Remains Quotes

Text Quotes
Sepia in particular tends to make everything look a bit romantic and almost sentimental, hence the fact that it remains such a popular choice for wedding photographs (Remains Quotes)
To have a sense of sin means to feel guilty at there being an ethical choice to make, a guilt which, however good I may become, remains unchanged (Remains Quotes)
No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job... Poetry.. Remains one person talking to another... No poet can write a poem of amplitude unless he is the master of the prosaic (Remains Quotes)
In spite of the pangs of travail, the longing for motherhood remains the most powerful instinct in woman (Remains Quotes)
But nothing can be taken back, not the leaves by the trees, the rain by the clouds. You want to take back the ugly thing you said, but some shrapnel remains in the wound, some mud (Remains Quotes)
But at night, when the library lamps are lit, the outside world disappears and nothing but the space of books remains in existence (Remains Quotes)
I think one remains the same person throughout, merely passing, as it were, I these lapses of time from one room to another, but all in the same house (Remains Quotes)
But who can remember pain, once it’s over? All that remains of it is a shadow, not in the mind even, in the flesh. Pain marks you, but too deep to see. Out of sight, out of mind (Remains Quotes)
Your fear remains strong. You are not ready to face your story, preferring instead to surround yourself with knots. Someday, they will strangle you (Remains Quotes)
I must confess. Of all of the brotherhood, he was the one I loved first and he remains the one I love the most. For me, he is just the... one (Remains Quotes)
The study of the human brain and its disease remains one of the greatest scientific and philosophical challenges ever undertaken (Remains Quotes)
No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once (Remains Quotes)
What is called matriarchy is simply moral anarchy, in which the mother alone remains fixed because all the fathers are fugitive and irresponsible (Remains Quotes)
As a general principle, I should put it that a man’s country is where the things he loves are most respected. Circumstances may have prevented his ever setting foot there, but it remains his country (Remains Quotes)
Too many of us never understand what we owe to our dear ones until there remains no further opportunity of paying love’s debt (Remains Quotes)
The problem of far greater importance remains to be solved. Rather than build a world in which we shall all live well, we must stop building one in which it will be impossible to live at all (Remains Quotes)
Recollections of early childhood bear comparison to fairy tales, and... youth remains an unknown country to whose bourn no traveler returns except as the agent of a foreign power (Remains Quotes)
But it remains the case that you know what is wrong with a lot more confidence than you know what is right (Remains Quotes)
The brain and its satellite glands have now been probed to the point where no particular site remains that can reasonably be supposed to harbor a nonphysical mind (Remains Quotes)
When souls really touch, it is forever. Then space and time disappear, and all that remains is the consciousness that we are not alone in life (Remains Quotes)
A good writer gets better only by learning to cut, to remove the ornamental, the descriptive, the narrative, and especially the deeply felt and meaningful. What remains? The story remains (Remains Quotes)
I realized then that the generations may change but the strength of our nation remains solid (Remains Quotes)
The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork (Remains Quotes)
We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind. In the faith that looks through death, in years that bring the philosophic mind (Remains Quotes)
Clinton’s hands remain incredibly clean, don’t they, and Tony Blair’s smile remains as wide as ever. I view these guises with profound contempt (Remains Quotes)
It remains to consider what attitude thoughtful men and Christian believers should take respecting them, and how they stand related to beliefs of another order (Remains Quotes)
More than any other in Western Europe, Britain remains a country where a traveler has to think twice before indulging in the ordinary food of ordinary people (Remains Quotes)
Supreme serenity still remains the Ideal of great Art. The shapes and transitory forms of life are but stages toward this Ideal, which Christ’s religion illuminates with His divine light (Remains Quotes)
The demand for beef in Canada remains strong because I think people in America, in North America, know that we have a very strong food safety system and that our food is safe to eat (Remains Quotes)
The United Nations remains our most important global actor. These days we are continuously reminded of the enormous responsibility of the Security Council to uphold international peace and stability (Remains Quotes)