Remedy Quotes

Text Quotes
They don’t worship at the altar of forced busing and mandatory quotas. They don’t believe you can remedy past discrimination by mandating new discrimination. (Defending his nominees for Civil Rights Commission) (Remedy Quotes)
... any men who would give up the law-making power to women in order to remedy existing evils, would surely be those most ready to enact the needful laws themselves (Remedy Quotes)
This truth is a remedy against spiritual pride, namely, that none should account himself better before God than others, though perhaps adorned with greater gifts, and endowments. (Remedy Quotes)
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. (Remedy Quotes)
The remedy [for the Great Depression] is to give the workers access to the means of production, and let them produce for themselves, not for others, . . . the American way. (Remedy Quotes)
Vegetarianism is not implicitly important for the mental progress or the intellectual development, unless it is supposed to be a remedy to clean the body from slag. A temporary abstinence from meat or animal food is indicated only for very specific magic operations as a sort of preparation, and even then only for a certain period. All this is to be considered with respect to sexual life. (Remedy Quotes)
Art is not the handmaid of politics. It is its own remedy! And its healing is sacral. (Remedy Quotes)
Growing up, I had really bad skin. I had a skin disorder. Yes, I did. And my mother went to great lengths to try to find something to remedy it. I remember she took a trip to Madagascar and came back with all these alternative, medicinal herbs and stuff. They didn’t smell so good, but I think they worked some magic. (Remedy Quotes)
Advertising beauty products is easy. All you have to do is revile your customers by creating a disease called getting older, and then provide a remedy which does not work. (Remedy Quotes)
In such misfortunes my Mother was of an heroic spirit, in suffering patiently when there was no remedy, and being industrious where she thought she could help. (Remedy Quotes)
Insurrection is the last remedy, especially when the people have acquired the belief that peaceful means to secure the remedies for evils prove futile. (Remedy Quotes)
It’s not my business to remedy deaths! It’s my business to tell stories. Lyra and the other heroines didn’t come with placards saying, Make this a feminist story! I’m glad people enjoy seeing a female protagonist in a big adventure story, but I didn’t do it for political reasons. (Remedy Quotes)
For some of the large indignities of life, the best remedy is direct action. For the small indignities, the best remedy is a Charlie Chaplin movie. The hard part is knowing the difference. (Remedy Quotes)
Since God has appointed one remedy for all the evils in the world and that is a contented spirit (Remedy Quotes)
My background in financial services and my experience as a state representative have given me the ability to identify our country’s fiscal problems and find steps to remedy them. (Remedy Quotes)
I’ve laid out a platform that I think would begin to remedy some of the problems we have in the criminal justice system. (Remedy Quotes)
The flame will cool tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.... But someone must see this already today, and speak heretically today about tomorrow. Heretics are the only (bitter) remedy against the entropy of human thought. (Remedy Quotes)
Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears - it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. (Remedy Quotes)
They that are intoxicated by self-conceit have interposed themselves between it and the Divine and infallible Physician. Witness how they have entangled all men, themselves included, in the mesh of their devices. They can neither discover the cause of the disease, nor have they any knowledge of the remedy. (Remedy Quotes)
The remedy for thirst? It is the opposite of the one for a dog bite: run always after a dog, he’ll never bite you; drink always before thirst, and it will never overtake you. (Remedy Quotes)
We must realize that growth is but an adolescent phase of life which stops when physical maturity is reached. If growth continues in the period of maturity it is called obesity or cancer. Prescribing growth as the cure for the energy crisis has all the logic of prescribing increasing quantities of food as a remedy for obesity. (Remedy Quotes)
A trustworthy leader goes the extra mile to remedy strained relationships, even when it doesn’t appear to be required. (Remedy Quotes)
Almost all fear is fear of the unknown. Therefore, what’s the remedy? To become acquainted with the things you fear. (Remedy Quotes)
One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you’re feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens. (Remedy Quotes)
I speak to people in the languagethey understand. First I have a dialogue, if that is not understood I speak inanother language. There is no remedy for this. (Remedy Quotes)
The land is the appointed remedy for whatever is false and fantastic in our for our mind, as well as our body. (Remedy Quotes)
No government power can be abused long. Mankind will not bear it.... There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that will keep us safe under every form of government. (Remedy Quotes)
I don’t know anyone who enjoys going to the hospital. To help remedy this, I got an idea to create what a Laugh Room in the pediatric ward of hospitals. (Remedy Quotes)
Home life, home teaching, parental guidance is the panacea for all the ailments, a cure for all diseases, a remedy for all problems. (Remedy Quotes)
Love of learning is the most necessary passion ... in it lies our happiness. It’s a sure remedy for what ails us, an unending source of pleasure. (Remedy Quotes)