Remembered Quotes

Text Quotes
The first arrival of earthly life on another celestial body ranks as an epochal event not only for our generation, but in the history of our planet. Neil Armstrong was at the cusp of the Apollo programme. This was a collective technological effort of epic scale, but his is the one name sure to be remembered centuries hence. (Remembered Quotes)
The day of our decease will be that of our coming of age; and with our last breath we shall become free of the universe. And in some region of infinity, and from among its splendors, this earth will be looked back on like a lowly home, and this life of ours be remembered like a short apprenticeship to duty. (Remembered Quotes)
Complexity is not a goal. I don’t want to be remembered as an engineer of complex systems. (Remembered Quotes)
A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. C. S. LEWIS, Out of the Silent Planet True pleasures are paid for in advance; false pleasures afterwards, with heavy and compound interest. (Remembered Quotes)
...the Bush administration may, in future years, be remembered ‘for bringing peace to the Middle East’ (as Condoleezza Rice has pronounced). History may be the mother of truth, but it can also give birth to illegitimate children. (Remembered Quotes)
I don’t want to be remembered for my tennis accomplishments. That’s no contribution to society. [Tennis] was purely selfish; that was for me. (Remembered Quotes)
Whether I will be remembered at all, I really don’t get to choose, unless I shoot someone famous. It’s not really anything I have much control over. (Remembered Quotes)
The process was remarkably cathartic. I’d sit and listen to my father’s voice - having not heard some of these tapes for 30 years and hearing his voice laying me down for a nap, our giggles and cooking dinner - and I remembered all those wonderful days. Normal days. (Remembered Quotes)
There are many singers who have got an exceptional talent, but spend their lives singing in local trains or hotels. Does the country even know who they are? Music in India is restricted only to Bollywood. Whoever manages to make a mark there is remembered. The ones who fail to reach and make it big there are forgotten. (Remembered Quotes)
When I finally put my guitar in the case the last time, I want to be remembered just as a singer, not as a country singer or pops singer - just a singer. (Remembered Quotes)
I hope you know that you’ve given me the courage to change. I hope you know that who you are is who you choose to be, and that whispers behind your back don’t define you. You are the only one who gets to decide what you will be remembered for. (Remembered Quotes)
Charity felt rather snoozy after the long sermon, and she was really very grateful when Reverend Meeps offered her a cup of tea. Church was not so bad when the minister remembered you were only human. (Remembered Quotes)
But more importantly, I think he remembered how very close I was with my own dad, who had died in 1997. (Remembered Quotes)
When Dad died in 1998, it really hit my confidence - he’d helped me write and he thought I was really funny, but since he’d died I didn’t feel right. And it felt like no one but me even remembered him. (Remembered Quotes)
Beyonce is a beautiful, elegant woman who is also a wonderful dancer. And her voice is sublime. Just like her husband, Jay-Z, Beyonce has real talent. They are both the kind of truly great artist who will be remembered by history. Their child will be lucky to have such talented parents. (Remembered Quotes)
Every star, whether it’s Harrison Ford or Robert De Niro, is remembered by one film. Persis is a star in the sky - how can a star be forgotten when all you have to do is look up and see her? (Remembered Quotes)
I remembered what it was like to die-the pain, the fear, the doubt, and the unknown. Somehow I had cheated death once. Now I was about to try again. (Remembered Quotes)
He remembered his home now, and that gave him new determination to succeed. He was fighting for two camps now -- two families. (Remembered Quotes)
The Jesuits I know who have died and all their lives were great teachers, they’re the least remembered people. (Remembered Quotes)
She remembered something she overheard at a dinner party -- Everyone loses their mind at least once in this lifetime. Everyone. (Remembered Quotes)
She said writting novels was like childbirth: if you truly remembered how awful it got, you’d never do it again. (Remembered Quotes)
And not only did he learn by experience, but instincts long dead became alive again. The domesticated generations fell from him. In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed, to the time the wild dogs ranged in packs through the primeval forest and killed their meat as they ran it down. (Remembered Quotes)
Now I remembered a captain’s honor and his only duty: to bring his crew back alive (Remembered Quotes)
We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage. (Remembered Quotes)
Tony Blair will be remembered as a great friend to Wales because it was his landslide election victory in 1997 that led to devolution. (Remembered Quotes)
All you have is yourself and what you have to present, and just focus on that. And if you can walk out of the audition and say to yourself, ‘I hit all my beats,’ ‘I accomplished my emotional honesty,’ or ‘I remembered my words,’ then that’s winning. (Remembered Quotes)
People who make great impact are well remembered due to the empty seats that remain after their death. It takes time to fill the empty seats that are left unoccupied by people who walked great in great footprints. (Remembered Quotes)
I loved English literature - if didn’t it would have been hard - but I had to learn it myself. I remembered ways to repeat words, to put more emphasis on certain lines. (Remembered Quotes)
I’ll tell you how I’d like to be remembered: As a black man who won the heavyweight title - Who has humorous and who never looked down on those who looked up to him - A man who stood for freedom, justice and equality - And I wouldn’t even mind if folks forgot how pretty I was. (Remembered Quotes)
I remembered that my grandfather had spent his teenage years in Shanghai and that he went back after he finished medical school to work there in a hospital. So I went back into my family archives and was able to find out his exact address; it was a street that was in the French Concession. (Remembered Quotes)