Remember the divine saying, He that keepeth his Mouth, keepeth his life

Remember the divine saying, He that keepeth his Mouth, keepeth his life
Sir Walter Raleigh was a prominent figure in English history, known for his military exploits, exploration of the New World, and his involvement in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. However, he was also a man of great wisdom and insight, as evidenced by his adherence to the divine saying, "He that keepeth his Mouth, keepeth his life."Raleigh understood the power of words and the importance of controlling one's speech. In a time when gossip and slander could ruin a person's reputation and even lead to their downfall, he knew that it was crucial to be mindful of what one said and to exercise restraint in speech. By keeping his mouth, Raleigh was able to protect himself from the dangers of loose talk and idle chatter.
Furthermore, Raleigh's adherence to this saying also speaks to his understanding of the power of words to shape reality. He knew that words have the power to build up or tear down, to create harmony or discord, and to bring life or death. By keeping his mouth, Raleigh was able to harness the power of his words for good, using them to inspire, encourage, and uplift those around him.