Relinquish Quotes

Text Quotes
Never relinquish your terrors. That’s when they catch you (Relinquish Quotes)
Creativity requires faith. Faith requires that we relinquish control (Relinquish Quotes)
Never relinquish the initiative (Relinquish Quotes)
The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children (Relinquish Quotes)
To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality (Relinquish Quotes)
Truth will ever be unpalatable to those who are determined not to relinquish error (Relinquish Quotes)
When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness (Relinquish Quotes)
So that he seemed not to relinquish life, but to leave one home for another (Relinquish Quotes)
You’d be surprised how difficult it is relinquish a cell phone (Relinquish Quotes)
We must never relinquish the vision of a humane society and a humane world (Relinquish Quotes)
Time does not relinquish its rights, either over human beings or over mountains (Relinquish Quotes)
Only in death will I relinquish my belts (Relinquish Quotes)
Nothing is more incumbent on the old than to know when they should get out of the way and relinquish to younger successors the honors they can no longer earn, and the duties they can no longer perform (Relinquish Quotes)
In an instant, the law was transformed: from the last passenger on the safe-haven bandwagon to a pioneer into uncharted territory. For the first time in American history, it was not only legal to relinquish a baby; in Nebraska, it was okay to abandon any child of any age for any reason at any time - with the full protection of the law. (Relinquish Quotes)
Today I will simply accept. I will relinquish the need to be in resistance to myself and my environment in any way. I will move forward in joy by accepting where I am right now (Relinquish Quotes)
Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities (Relinquish Quotes)
In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up your intention to create your desire... and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result (Relinquish Quotes)
If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up (Relinquish Quotes)
We must relinquish our passive observation of the world outside; we can open the door to the world we want. In understanding ourselves, we come to understand the world. In allowing ourselves to heal, we become the healers of the world. In praying for peace, we become bringers of peace. Thus we actualize the power within us to remedy the psychic wounds of humanity (Relinquish Quotes)
Without uncertainty and the unknown, life is just a stale repetition of outworn memories. You become the victim of the past, and your tormentor today is yourself left over from yesterday. Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities (Relinquish Quotes)
The idea that you surrender your identity when you relinquish national powers is unhelpful. No, indeed, precisely the opposite is the case: if done in an intelligent way, you attain the sovereignty to better solve national problems in cooperation with others (Relinquish Quotes)
Fellow citizens, why do you burn and scrape every stone to gather wealth and take so little care of your children to whom you must one day relinquish all? (Relinquish Quotes)
I was born in the U.S. Why should anyone who has an unfavorable view of the American government renounce his or her citizenship? Why don’t its supporters relinquish their citizenship first? (Relinquish Quotes)
If you have ever felt hopeless hang on The night you’re enduring may seem long but there is joy coming in the morning. Incredible changes are going to take place in your life as you begin to relinquish your past and renew your present (Relinquish Quotes)
My parents divorced when I was very, very young, but they maintained an incredibly amicable relationship. They were great partners, they were great parents, and they were great friends throughout my whole life until I was about 25, at which point they realized that they could relinquish; they could call it and move on (Relinquish Quotes)
The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty (Relinquish Quotes)
Don’t deprive yourself of the exciting journey your life can be when you relinquish the need to have goals and a blueprint. (Relinquish Quotes)
The U.N. Security Council ordered Iraq in April 1991 to relinquish all capabilities to make biological, chemical and nuclear weapons as well as long-range missiles. (Relinquish Quotes)
The Commissioner was correct to ban Mr. Sterling from all official NBA business, to levy the stiffest allowable fine, and we will support his recommendation to press for Mr. Sterling to relinquish his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers franchise. (Relinquish Quotes)
If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up. (Relinquish Quotes)