Repeatedly Quotes

Text Quotes
Wisdom comes from life experience; life experience is the result of repeatedly taking corrective action while courageously learning from mistakes (Repeatedly Quotes)
My father served 26 years in the Air Force as a pilot and a pioneer in our missile programs. I learned early about the sacrifices a family makes when a member is repeatedly deployed, and also the fulfillment that comes from serving our country. My brother, my son and I all became Marines. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Many in the U.S. military believe ISIS needs to be immediately, and repeatedly, smashed by American drones and warplanes. (Repeatedly Quotes)
If you can’t keep a promise to your family, can’t keep a promise to your wife, you’re having an affair, you’re lying about the affair repeatedly. Why should the American people trust you when you say you’re not gonna lie to them. Why should we trust you? (Repeatedly Quotes)
Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan’s military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Both depression and anxiety disorders, for example, are repeatedly described in the media as ‘chemical imbalances in the brain,’ as if spontaneous neural events with no relation to anything outside a person’s brain cause depression and anxiety. (Repeatedly Quotes)
To ascertain the Lord’s will, we ought to use scriptural means. Prayer, the word of God, and His Spirit should be united together. We should go to the Lord repeatedly in prayer, and ask Him to teach us by His Spirit through His word. (Repeatedly Quotes)
I am repeatedly asked in interviews exactly ‘what’s wrong’ with me, and I always give them the same answer; I don’t identify the name of my condition in an interview unless it’s relevant to the context of the story. (Repeatedly Quotes)
By repeatedly bringing your attention back to the breath each time it wanders off, concentration builds and deepens, much as muscles develop by repetitively lifting weights. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Let me be clear: as I have said repeatedly, I do not believe that all police officers are bad, nor do I believe that most are bad. But there must be a transparent, impartial and fair system to judge those that engage in criminal or unethical acts. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Every week I have a disaster in my kitchen. The fire alarm goes off repeatedly. But it doesn’t stop me being adventurous. (Repeatedly Quotes)
I like to joke that I probably hold the world record for rejection letters. Yes, the truth is that I was fed up of being rejected repeatedly, and self-publication was an act of defiance at traditional publishing. But life works in strange ways. (Repeatedly Quotes)
I’ll say this, and this has nothing to do with gender or sexuality: You do not want to get licked in the face repeatedly by another human being. You just don’t. It’s not pleasant. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without being related to you and repeatedly questioning why you’re in nonprofit. (Repeatedly Quotes)
I love the idea of someone getting knocked down repeatedly, but they still believe in love (Repeatedly Quotes)
The only way that someone could be superior over you, is if you repeatedly convince yourself to believe so. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Why do we keep believing that we can control nature,even as it banishes us repeatedly from our homes in search of new fertile ground? (Repeatedly Quotes)
One of the things you have to be able to do, as a comic strip artist, is to draw things repeatedly from a variety of angles, so you need references, and you find the best picture you can. (Repeatedly Quotes)
The story of the Jews in the Bible is replete with incidents of their ingratitude to God for His gifts to them: incidents that just as repeatedly merit and receive punishment. (Repeatedly Quotes)
You become a master in what you repeatedly do in consistency. Mastery is not born; it is acquired. It is not blood-linked; it is skill-learnt! (Repeatedly Quotes)
Welcome to the psychiatric hotline: if you are obsessive compulsive press one repeatedly. If you are schizophrenic listen closely and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you have borderline personality disorder hang up; you have already pushed everybody’s buttons. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Don’t give up.I know you’ve made a thousand attempts to reach your goal, but look at it this way: after repeatedly banging your head against the wall, you ought to be numb enough break through this time. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Grown-ups and children are not readily encouraged to unearth the power of words. Adults are repeatedly assured a picture is worth a thousand of them, while the playground response to almost any verbal taunt is ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ I don’t beg so much as command to differ. (Repeatedly Quotes)
It was really a pleasure to play someone who’s literally pushed past her breaking point repeatedly. (Repeatedly Quotes)
While Washington pays lip service to the challenges facing small businesses, it repeatedly chooses its own expansion over results. In effect, government has become a huge silent partner in all businesses, often taking a majority of the profits and forcing many unprofitable business decisions without the risk that it will be fired. (Repeatedly Quotes)
UNICEF has repeatedly called on governments to ensure basic services for children and this includes providing food where the need exists. (Repeatedly Quotes)
We believe that according the name ‘investors’ to institutions that trade actively is like calling someone who repeatedly engages in one-night stands a ‘romantic.’ (Repeatedly Quotes)
The Lord’s authorized servants repeatedly teach that one of the principal purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (Repeatedly Quotes)
Giving back, doing motivational speeches and stuff like that, that’s always made me feel good. If you repeatedly go out there, and you are the change that you want to see, then that’s what you are. (Repeatedly Quotes)
The Obama-Clinton administration tried repeatedly to remove our cruisers from service, then refused to modernize these very old, aging, aging ships. They’re old. They’re tired. (Repeatedly Quotes)