Remains Quotes

Text Quotes
Love remains a secret even when spoken, for only a true lover truly knows that he is loved (Remains Quotes)
Is the beam from a lighthouse affected by howling wind and rain? It remains perfectly steadfast and unaffected by the storm. Your true self is like that. Nothing can ever harm you once you are consciously aware that it is so (Remains Quotes)
The art of living is to enjoy what we can see and not complain about what remains in the dark (Remains Quotes)
Whether you and I and a few others will renew the world some day remains to be seen. But within ourselves we must renew it each day (Remains Quotes)
Enlightenment remains unrealized so long as it is considered as a specific state to be attained, and for which there are standards of success (Remains Quotes)
God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? (Remains Quotes)
The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet (Remains Quotes)
Man is endogenous, and education is his unfolding. The aid we have from others is mechanical, compared with the discoveries of nature in us. What is thus learned is delightful in the doing, and the effect remains (Remains Quotes)
The challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth (Remains Quotes)
The drum of the realization of the promise is beating, we are sweeping the road to the sky. Your joy is here today, what remains for tomorrow? (Remains Quotes)
The family remains the basic unit of society and the first school in which children learn the human, spiritual and moral values which enable them to be a beacon of goodness, integrity and justice in our communities (Remains Quotes)
Human wisdom remains always one and the same although applied to the most diverse objects and it is no more changed by their diversity than the sunshine is changed by the variety of objects which it illuminates (Remains Quotes)
It remains an irrefragable law of history that contemporaries are denied a recognition of the early beginnings of the great movements which determine their times (Remains Quotes)
To have suffered... sets a keen edge on what remains of the agreeable. This is a great truth and has to be learned in the fire (Remains Quotes)
A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless (Remains Quotes)
You can’t shut off the risk and the pain without losing the love that remains (Remains Quotes)
On the stone that remains carved next to his name, his epitaph plain, only a pawn in their game (Remains Quotes)
The only really committed artist is he who, without refusing to take part in the combat, at least refuses to join the regular armies and remains a freelance (Remains Quotes)
Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, is cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself (Remains Quotes)
In the light, the earth remains our first and our last love. Our brothers are breathing under the same sky as we; justice is a living thing. Now is born that strange joy which helps one live and die, and which we shall never again postpone to a later time (Remains Quotes)
A good aphorism is too hard for the tooth of time, and is not worn away by all the centuries, although it serves as food for every epoch. Hence it is the greatest paradox in literature, the imperishable in the midst of change, the nourishment which always remains highly valued, as salt does, and never becomes stupid like salt (Remains Quotes)
Human life in common is only made possible when a majority comes together which is stronger than any separate individual and which remains united against all separate individuals. The power of this community is then set up as right in opposition to the power of the individual, which is condemned as brute force (Remains Quotes)
All that remains to the mother in modern consumer society is the role of scapegoat; psychoanalysis uses huge amounts of money and time to persuade analysis and to foist their problems on to the absent mother, who has no opportunity to utter a word in her own defence. Hostility to the mother in our societies is an index of mental health (Remains Quotes)
A woman might claim to retain some of the child’s faculties, although very limited and defused, simply because she has not been encouraged to learn methods of thought and develop a disciplined mind. As long as education remains largely induction ignorance will retain these advantages over learning and it is time that women impudently put them to work (Remains Quotes)
For those for whom the sex act has come to seem mechanical and merely the meeting and manipulation of body parts, there often remains a hunger which can be called metaphysical but which is not recognized as such, and which seeks satisfaction in physical danger, or sometimes in torture, suicide, or murder (Remains Quotes)
Nothing in the entire universe ever perishes, believe me, but things vary, and adopt a new form. The phrase being born is used for beginning to be something different from what one was before, while dying means ceasing to be the same. Though this thing may pass into that, and that into this, yet the sums of things remains unchanged (Remains Quotes)
The future remains uncertain and so it should, for it is the canvas upon which we paint our desires. Thus always the human condition faces a beautifully empty canvas. We possess only this moment in which to dedicate ourselves continuously to the sacred presence which we share and create (Remains Quotes)
The beginning and the end are never really the journey of discovery for me. It is the middle that remains a puzzle until well into the writing. That’s how life is most of the time, isn’t it? You know where you are and where you hope to wind up. It’s the getting there that’s challenging (Remains Quotes)
Do not assume that he who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life may also have much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words (Remains Quotes)
Degrees of ability vary, but the basic principle remains the same: the degree of a man’s independence, initiative and personal love for his work determines his talent as a worker and his worth as a man. Independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. What a man is and makes of himself; not what he has or hasn’t done for others. There is no substitute for personal dignity. There is no standard of personal dignity except independence (Remains Quotes)