Remember Quotes

Text Quotes
White lost because he failed to remember the right continuation and had to think up the moves himself (Remember Quotes)
When I find someone I respect writing about an edgy, nervous wine that dithered in the glass, I cringe. When I hear someone I don’t respect talking about an austere, unforgiving wine, I turn a bit austere and unforgiving myself. When I come across stuff like that and remember about the figs and bananas, I want to snigger uneasily. You can call a wine red, and dry, and strong, and pleasant. After that, watch out (Remember Quotes)
Lecturers should remember that the capacity of the mind to absorb is limited to what the seat can endure (Remember Quotes)
The key to teaching anything is to remember what it was like not to understand that thing. That’s a very hard thing to do. Every time you come to understand something you didn’t understand before, you are transformed. You become a different person from who you were before. The key to teaching someone else to understand that same thing is to remember your former, untransformed self. If you can do that, I think you can teach anything, even physics (Remember Quotes)
The death penalty is a poor person’s issue. Always remember that: after all the rhetoric that goes on in the legislative assemblies, in the end, when the deck is cast out, it is the poor who are selected to die in this country (Remember Quotes)
Do not trouble yourselves about standards or ideals; but try to be faithful and natural: remember that there is no greatness, no beauty, which does not come from truth to your own knowledge of things; and keep on working, even if your work is not long remembered (Remember Quotes)
We all return. It is this certainty that gives meaning to life and it does not make the slightest difference whether or not in a later incarnation we remember the former life. What counts is not the individual and his comfort, but the great aspiration to the perfect and the pure which goes on in each incarnation (Remember Quotes)
Remember always that there not so very much difference between various people as we seem to imagine. Maps and atlases show us countries in different colors. Undoubtedly people do differ from one another, but they resemble each other also a great deal, and it is well to keep this in mind and not misled by colors on the map or by national boundaries (Remember Quotes)
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and we won’t replace fossil fuels with clean energy based on the events of a single week, either. But the important thing to remember is that, once they happen, clean energy victories are irreversible. No one will tear down wind farms because they are nostalgic for fracking in our watersheds. And nobody will pull down their solar panels because they miss having mercury in their tuna or asthma inhalers for their kids. Because once we leave fossil fuels behind, we are never going back (Remember Quotes)
You can never be too old or too young to be attracted to someone. I still remember my first crush back in grade school (Remember Quotes)
I will always remember you, even though you had no idea I was even in the room. My words wouldn’t come, I could only dream. A crush or a love? (Remember Quotes)
Grieving allows us to heal, to remember with love rather than pain. It is a sorting process. One by one you let go of the things that are gone and you mourn for them. One by one you take hold of the things that have become a part of who you are and build again (Remember Quotes)
These are little packets of light and you need to plant them early in the year and remember to mark where they were because lots of times they look like weeds in the beginning and it’s not until later that you see how beautiful they really are (Remember Quotes)
Stop entertaining those vain fears. Remember it is not feeling which constitutes guilt but the consent to such feelings. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. But when the will sighs under the trial of the tempter and does not will what is presented to it, there is not only no fault but there is virtue (Remember Quotes)
Buy ammunition! Remember that a man cannot have too many books, too many wines, or too much ammunition. Our adversaries on the other side are reaching for the excuse of lead poisoning. If they can push that idea through, you may wind up still owning your guns but without anything to shoot in them (Remember Quotes)
In speaking of natural rights, therefore, it is essential to remember that these alleged rights have no political force whatsoever, unless recognized and enforced by the state (Remember Quotes)
The next time you feel like complaining, remember that your garbage disposal probably eats better than 30 percent of the people in the world (Remember Quotes)
Just remember... it doesn’t matter how long you have known each other.. all that matters is that he has kept you smiling from day one (Remember Quotes)
I remember so well the day that you came into my life. You asked for my name, you had the most beautiful smile (Remember Quotes)
Something to remember on your birthday.. Forget the past, it can’t be changed.. And, forget the present because I didn’t get you one (Remember Quotes)
As far as I’m concerned it’s the other way round. We repeat what we remember. Only forgetfulness sets us free (Remember Quotes)
I used to think truth was eternal, that once I knew, once I saw, it would be with me forever, a constant by which everything else could be measured. I know now that this isn’t so, that most truths are inherently unretainable, that we have to work hard all our lives to remember the most basic things (Remember Quotes)
Your mind has a way of not letting you forget things you wish you could. Especially with people. Like, you’ll always try your best to forget things that people say to you or about you, but you always remember. And you’ll try to forget things you’ve seen that no one should see, but you just can’t do it. And when you try to forget someone’s face, you can’t get it out of your head (Remember Quotes)
Whatever obstacles you face, remember you can get through anything if you want to badly enough (Remember Quotes)
I remember as a kid being cold a lot, and hungry sometimes. Wed go to bed with just cornbread and milk, and I remember wearing shoes with holes in the bottom. I remember having twine for shoestrings (Remember Quotes)
Unless you’re a true prodigy, you’re going to have to practice for a while being bad before you get any good. And it will seem like a waste of time. I remember that feeling well. But don’t worry about wasting time, because it’ll be so worth it. It’s my experience that in the end, life lessons and guitar lessons begin to blur in all sorts of interesting ways (Remember Quotes)
I remember everything I know even the most superficial things. And what comes out is in my canvases (Remember Quotes)
We’re not living in an age of no hope. We are living in the age of choice, which is much scarier. It means that what we do every day matters, which is always a bummer for humans. But it’s a great thing and it’s inspirational and we need to remember that. We have a long way to go and not a long time to get there (Remember Quotes)
Remember that the old lady who’s taking forever in line is someone’s grandma (Remember Quotes)
So when I cover the president, I try to remember two things: First, if you don’t ask, you don’t find out; and second, the questions don’t do the damage. Only the answers do (Remember Quotes)