Rendered Quotes

Text Quotes
The wisest and the best of men, nay, the wisest and best of their actions, may be rendered ridiculous by a person whose first object in life is a joke (Rendered Quotes)
Up close the city constitutes an oppressive series of staircases, but from a distance it inspires fantasies of wealth and power so profound that even our communists are temporarily rendered speechless (Rendered Quotes)
He lost himself in a maze of thoughts that were rendered vague by his lack of words to express them. Frowning, he tried again (Rendered Quotes)
Someday she will be saved, and the past and all its pain will be rendered as smoothly palatable as the food we spoon to our babies (Rendered Quotes)
He bombarded me with words, of all things, apparently clueless to the fact that the predawn hours rendered me incapable of coherent thought (Rendered Quotes)
Hope can be bruised and battered. It can be forced underground and even rendered unconscious, but hope cannot be killed (Rendered Quotes)
Even the facts of science may dust the mind by their dryness, unless they are... rendered fertile by the dews of fresh and living truth. Knowledge does not come to us by details, but in flashes of light from heaven (Rendered Quotes)
By making this wine known to the public, I have rendered my country as great a service as if I had enabled it to pay back the national debt (Rendered Quotes)
Globalization has rendered the world increasingly interdependent, but international politics is still based on the sovereignty of states (Rendered Quotes)
It would have marked a want of foresight in the convention, which our own experience would have rendered inexcusable (Rendered Quotes)
Here then is the origin and rise of government; namely, a mode rendered necessary by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world; here too is the design and end of government, viz. Freedom and security (Rendered Quotes)
Throughout the long period of religious doubt, I had been rendered very unhappy by the gradual loss of belief, but when the process was completed, I found to my surprise that I was quite glad to be done with the whole subject (Rendered Quotes)
The person who sows a single beautiful thought in the mind of another, renders the world a greater service than that rendered by all the faultfinders combined (Rendered Quotes)
If obedience is not rendered in the homes, we shall never have a whole city, country, principality, or kingdom well governed. For this order in the homes is the first rule; it is the source of all other rule and government (Rendered Quotes)
By such deductions the law of gravitation is rendered probable, that every particle attracts every other particle with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance. The law thus suggested is assumed to be universally true (Rendered Quotes)
When you see such photos, you can’t help but wonder at just how sweet and sad and innocent all moments of life are rendered by the tripping of a camera’s shutter, for at that point the future is still unknown and has yet to hurt us, and also for that brief moment, our poses are accepted as honest (Rendered Quotes)
It is true that we shall not be able to reach perfection, but in our struggle toward it we shall strengthen our characters and give stability to our ideas, so that, whilst ever advancing calmly in the same direction, we shall be rendered capable of applying the faculties with which we have been gifted to the best possible account (Rendered Quotes)
If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile (Rendered Quotes)
Our common country is in great peril, demanding the loftiest views, and boldest action to bring it speedy relief. Once relieved, its form of government is saved to the world; its beloved history, and cherished memories, are vindicated; and its happy future fully assured, and rendered inconceivably grand (Rendered Quotes)
To carry feelings of childhood into the powers of adulthood, to combine the child’s sense of wonder and novelty with the appearances which every day for years has rendered familiar, this is the character and privilege of genius, and one of the marks which distinguish it from talent (Rendered Quotes)
I was surrounded at the time by about a dozen of the enemy, whose clubs rattled upon me without mercy, and the strokes of my sabre were rendered uncertain by the energetic pushes of an attendant who thus hoped to save me (Rendered Quotes)
The fundamental laws of physics do not describe true facts about reality. Rendered as descriptions of facts, they are false; amended to be true, they lose their explanatory force (Rendered Quotes)
All the aftermath that so frequently follows in the wake of war still confront the nation, and we now, as ever before, must hold fast to the ancient landmarks and see to it that all of these plagues that threaten so mightily shall be rendered harmless (Rendered Quotes)
This is the worst trait of minds rendered arrogant by prosperity, they hate those whom they have injured (Rendered Quotes)
The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful to society, had that society been well organized (Rendered Quotes)
Supreme achievement and outstanding capacity are only rendered possible by mental concentration, by a sublime monomania that verges on lunacy (Rendered Quotes)
He showed that fame may be won and what services be rendered by a plain son of the people unaided by any gifts of fortune (Rendered Quotes)
From the very beginning our people have markedly combined practical capacity for affairs with power of devotion to an ideal. The lack of either quality would have rendered the other of small value (Rendered Quotes)
The secret of fusion is the fact that the artist’s eye sees in nature... An inexhaustible wealth of tension, rhythms, continuities, and contrasts which can be rendered in line and color (Rendered Quotes)
Indeed, the sole criticism of him was that he prolonged beyond the point of decency, his look of nuptial rapture and the vagueness which rendered him, in conversation, slightly stupid (Rendered Quotes)