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Illness is the result of improper removal of toxins from the body. Oxygen is the vital factor which assists the body in removing toxins  (Removing Quotes) How strange that excision – female circumcision, with several languages using the same term for both kinds of mutilation – of little girls should revolt the westerner but excite no disapproval when it is performed on little boys. Consensus on the point seems absolute. But ask your interlocutor to think about the validity of this surgical procedure, which consists of removing a healthy part of a nonconsenting child’s body on nonmedical grounds – the legal definition of… mutilation  (Removing Quotes) If you keep shouting, you are not making communication any better. You are only removing the talking and whispering from the system. I find our society a bit noisy. I would like to contribute a little silence  (Removing Quotes) We all have to start with ourselves. It is time to walk the talk. Take the journey of making very difficult decisions. Start removing things from your life that are not filling your cup and adding things that bring joy in to your life  (Removing Quotes) I was cutting and threading pipe in the tunnels to get water into the shower rooms for athletics. I was repairing old metal windows, fixing cement walls where rain was coming through, and drying out the maple gym floors in hopes of removing the warping  (Removing Quotes) With great difficulty advancing by millimeters each year, I carve a road out of the rock. For millenniums my teeth have wasted and my nails broken to get there, to the other side, to the light and the open air. And now that my hands bleed and my teeth tremble, unsure in a cavity cracked by thirst and dust, I pause and contemplate my work. I have spent the second part of my life breaking the stones, drilling the walls, smashing the doors, removing the obstacles I placed between the light and myself in the first part of my life  (Removing Quotes) For the first time ever we are capable of removing abject poverty, illiteracy and the diseases of poverty from the human condition. The current intensification of global economic integration has demonstrated that there is enough knowledge, technology and capital to bring development to all the people of the world  (Removing Quotes) Choose to see death as simply removing a garment or moving from one room to another... it’s merely a transition  (Removing Quotes) You know how fussy and particular I am in painting. I am ever removing the paint and repainting the spot until I am completely exhausted  (Removing Quotes) I want that there should be a belief, a faith in the possibility of removing mountains to the side of right. If we believe that war is wrong, as everyone must, then we ought to believe that by proper efforts on our part, it may be done away with  (Removing Quotes) It could seem like you are losing something right now, but do not be fooled. This is simply a turnaround orchestrated by your soul. Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so  (Removing Quotes) This is one of the charms of the desert, that removing as it does nearly all the accessories of life, we see the thin thread of necessities on which our human existence is suspended  (Removing Quotes) I think parents should know what their children are reading, and if they truly object, they should tell their kids why, rather than summarily removing a book from their possession  (Removing Quotes) The dinosaurs aren’t remembered for much more than their bones. When humanity’s gone, what do we give to this little planet that we’re on, and what could we do collectively, removing the pride?  (Removing Quotes) We fight wars from progressively great heights and distances, the blessings of technology steadily removing the personal human element from what was historically an extremely personal experience  (Removing Quotes) I am open and will continue to be open to ways to limit abortion. What I am not open to is to removing the right  (Removing Quotes) It is not the events but our viewpoint toward events that is the determining factor. We ought to be more concerned about removing wrong thoughts from the mind than removing tumors and abscesses from the body  (Removing Quotes) The honor of a country depends much more on removing its faults than on boasting of its qualities  (Removing Quotes) Steady labor with the hands, which engrosses the attention also, is unquestionably the best method of removing palaver and sentimentality out of one’s style, both of speaking and writing  (Removing Quotes) Heat is a universal solvent, melting out of things their power of resistance, and sucking away and removing their natural strength with its fiery exhalations so that they grow soft, and hence weak, under its glow  (Removing Quotes) By removing the stories from the morass of things that surround us, I’m hoping to achieve some kind of purer approach to emotional life  (Removing Quotes) Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring  (Removing Quotes) When I finish dressing before a night out and have put on all the accessories, I usually look at myself in the mirror long and hard and then end up removing something. Whether it’s a belt, bracelet or a bauble, less is always more  (Removing Quotes) I definitely rediscovered reading for pleasure by devoting such a large swath of my time to sitting on airplanes. I am now painfully adept at removing my shoes so as to have the least amount of foot surface area touching an airport floor  (Removing Quotes) I am completely attracted to the idea of simplicity, or at least removing things that seem unnecessary when trying to get an idea out there  (Removing Quotes) Generally, women can’t do this, but men retain the ancient ability to leave a family and a past. They just unhook themselves, like removing a fake beard, and skulk discreetly back into society, changed men. Unrecognizable  (Removing Quotes) Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up  (Removing Quotes) Marriage is the hardest thing you will ever do. The secret is removing divorce as an option. Anybody who gives themselves that option will get a divorce  (Removing Quotes) We may need to solve problems not by removing the cause but by designing the way forward even if the cause remains in place  (Removing Quotes) I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism  (Removing Quotes)
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