Religious Quotes

Text Quotes
But for the first time, I had a religious identity. I had come home. And so I called myself a Zen Buddhist at the age of 18. (Religious Quotes)
Walking at random through the streets, we came by chance upon the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I shall long remember my first impression of the scene within. The lofty gothic ceiling arched far above my head and through the stained windows the light came but dimly - it was all still, solemn and religious. (Religious Quotes)
I believe that nothing enjoys a higher estate in our society than the right given by the First and Fourteenth Amendments freely to practice and proclaim one’s religious convictions. (Religious Quotes)
My parents weren’t religious at all. I remember the first time I heard about Jesus was at school. (Religious Quotes)
Five years from now, 10 years from now, there’s going to be a huge Islamic population in the world, they’re going to be nationalistic, they’re going to be religious, and they’re going to be militant. (Religious Quotes)
Here’s the thing with me and the religious thing. This is the flat-out truth: I find the religiosity and philosophy in the music. I don’t find it anywhere else. (Religious Quotes)
If you asked me one day, I might say, Well, sometimes I feel a little bit religious. If you asked me another day, I’d just say flat out, No. (Religious Quotes)
All religious believers should be licensed to make sure that they are competent to hold opinions and viewpoints and that they don’t believe in just any old thing, such as creationism or a flat tax. (Religious Quotes)
We should never intentionally offend, but if you follow Jesus, you will offend religious people (Religious Quotes)
I’m not a religious person; I’m more of a spiritual person, so I follow the rules of the Bible that coordinate with and connect with the Hebrew culture. (Religious Quotes)
I’m not a follower of this or that religious leader. More wars are started because of religious leaders, and people are following and they don’t know why... That is religiosity. That is what turns people into robots. (Religious Quotes)
Most cultures traditionally link food and spirituality directly with periodic restrictions and celebrations punctuating the year. Abstinence from particular foods or full-on fasting is part of many religious traditions and holidays. (Religious Quotes)
It is a religious duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare food in different ways, hygienically, for the table, so that it may be eaten with enjoyment. (Religious Quotes)
The dirty alliance between religious preachers and possessors of power brought the boon of prisons, gallows, knouts and above all such theories for the mankind. (Religious Quotes)
My dad was a Muslim and would pray five times a day. I would pray with him as much as I could, in the morning before school. Sometimes he would tell us moralistic tales about genies, magic carpets and wondrous lands. My mother is not religious - she’s just English. (Religious Quotes)
My foster parents were very religious. They told me that they had not decided to take me in, rather that it was God that had decided it for them. (Religious Quotes)
America’s founding fathers did not intend to take religion out of education. Many of the nation’s greatest universities were founded by evangelists and religious leaders; but many of these have lost the founders concept and become secular institutions. Because of this attitude, secular education is stumbling and floundering. (Religious Quotes)
I’m Jewish, but not overly religious, and have certainly never formally observed the Fourth Commandment, other than via the tradition of wearing white on Friday nights at summer camp, which never seemed to dovetail with the fact that Fridays were also the night for grape juice. (Religious Quotes)
The executions, persecution and imprisonment of political dissidents and the LGBT community, denial of free press, elections and religious freedoms, continue to be Fidel Castro’s legacy. (Religious Quotes)
I’m very keen on having true freedom of expression. True freedom of faith. And free practice of religious faith. (Religious Quotes)
The first amendment makes it clear that we are free to practice religion without government interference. The Constitution also establishes the separation of church and state so that the laws we live by our never guided by religious zeal. (Religious Quotes)
I believe in an India of pluralism and diversity, not of religious bigotry and caste politics. I believe in an India that is secure in itself and confident of its place in the world, an India that is a proud example of tolerance, freedom and hope for the downtrodden. (Religious Quotes)
It is the West that has liberated women, racial minorities, religious minorities, and gays and lesbians, recognizing and defending their rights. The notions of freedom and human rights were present at the dawn of Western civilization, as ideals at least, but have gradually come to fruition through supreme acts of self-criticism. (Religious Quotes)
It is impossible to maintain freedom and order and justice without religious and moral sanctions (Religious Quotes)
All of our effort should be focused on protecting the religious liberties and freedom of conscience for those Americans that profoundly disagree with the decision. (Religious Quotes)
I had immigrant grandparents who came to this country and came for religious freedom and loved it, never made any money, Bronx, Brooklyn, but loved America. And they told me every day it’s the greatest country in the world. (Religious Quotes)
At the political level, most Jews and most Catholics have accepted the liberal idea of religious freedom. (Religious Quotes)
Of course, there are dangers in religious freedom and freedom of opinion. But to deny these rights is worse than dangerous, it is absolutely fatal to liberty. (Religious Quotes)
While anyone who practices a religion has the right to their own religious truths, it doesn’t give them the right to violate the welfare of another human or an animal. So, where necessary, it is the task of the government to intervene and curb the freedom of religion. (Religious Quotes)
The plan was always to come to America, because Pakistan’s a scary place. They don’t have religious freedom. It’s very poor, and there’s a lot of violence and corruption. (Religious Quotes)