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I think you may see again a rise at the federal government level for a - a call for the federal constitutional amendment, because people want to make sure that this definition of marriage remains secure, because after all, the family is the fundamental unit of government. (Remains Quotes)
When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person’s physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one’s eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one’s eternal welfare. (Remains Quotes)
Most women outlive their spouses. Divorce remains at record rates. It’s important for a woman to be able to control her finances. (Remains Quotes)
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Salifist parties are a real force in the Egyptian society. No civil, liberal government can succeed, even after new elections, if the Islamists are forced to work underground as a foe and the country remains divided. (Remains Quotes)
The act of writing surprises me all the time. A miraculous thing happens when you have an idea and you want to convert it into words... and then you start to create a work of art, and that’s another miracle, and it remains mysterious to the writer, or to this writer anyway. (Remains Quotes)
As a writer of both novels and screenplays, I can say that screenwriting is a vastly rewarding creative life - if you fight hard enough to do it on your own terms. Whether I write books or not, my screenwriting life has been creatively rewarding and remains so. (Remains Quotes)
My three years at the NIH were critical in my scientific education. I learned an immense amount about the research process: developing assays, purifying macromolecules, documenting a discovery by many approaches, and writing clear manuscripts describing what is known and what remains to be investigated. (Remains Quotes)
The current state of knowledge remains vague when history is not considered, just as history remains vague without substantive knowledge about the current state. (Remains Quotes)
In our current state of human development it remains unclear whether we will correct one of life’s greatest tragedies, namely, the inability to appreciate a blessing until it is lost. (Remains Quotes)
The media thinks that only the cutting edge of science, the very latest controversies, are worth reporting on. How often do you see headlines like ‘General Relativity still governing planetary orbits’ or ‘Phlogiston theory remains false’? By the time anything is solid science, it is no longer a breaking headline. (Remains Quotes)
I often speak to returning service people about their experiences while serving. Whether in 1915 or 2005, the core issue of facing death on a daily basis remains. (Remains Quotes)
While there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I’ll fight - I’ll fight to the very end! (Remains Quotes)
Despite their rising international acclaim, Sachal Studios remains virtually unknown in Pakistan. The ensemble is faced with a daunting task: to reclaim and reinvigorate an art that has lost its space in Pakistan’s narrowing cultural sphere. (Remains Quotes)
A ‘real’ person, profoundly as we may sympathise with him, is in a great measure perceptible only through our senses, that is to say, he remains opaque, offers a dead weight which our sensibilities have not the strength to lift. (Remains Quotes)
And now -- now it only remains for me to light a cigarette and go home. Dear God, only now am I remembering that people die. Does that include me? Don’t forget, in the meantime, that this is the season for strawberries. Yes. (Remains Quotes)
I think as long as the standard of quality, the story-telling, film-making, acting etc. etc. remains consistent, then you’ve got a good change of making a decent anthology. (Remains Quotes)
My definition of beauty is simplicity, elegance, and sensuality. I think that when a woman is in harmony with herself and remains true to her values, she will glow naturally. (Remains Quotes)
Maternal health remains a staggering challenge, particularly in the developing world. Globally, a woman dies from complications in childbirth every minute. (Remains Quotes)
The countries that have collected the most development aid are also the ones that are in the worst shape. Despite the billions that have poured in to Africa, the continent remains poor. (Remains Quotes)
Global politics remains extremely complex and countries have different interests, which will also lead them to make what might seem as rather bizarre friends and allies. (Remains Quotes)
No one doubts that pure libertarianism is simple, but that’s just why it remains on the ideological fringe - because it boils down the most difficult questions in human affairs to a simple equation, a What Would the Market Do bumper sticker. (Remains Quotes)
The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game. (Remains Quotes)
I’m part of the tribe who have said goodbye to one parent and are feeling a sense of responsibility for the one who remains - in my case, my mother. How do I make her time smoother, happier? How do I try to ease her, a widow, away from the dark well of grief without dishonoring the necessity of that grief? (Remains Quotes)
Christopher Marlowe or Francis Bacon The author of Lear remains unshaken Willie Herbert or Mary Fitton What does it matter? The Sonnets were written. (Remains Quotes)
Dog rescue remains a gamble, of course. For all the good will, hard work, and noble motivation, nobody can really predict with certainty how a traumatized, dislocated dog will respond in a new environment. (Remains Quotes)
The division seems rather unfair, I remarkedYou have doneall the work in this business. I get a wife out of it, Jones getsthe credit, pray what remains for you?For me, said Sherlock Holmes, there still remains thecocaine-bottle. And he stretched his long white hand up forit. (Remains Quotes)
In minor crises, the preacher can extract himself emotionally and allow others to express grief and fear and doubt while he remains strong. (Remains Quotes)
Death abides by no one’s takes what pleases it without consciousness to its decisions. It destroys what it will. It took the pieces of perfection I once knew and shattered them. Now what remains are shards of a dream, drawing blood with every step. (Remains Quotes)
No one can know how long this dumbing-down of American religion will persist. But so long as it does, citizens should probably be more vigilant about policing the public square, not less so. . . . [Y]ou cannot sustain liberal democracy without cultivating liberal habits of mind among religious believers. That remains true today, both in Baghdad and in Baton Rouge. (Remains Quotes)
You better dust off your etiquette, better sit like you did back at whatever grade that made it clear to you that your teachers are not your parents, and that any mess you made remains your responsibility. (Remains Quotes)