Repentance Quotes

Text Quotes
Virtue is the daughter of religion; repentance, her adopted child, - a poor orphan who, without the asylum which she offers, would not know where to hide her sole treasure, her tears! (Repentance Quotes)
When a child can be brought to tears, not from fear of punishment, but from repentance for his offence, he needs no chastisement. When the tears begin to flow from grief at one's own conduct, be sure there is an angel nestling in the bosom (Repentance Quotes)
When a child can be brought to tears, and not from fear of punishment, but from repentance he needs no chastisement. When the tears begin to flow from the grief of their conduct you can be sure there is an angel nestling in their heart (Repentance Quotes)
The only art her guilt to cover, To hide her shame from every eye, To give repentance to her lover, and wring his bosom, is - to die (Repentance Quotes)
Whatever stress some may lay upon it, a death bed repentance is but a weak and slender plank to trust our all on (Repentance Quotes)
Enthusiasm - a distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience (Repentance Quotes)
Once again I do receive thee honest. Who by repentance is not satisfied is nor of heaven nor Earth (Repentance Quotes)
Every year during their High Holy Days, the Jewish community reminds us all of our need for repentance and forgiveness (Repentance Quotes)
To fill the hour, that is happiness; to fill the hour, and leave no crevice for a repentance or an approval (Repentance Quotes)
No one judges the mistakes of love - so long as they are accompanied by sincere repentance - no one judges them with more understanding than a woman at once irreproachable and sensitive (Repentance Quotes)
Many believe the article of remission of sins, but they believe it without the condition of repentance or the fruits of holy life (Repentance Quotes)
Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring your winter - garment of repentance fling: the bird of time bas but a little way to flutter - and the bird is on the wing (Repentance Quotes)
Put a bridle on thy tongue; set a guard before thy lips, lest the words of thine own mouth destroy thy peace... on much speaking cometh repentance, but in silence is safety (Repentance Quotes)
There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us, with or without repentance (Repentance Quotes)
I was being called to surrender the very citadel of my self. I was completely in the dark. I did not really know what repentance was or what I was required to repent of. It was indeed the turning point of my life (Repentance Quotes)
There is no original sin. You don’t have to pay repentance to anything or anybody (Repentance Quotes)
Flee laziness which while it produces an immediate delight, ends in the sorrow of repentance. And know that nature without exercise is a seed shut up in the pod, and art without practice is nothing (Repentance Quotes)
Our hearts must not only be broken with sorrow, but be broken from sin, to constitute repentance (Repentance Quotes)
Nothing erases the past. There is repentance, there is atonement, and there is forgiveness. That is all, but that is enough (Repentance Quotes)
There is evil in the world, but it can be overcome through repentance andshy;and aspiration, and therein lies the true meaning and adventure of life (Repentance Quotes)
Repentance lifts a man up. Mourning knocks at heaven’s gate. Holy humility opens it (Repentance Quotes)
It may be doubted whether any repentance is genuine which is not repentance for sin rather than sins (Repentance Quotes)
If thou least fallen into sin through violent temptations, seek speedily for repentance for it, recovery out of it, and reformation from it (Repentance Quotes)
It serves no purpose to man if there is no room for repentance, and he who is tormented can never grow better... let this punishment be severe, let it be bitter, nay let it be lasting, but let it at length have an end (Repentance Quotes)
There is great danger, yea, many times most danger, in the smallest sins... Greater sins do sooner startle the soul, and awaken and rouse up the soul to repentance, than lesser sins do. Little sins often slide into the soul, and breed, and work secretly and undiscernibly in the soul, till they come to be so strong, as to trample upon the soul and to cut the throat of the soul (Repentance Quotes)
Who is righteous? Anyone who is repenting. No matter how bad he has been, if he is repenting he is a righteous man. There is hope for him. And no matter how good he has been all his life, if he is not repenting, he is a wicked man. The difference is which way you are facing. The man on the top of the stairs facing down if much worse off than the man on the bottom step who is facing up. The direction we are facing, that is repentance; and that is what determines whether we are good or bad (Repentance Quotes)
Sincere biblical repentance is as much a work of grace as not sinning in the first place. To err is human, to make progress is divine (Repentance Quotes)
The call of repentance is for the righteous and unrighteous, the godly and ungodly alike. If the righteous had been the lights they were called to be, the nation would never have fallen as it did (Repentance Quotes)
Why did you act in this way, you pitiable ones? Make a bow of repentance, recognize your fault, be sorry for your nakedness. Neither one of them could blame himself, neither of them had the least bit of humility (Repentance Quotes)
For the devil may tempt the good, but he cannot find rest in them; for he is shaken violently, and upset, and driven out, now by their prayers, now by their tears of repentance, and now by their almsgiving and similar good works (Repentance Quotes)