Remain Quotes

Text Quotes
One cannot long remain so absorbed in contemplation of emptiness without being increasingly attracted to it. In vain, one bestows on it the name of infinity; this does not change its nature. (Remain Quotes)
The untried recruits learned about fear. It wasn’t some occasional leap of terror, a startled response; it was the unbearable tension of being forced to remain in a terrifying place, your mind the only thing preventing you from throwing down your rifle and running, anywhere, a flight of atavistic self-preservation. (Remain Quotes)
Striving to be good is the ultimate struggle of every man. Being bad is easy, but being good requires sincere commitment, discipline and strength. We have to work hard every day just to remain good. (Remain Quotes)
It’s a very nice kind of quasi-fame being a writer, because you remain largely anonymous and you can have a private life, which I really cherish. I don’t like to be in the public light all that much. I don’t crave the whole fame thing at all. (Remain Quotes)
Does one require proof of one’s own being? Only remain aware of yourself and all else will be known. (Remain Quotes)
I’ve continually reminded myself that I never want to change. I could be on the cover of a magazine today, but next week someone else is going to be on that cover. You always have to remain the same person because when those opportunities end, guess what you have? You have you. And if you change from being you, you have nothing anymore. (Remain Quotes)
If a man isn’t being nice when you’re out, all you have to do is remain polite and then go home early. (Remain Quotes)
There’s something about being under-rested and knowing that the situation is going to remain that way for quite some time that makes things more meaningful. (Remain Quotes)
When a human being becomes so still that they begin to lose awareness of their gender, and they are simply looking into that abyss where there is no notion of self whatsoever, the world disappears. And that’s really the only place to go. It’s the only place to remain. (Remain Quotes)
You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. (Remain Quotes)
Skepticism is essential to the quest for knowledge, for it is in the seedbed of puzzlement that genuine inquiry takes root. Without skepticism, we may remain mired in unexamined belief systems that are accepted as sacrosanct yet have no factual basis in reality. (Remain Quotes)
Society in general maintains such a vested interested in its cozy habits and solidified belief systems that it had rather die - or kill - than entertain change. Consider how threatened religious fundamentalists of all faiths remain to this day by science in general and Darwin in particular. (Remain Quotes)
Quilliam will remain a priority for me because its values shape my beliefs and outlook (Remain Quotes)
People have to remain positive and believe in those dreams. It’s really important. (Remain Quotes)
I’m a person that carries everything that happened to me in my past, with me into the future. I refuse to let it make me bitter. I still completely believe in love and I remain open to anything that will happen to me. (Remain Quotes)
Many Lexington natives believe they live in a special place, one impossible to leave. I’m not so sure about that - or it’s more accurate to say I think a more general truth exists beneath it: the place you first call home stays with you always, whether you remain or go. (Remain Quotes)
Remain open-minded, even when you believe yourself to be a king among peasants. You never know what blessings can be gained or crises averted just by listening. (Remain Quotes)
I remain as committed as ever to working across party lines with anyone who believes we must invest in the future of our economy by revitalizing our transportation infrastructure, ensuring every child is getting a world class education, and spurring research and development of new technologies. (Remain Quotes)
The Americans are and remain our best friends, but this is absolutely not right. We can’t simply return to business as usual. (Remain Quotes)
Whether it’s making sure that families have access to quality health care and child care, or making sure that our children receive the best educational opportunities we can give them, we must remain committed to these needs because our children are our future. (Remain Quotes)
I came to Venice for the first time in 1968 and was lucky enough to make the acquaintanceship, and then the friendship, of two Venetians, Roberta and Franco, who remain my best friends here after almost 50 years. (Remain Quotes)
When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you, then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret. (Remain Quotes)
When you bring all your doubts and fears to God, you’ll find the reason to trust Him. And as you trust Him, you will draw closer to Him. Best of all, no one who draws closer to God can possibly remain unchanged. (Remain Quotes)
We continue to advise that investors remain committed to a patient, long-term outlook and that the best way to do well in stocks is to use a disciplined, time-tested strategy that has the benefit of empirically tested results over a variety of market environments. (Remain Quotes)
Compared with other recent presidents whose stumbles and failures have assaulted the national self-esteem, memories of Kennedy continue to give the country faith that its better days are ahead. That’s been reason enough to discount his limitations and remain enamored of his presidential performance. (Remain Quotes)
As individuals, people are inherently good. I have a somewhat more pessimistic view of people in groups. And I remain extremely concerned when I see what’s happening in our country, which is in many ways the luckiest place in the world. We don’t seem to be excited about making our country a better place for our kids. (Remain Quotes)
Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak out and confirm that you didn’t do the assigned readings before the strategic planning retreat. (Remain Quotes)
Unless you realize that there is a sun beyond comprehension of this limited mind... the life shall remain confined within a Box... (Remain Quotes)
A monkey is unaware that atoms exist. Likewise, our brainpower may not stretch to the deepest aspects of reality. The bedrock nature of space and time, and the structure of our entire universe, may remain ‘open frontiers’ beyond human grasp. (Remain Quotes)
True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance. (Remain Quotes)