Remarked Quotes
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Text Quotes
Once when I had remarked on the affection quite often found between cat and dog, my friend replied, Yes. But I bet no dog would ever confess it to the other dogs (Remarked Quotes)
By definition, remarkable things get remarked upon (Remarked Quotes)
Christ, he remarked, puzzled, this is a dingy way to die (Remarked Quotes)
It has been long and justly remarked, that folly has ever sought alliance with beauty (Remarked Quotes)
It is admirably remarked, by a most excellent writer, that zeal can no more hurry a man to act in direct opposition to itself than a rapid stream can carry a boat against its own current (Remarked Quotes)
Aloneness is a wise teacher. Kierkegaard remarked that one sign of spiritual maturity was the ability to be comfortable when alone (Remarked Quotes)
Charles had once remarked that holding onto a resentment was like eating rat poison and waiting for the rat to die (Remarked Quotes)
It was remarked yesterday that a numerous representation was necessary to obtain the confidence of the people. This is not generally true. The confidence of the people will easily be gained by a good administration. This is the true touchstone (Remarked Quotes)
Who has not remarked the readiness with which the closest of friends and honestest of men suspect and accuse each other of cheating when they fall out on money matters? Everybody does it. Everybody is right, I suppose, and the world is a rogue (Remarked Quotes)
It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country to decide, by their conduct and example, the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force (Remarked Quotes)
I remarked constantly, just at sunset, in these latitudes, that the eastern horizon was brilliantly illuminated with a kind of mock sunset. This in a short time disappeared, to be soon succeeded by another similar in character, but more faint (Remarked Quotes)
The fact that randomness requires a physical rather than a mathematical source is noted by almost everyone who writes on the subject, and yet the oddity of this situation is not much remarked (Remarked Quotes)
Experience has caused it to be remarked that in the country where the laws are gentle, the minds of the citizens are struck by it, as it is elsewhere by the most severe (Remarked Quotes)
A wise man, watching the stars pass across the sky, remarked: In the upper air the fireflies move more slowly (Remarked Quotes)
It may be remarked for the comfort of honest poverty that avarice reigns most in those who have but few good qualities to recommend them. This is a weed that will grow in a barren soil (Remarked Quotes)
Picasso once remarked I do not care who it is that has or does influence me as long as it is not myself (Remarked Quotes)
I have remarked very clearly that I am often of one opinion when I am lying down and of another when I am standing up (Remarked Quotes)
The Bishop, as I have remarked, was not very dignified on all occasions, and sometimes acted in such a manner as would not have appeared well in public (Remarked Quotes)
Perhaps, as some wit remarked, the best proof that there is Intelligent Life in Outer Space is the fact it hasn’t come here. Well, it can’t hide forever - one day we will overhear it (Remarked Quotes)
It is a great mistake, as we have already remarked, to be afraid of Him and to act in His presence like a timid and craven slave trembling with fright before his master (Remarked Quotes)
The Bishop, as I have remarked, was not very dignified on all occasions, and sometimes acted in such a manner as would not have appeared well in public. (Remarked Quotes)
Perspective, as its inventor remarked, is a beautiful thing. What horrors of damp huts, where human beings languish, may not become picturesque through aerial distance! (Remarked Quotes)
The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge. In the French Revolution of 1848, a woman coal-heaver is said to have remarked to a richly dressed lady: ‘Yes, madam, everything’s going to be equal now; I shall go in silks and you’ll carry coal.’ (Remarked Quotes)
Some sensible person once remarked that you spend the whole of your life either in your bed or in your shoes. Having done the best you can by shoes and bed, devote all the time and resources at your disposal to the building up of a fine kitchen. It will be, as it should be, the most comforting and comfortable room in the house (Remarked Quotes)
I had once remarked to Feely that, because of the oxygen, breathing fresh air was like breathing God, but she had slapped my face and told me I was being blasphemous (Remarked Quotes)
As he drank, I remembered that there's a reason we English are ruled more by tea than by Buckingham Palace or His Majesty's Government: Apart from the soul, the brewing of tea is the only thing that sets us apart from the great apes - or so the Vicar had remarked to Father (Remarked Quotes)
It should be remarked that, as the principle of liberty is better understood, and more nobly interpreted, a broader protest is made in behalf of women. As men become aware that few have had a fair chance, they are inclined to say that no women have had a fair chance (Remarked Quotes)
As she frequently remarked when she made any such mistake, it would all be the same a hundred years hence (Remarked Quotes)
Professor [Max] Planck of Berlin, the famous originator of the Quantum theory, once remarked to me that in early life he had thought of studying economics, but had found it too difficult! (Remarked Quotes)
As someone remarked, when told the new atomic bombs would explode without a bang, they can’t leave anything alone (Remarked Quotes)
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