Remind Quotes

Text Quotes
Mosquitoes remind us that we are not as high up on the food chain as we think (Remind Quotes)
A work of art is said to be perfect in proportion as it does not remind the spectator of the process by which it was created (Remind Quotes)
The first principle of contract negotiation is don’t remind them of what you did in the past; tell them what you’re going to do in the future (Remind Quotes)
I’ll remind you all, however, that for government, existence is a privilege, not a right (Remind Quotes)
But in my humble opinion, a house needs a good party once in a while; remind folks it exists (Remind Quotes)
I have little need to remind you that water has become one of our major national concerns (Remind Quotes)
People remind me of my age, but while practicing I am beyond my body and its age (Remind Quotes)
You need to remind people that you vote, you matter, and that they can’t succeed without your help (Remind Quotes)
It’s always something to remind you that everything ain’t never gonna be alright! (Remind Quotes)
Rejoicing is clearly a spiritual command. To ignore it, I need to remind you, is disobedience (Remind Quotes)
Some of my high school teachers did remind me that I had an excellent imagination when it came to making up excuses (Remind Quotes)
Yet enthusiasm is no excuse for the historian going off balance. He should remind the reader that outcomes were neither inevitable nor foreordained, but subject to a thousand changes and chances (Remind Quotes)
One of my problems is I am getting so mature that I have to pick up a TV and toss it through the coffee table just to remind people of who I am. I want to go ranting and screaming into the grave (Remind Quotes)
I want to remind people of a different kind of glamour, a different look, and breaking the rules of fashion. I wanna break the rules (Remind Quotes)
Professorship is not a career, but rather a life’s pursuit. The people with whom I work daily exemplify and remind me of this promise (Remind Quotes)
When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor (Remind Quotes)
I would caution all of us or I would remind all of us that any candidate that we support, they are going to be flawed (Remind Quotes)
Literature can remind us that not all life is already written down: there are still so many stories to be told (Remind Quotes)
I try to incorporate faith every day, to not remind myself of past failures, to learn how to forgive and to trust the future (Remind Quotes)
Time is one of our most valuable possessions. Use it wisely. Remind yourselves often that things that matter most should not be left to the mercy of things that matter the least (Remind Quotes)
A blind man can’t forget the eyesight he lost, show me any beautiful girl. How can her beauty not remind me of the one whose beauty surpasses hers? (Remind Quotes)
What helped me was I had people around me to remind me to help my country even when it did me wrong, have respect for my people, my family, my nation and mankind (Remind Quotes)
I have to remind my dad, ‘Journalists - no matter how many cigars they smoke with you - are not your friends, so don’t talk to them (Remind Quotes)
It did remind me of something out of Greek mythology - the richest king who gets everything he wants, but ultimately his family has a curse on it from the Gods (Remind Quotes)
Oh, mr Coward, sir - I could never have an affair with you, because you remind me of my father (Remind Quotes)
I live way out in the country, so there’s not a lot of people around to remind me. and my friends don’t think of me as ‘Kim Novak’ anymore anyway. It’s like they forgot, too. and so it’s nice (Remind Quotes)
Every few years I’ll party way too much to remind myself what an idiot I am (Remind Quotes)
The Democrats need to remind people of where were, in terms of our progress, as markers against where we are, and where we’ve fallen, and how we’ve declined under Bush (Remind Quotes)
It’s proper and appropriate to remind the Chinese about what they get out of solid relations with the United States (Remind Quotes)
An aged Christian, with the snow of time upon his head, may remind us that those points of earth are whitest which are nearest to heaven (Remind Quotes)