Religions Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve spent the last 50 years or so steeping myself in the world’s religions, and I’ve done my homework. I’ve gone to each of the world’s eight great religions and sought out the most profound scholars I could find, and I’ve apprenticed myself to them and actually practiced each faith (Religions Quotes)
The student of biology is often struck with the feeling that historians, when dealing with the rise and fall of nations, do not generally view the phenomena from a sufficiently high biological standpoint. To me, at least, they seem to attach too much importance to individual rulers and soldiers, and to particular wars, policies, religions, and customs; while at the same time they make little attempt to extract the fundamental causes of national success or failure (Religions Quotes)
Americans have always welcomed people of all backgrounds, religions, and races. It’s a spirit of tolerance, now energized and amplified by the cult of multiculturalism (Religions Quotes)
The fools of the world have been those who have established religions, ceremonies, laws, faith, rule of life (Religions Quotes)
My religion enables me, obliges me to imbibe all that is good in all the great religions of the earth (Religions Quotes)
Each of us has the choice to attend the church we want to, or none at all. Separation of church and state allows for religions to have their own set of rules as to whom they will accept and who they won’t, and the practices they support and the ones they don’t. They will continue to be able to do so (Religions Quotes)
Religions are the exponents of the highest comprehension of life... within a given age in a given society... a basis for evaluating human sentiments. If feelings bring people nearer to the religion’s ideal... they are good; if these estrange them from it, and oppose it, they are bad (Religions Quotes)
True piety for the universe but no time for religions made for man’s convenience (Religions Quotes)
Idiosyncratic belief systems which are shared by only a few adherents are likely to be regarded as delusional. Belief systems which may be just as irrational but which are shared by millions are called world religions (Religions Quotes)
Enlightened teachers are not logical. They don’t function from levels that are understandable to the human mind. They’re not religious. Religions form around them, usually after they’ve died (Religions Quotes)
Many religions over the years have suggested that when a woman is menstruating, she should be avoided and not touched (Religions Quotes)
You must love beyond the difference of all religions, all nations, and all races. You are originally one (Religions Quotes)
The most important thing is to know how to awaken in the still undeveloped masses an intelligent attitude towards religious questions and an intelligent criticism of religions (Religions Quotes)
I do believe that the original sources of all religions should be taught, because with that we will find our similarities, not just our differences (Religions Quotes)
People have fought in vain about the names and lives of their saviors, and have named their religions after the name of their savior, instead of uniting with each other in the truth that is taught (Religions Quotes)
All this bit about angels and all the different religions, it’s based on something. I think anything’s possible. I believe in everything until it’s disproved (Religions Quotes)
One of the world’s great religions - which has more than 1.4 billion adherents - somehow sanctions genocide, planned genocide, as part of its religious doctrine (Religions Quotes)
Relativism poses as freedom but it is just another form of tyranny: You must believe that all religions are equal because we say they are. You must agree with us that everything is relative, or we will punish you (Religions Quotes)
All religions try to benefit people, with the same basic message of the need for love and compassion, for justice and honesty, for contentment (Religions Quotes)
Religions have approved themselves; they have ministered to sundry vital needs which they found reigning. When they violated other needs too strongly, or when other faiths came which served the same needs better, the first religions were supplanted (Religions Quotes)
Respecting religions is not simply a question of universal tolerance; it is a question of believing that all religions are true (Religions Quotes)
Honor the tradition but expand the understanding. That’s what religions must do right now if they hope to be helpful to humans in the years ahead (Religions Quotes)
Positive secularism is not tolerance of all religions, but it is the total denial of religious beliefs: it is the emergence of homogeneous human outlook which is based upon verifiable facts of life (Religions Quotes)
Dividing everybody into genders and sexuality and races and religions, and I think its important to have films out there, to have discussions out there which really try to get to grips with where that kind of thing can lead (Religions Quotes)
Heresy is the lifeblood of religions. It is faith that begets heresies. There are no heresies in a dead religion (Religions Quotes)
Religious tolerance has developed more as a consequence of the impotence of religions to impose their dogmas on each other than as a consequence of spiritual humility in the quest for understanding first and last things (Religions Quotes)
People value religion on the basis of cost, and they don’t value the cheapest ones the most. Religions that ask nothing get nothing (Religions Quotes)
Religions have a strong binding function and a cohesive element. They emphasize the primacy of the community as opposed to the individual, and they also help set one community apart from another that doesn’t share their beliefs (Religions Quotes)
The universal elements are integrity, vision, discipline, passion, governed by conscience. Conscience has been educated through studying and pondering the universal, timeless principles of all six major world religions (Religions Quotes)
All the great things we know have come to us from neurotics. It is they who have founded religions and created great works of art (Religions Quotes)