usually accessed through dreams or altered states, and from which cultures draw images on which to found their religions. (Religions Quotes)
We’re a Muslim family, but we’re also very cultured and we have a mixture of different religions. For example, my brother-in-law is Catholic, and my sister converted and my nephews are baptized. I have an uncle who just graduated and currently he’s a priest. (Religions Quotes)
The title ‘Now He Sings, Now He Sobs’ comes from ‘I Ching,’ an ancient Chinese book that I was into in the 60s when I was studying different philosophies and religions. (Religions Quotes)
The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity. (Religions Quotes)
Angels, demons, spirits, wizards, gods and witches have peppered folk religions since mankind first started telling stories. (Religions Quotes)
All great religions have rightly regarded kama as the arch-enemy of man, anger or hatred coming only in the second place. (Religions Quotes)
Religions in general have to rediscover their roots. In Hinduism and the Koran, animals are described as equals. If you walk into a cathedral and look at the decorations of early Christianity, there are vines, animals, creatures and birds thriving all over the stonework. (Religions Quotes)
I said I didn’t respect religion... and anyone who believes in fairy tales to answer questions that we can’t answer... So I don’t respect our religions either. But I do believe it is a clash of civilizations, absolutely, between the Islamic world and the Western world. It has been going on for 1,000 years. (Religions Quotes)
I have many friends of other religions, and I am satisfied that they are very conscientious, good people who are trying to do good. I appreciate that. (Religions Quotes)
I think we are evolving rapidly into one world culture. It’s certainly one world economy. With billions of people online, I think we’ll appreciate the wisdom in many different traditions as we learn more about them. People were very isolated and didn’t know anything about other religions 100 years ago. (Religions Quotes)
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. (Religions Quotes)
I don’t think people by nature are extremists. You will never find a population of extremists. Extremists have existed throughout the centuries on all religions. And what happens is, extremists start to have more leverage when the situation is bad. (Religions Quotes)
When I was young, I used to go to Baha’i camp, and they taught me a lot about the equality of religions. (Religions Quotes)
They [muslims] are chopping off heads in Syria. Christianity is under siege. I’m Protestant, Presbyterian, and I’m proud of it. Other religions frankly are banding together, we need to band together. (Religions Quotes)
All religions must be made child-proof. Our teachers’ unions have done good work in this field, K through 12. Delaying first communions and bar mitzvahs until age 21 would be another positive step. (Religions Quotes)
I guess if people all followed the basic principles of their own religions, they would love everybody instead of hating half the world. (Religions Quotes)
Do not be victim of life-negative religions. Be respectful to life, love and beauty. (Religions Quotes)