Religious People Quotes

Text Quotes
I will never allow anyone to divide this people once more into religious camps, each fighting the other (Religious People Quotes)
We religious controllers control in the name of Jesus and it is really painful to people (Religious People Quotes)
Be short in all religious exercises. Better leave the people longing than loathing (Religious People Quotes)
People in the church should not accept the notion that the public square is off limits to religious values (Religious People Quotes)
People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them (Religious People Quotes)
What happens is that people who are very religious but who are not in touch with reality, cannot be spiritual (Religious People Quotes)
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people (Religious People Quotes)
Nothing in the world delights a truly religious people so much, as consigning them to eternal damnation (Religious People Quotes)
Every once in a while I have this thought, we’ve got to piss off the religious people. How are we going to do that? (Religious People Quotes)
Most people I know are not hard - core religious people. They are what I would call ‘lightly religious.’ So I don’t buy the notion that we can’t laugh about religion in America (Religious People Quotes)
You can’t pray away global warming, and that’s the difference between religious people and sane people (Religious People Quotes)
... why are so many religious people arguing about the origin of the species but so few concerned about the extinction of the species? (Religious People Quotes)
I thought perhaps it should be recognized that religious people, including fundamentalists, are quite intelligent, many of them are highly educated, and they should be treated with complete respect (Religious People Quotes)
It has often struck me with awe that some of the most deeply religious people I know have been, on the surface, atheists (Religious People Quotes)
Rational arguments don’t usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be religious people (Religious People Quotes)
Very devoted religious people are so extroverted, but at the same time, they’re so repressed sexually and so conservative. I’ve never been able to understand that combination, but I’m fascinated by it (Religious People Quotes)
Religious people are guided in their activities not by the consequences of their actions, but by the consciousness of the destination of their lives (Religious People Quotes)
The problem with most religious people is they try to earn grace but you can’t earn it. And as long as you’re trying to earn it by works, you don’t receive it. At some point you just have to stop trying to earn it and just receive it (Religious People Quotes)
Religious people... hold a kind and merciful view of life, the faith of the broken, the hounded, the hopeless. Yet too often, they will not extend that spirit to our fellow creatures (Religious People Quotes)
Let me say that I don’t see any conflict between science and religion. I go to church as many other scientists do. I share with most religious people a sense of mystery and wonder at the universe and I want to participate in religious ritual and practices because they’re something that all humans can share (Religious People Quotes)
Math... music... starry nights... These are secular ways of achieving transcendence, of feeling lifted into a grand perspective. It’s a sense of being awed by existence that almost obliterates the self. Religious people think of it as an essentially religious experience but it’s not. It’s an essentially human experience (Religious People Quotes)
Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious (Religious People Quotes)
Sometimes I envy religious people for the comfort of believing. It would make everything so much easier (Religious People Quotes)
I’m trying to champion the naturalist’s worldview and show it’s not as heathen as most religious people would make it out to be (Religious People Quotes)
I don’t want to see any religious people in public office because they’re working for another boss (Religious People Quotes)
There are moral religious people and moral secular people, immoral religious people and immoral secular people (Religious People Quotes)
Given the fact that most religions share basic values, it is most unfortunate that religious people can be played off against each other so easily. One possible reason for this may be that people do not know enough about other people’s beliefs (Religious People Quotes)
We don't properly discriminate. We never discriminate properly when we're dealing with another group and one of the big problems about religion is that religious people don't know that they are probably as flagrant in these misjudgments as irreligious people (Religious People Quotes)
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other (Religious People Quotes)
To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms, but the devil slapped on the genitals (Religious People Quotes)