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The frontier that remains is is the interior one, the most forbidding and mysterious frontier  (Remains Quotes) The sin of neglected communion may be forgiven, and yet the effect remains permanently  (Remains Quotes) A misconception remains a misconception, even when it is shared by the majority of people  (Remains Quotes) Won over by solitude, yet he remains in the world: a stylite without a pillar  (Remains Quotes) The fashions of human affairs are brief and changeable, and fortune never remains long indulgent  (Remains Quotes) Who loves not wine, woman, and song, remains a fool his whole life long  (Remains Quotes) The sun, though it passes through dirty places, yet remains as pure as before  (Remains Quotes) When the impossibility has been eliminated, whatever remains, no matter how improbable... Is possible  (Remains Quotes) The sun, which passeth through pollutions and itself remains as pure as before  (Remains Quotes) Of permanent mourning there is none; no cloud remains fixed. The sun will shine tomorrow  (Remains Quotes) The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it  (Remains Quotes) The bitterness of poor quality remains long after low pricing is forgotten!  (Remains Quotes) A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure  (Remains Quotes) Justice remains the greatest power on earth. To that tremendous power alone will we submit  (Remains Quotes) The fact remains that the materialistic view is a truncated view of reality  (Remains Quotes) The election is another element of ambiguity,.. and oil remains the crucial variable  (Remains Quotes) When you are a celebrity, nothing remains secret for very long  (Remains Quotes) The pain passes, but the beauty remains  (Remains Quotes) 95% on content and the computer language remains the same  (Remains Quotes) The Puritan has passed; the Catholic remains  (Remains Quotes) [His acting] remains forever fixed in a time that never dates  (Remains Quotes) Innovation no longer remains a choice but has become an imperative  (Remains Quotes) No talented person remains a talented without a perseverance  (Remains Quotes) A fool with a tool still remains a fool  (Remains Quotes) No one remembers the singer. The song remains  (Remains Quotes) The beautiful remains so in ugly surroundings  (Remains Quotes) What thou lovest well remains  (Remains Quotes) Everything changes, nothing remains without change  (Remains Quotes) The fact remains; chauvinism is prevailing  (Remains Quotes) There remains an experience of incomparable value  (Remains Quotes)
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