Remotely Quotes

Text Quotes
If at any moment of the day I ever think I’m remotely cool at all, which is hardly ever, I have two daughters who make sure that never happens (Remotely Quotes)
I kept my age quiet for a good few years. I didn’t see it as a positive. I worked remotely, so I just didn’t tell people (Remotely Quotes)
This is one big problem with working remotely: no one believes you have a job at all (Remotely Quotes)
It didn’t seem remotely possible. I had no idea how people got those jobs, I didn’t know what the steps were, it never even dawned on me. It seemed so outside the realm of possibility (Remotely Quotes)
There is no other place on earth even remotely like New Orleans. Don't even try to compare it to anywhere else (Remotely Quotes)
The reason the art world doesn't respond to Kinkade is because none - not one - of his ideas about subject matter, surface, color, composition, touch, scale, form, or skill is remotely original. They're all cliche and already told (Remotely Quotes)
Von Loewe really should know me well enough by now to realize that I am not going to face my execution without a fight. Or with anything remotely resembling dignity (Remotely Quotes)
You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment (Remotely Quotes)
You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment (Remotely Quotes)
Sorry in advance for egging your home if you put anything remotely healthy in my trick or treat bag (Remotely Quotes)
You're hot enough that I'm not remotely embarrassed about how many times you've caught me ogling you (Remotely Quotes)
Technology is like water; it wants to find its level. So if you hook up your computer to a billion other computers, it just makes sense that a tremendous share of the resources you want to use - not only text or media but processing power too - will be located remotely (Remotely Quotes)
Dallas, is it remotely possible for you to carry on a conversation that’s not loaded down with manure? (Remotely Quotes)
The bungalow had more to do with how Americans live today than any other building that has gone remotely by the name of architecture in our history (Remotely Quotes)
I had seen movies before that that had made me laugh, but I had never seen anything even remotely close to as funny as Richard Pryor was, just standing there talking (Remotely Quotes)
I have never been remotely ashamed of having been depressed. Never. What’s to be ashamed of? I went through a really rough time and I am quite proud that I got out of that (Remotely Quotes)
I've often hesitated in beginning a project because I've thought, "It'll never turn out to be even remotely like the good idea I have as I start. " I could just "feel" how good it could be. But I decided that, for the present, I would create the best way I know how and accept the ambiguities (Remotely Quotes)
More and more, modern warfare will be about people sitting in bunkers in front of computer screens, whether remotely piloted aircraft or cyber weapons (Remotely Quotes)
I don’t think photography has anything remotely to do with the brain. It has to do with eye appeal (Remotely Quotes)
He demolished people... You either loved him or you hated him, but there was no one remotely like him, except, maybe, lucifer (Remotely Quotes)
If you’re not scared or angry at the thought of a human brain being controlled remotely, then it could be this prototype of mine is finally starting to work (Remotely Quotes)
A transition from an author’s book to his conversation is too often like an entrance into a large city, after a distant prospect. Remotely, we see nothing but spires of temples and turrets of palaces, and imagine it the residence of splendour, grandeur, and magnificence; but when we have passed the gates, we find it perplexed with narrow passages, disgraced with despicable cottages, embarrassed with obstructions, and clouded with smoke (Remotely Quotes)
I can’t think of anyone who has done anything remotely useful after the age of 80 (Remotely Quotes)
I don’t hate people - not remotely other than they make you crazy in traffic, but as I get older I kind of see more and more why people do what they do (Remotely Quotes)
Throwing things horrified me. I suffered extreme, paralyzing anxiety when it came to anything remotely athletic. I wouldn’t even run to catch the school bus because I knew I’d trip and then get teased for a year (Remotely Quotes)
I do not believe, even remotely, that you have to have a partner in your life in order to be whole, in order to be complete, in order to be fulfilled. You just don’t have to (Remotely Quotes)
I was drinking a lot of bourbon. I was miserable. I was starting to get work, but it wasn’t remotely satisfying. It was garbage compared to the theater I was doing (Remotely Quotes)
Throughout my entire life, I constantly tried to fight normality. I hate it. I hate the idea of it. I hate routine. I hate anything that feels remotely regular or right (Remotely Quotes)
As an individual doing a podcast, you don’t get even remotely rich. It’s not something to do for money (Remotely Quotes)
It is not pretended that, at the present stage of its development, economic science is able to provide an organon even remotely approaching to what it imagines for itself as its ideal (Remotely Quotes)