Replied Quotes

Text Quotes
When it was suggested to Pasteur that many of his great achievements depended on luck, he replied - I’m sure with more than a little irritation - ‘In the field of observation in science, fortune only favours the prepared mind.’ It is not by chance that it is always the great scientists who have the luck. (Replied Quotes)
The suspect nature of these stories can be seen in the anecdote Jefferson told of Hamilton visiting his lodging in 1792 and inquiring about three portraits on the wallThey are my trinity of the three greatest men the world has ever produced, Jefferson replied: Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, and John Locke. Hamilton supposedly replied, The greatest man that ever lived was Julius Casar. (Replied Quotes)
I found it. People find pennies, Gansey replied. Or car keys. Or four-leaf clovers. And ravens, Ronan said. You’re just jealous ‘cause - at this point, he had to stop to regroup his beer-sluggish thoughts - you didn’t find one, too. (Replied Quotes)
People do sometimes ask me some really idiotic questions: ‘Is your husband afraid of you putting arsenic in his food?’ I replied that I have never written a book about poison, ever. (Replied Quotes)
A student, filled with emotion and crying, implored, Why is there so much suffering?Suzuki Roshi replied, No reason. (Replied Quotes)
When people asked him why he didn’t work with those viruses, he replied, I don’t particularly feel like dying. (Replied Quotes)
There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome.And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody.And yours, he replied with a smile, is wilfully to misunderstand them. (Replied Quotes)
Dear brother, Number Two replied, I can eat shit, I just don’t like the taste (Replied Quotes)
Being a club pro and all, a guy trying to keep up with golf’s modern technology, I hadn’t found much time for Internet dating, but then one day I knew I’d met the girl of my dreams when she replied to a comment I’d made on She said, ‘I love it when you talk equipment to me.’ (Replied Quotes)
A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy - A republic, replied the Doctor, if you can keep it. (Replied Quotes)
... Gunpei Yokoi, asked his boss, ‘What should I make?’ Nintendo chief executive Hiroshi Yamauchi replied, ‘Something great.’Game Over Nintendo’s Battle to Dominate Videogames (Replied Quotes)
A true anecdote which illustrates his unworldly nature is of the instruction he received in 1922 to appear at Buckingham Palace to receive the accolade of the Order of Knighthood; Bayliss replied that as the date coincided with that of a meeting of the Physiological Society, he would be unable to attend. (Replied Quotes)
Do you know what friendship is?’ he asked.’Yes,’ replied the gypsy; ‘it is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.’’And love?’ pursued Gringoire.’Oh! love!’ said she, and her voice trembled, and her eye beamed. ‘That is to be two and to be but one. A man and a woman mingled into one angel. It is heaven. (Replied Quotes)
The British Airways steward announced that the in-flight movie would be Chariots of Fire. ‘Is that the only one?’ I asked. ‘We are also showing Gandhi,’ he replied. ‘Where do I have to sit to see it? I responded. ‘I’m sorry, sir, but Gandhi is only showing in first class.’ The irony seemed to escape him. (Replied Quotes)
Am I insane asked aliceyes, but all the best people are replied her father (Replied Quotes)
So she replied: show me someone not full of herself and I'll show you a hungry person (Replied Quotes)
Once a man criticized my desire for knowledge by saying that it was not fitting for a woman to possess learning because there was so little of it. I replied that it was even less fitting for a man to possess ignorance because there was so much of it (Replied Quotes)
I was asked by a golfer how to lower his scores. I replied start playing 9 holes instead of 18. I worked for me, it cut my scores in half (Replied Quotes)
Maybe belief is the biggest lie. In ages past, the earliest philosophers tried to explain the stars in the sky and the world around them. One of them conceived of the notion that the universe was mounted on giant crystal spheres controlled by a giant machine, which explained the movements of the heavens. He was laughed at and told that such a machine would be so huge and noisy that everyone would hear it. He simply replied that we are born with that noise all around us, and that we are so used to hearing it that we cannot hear it at all (Replied Quotes)
When people asked him why he didn’t work with those viruses, he replied, I don’t particularly feel like dying (Replied Quotes)
When Tarquin the Proud was asked what was the best mode of governing a conquered city, he replied only by beating down with his staff all the tallest poppies in his garden (Replied Quotes)
I said, 'You missed practice yesterday didn't you?' The player replied, 'No coach, not a bit.' (Replied Quotes)
Eneke the bird was asked why he was always on the wing and he replied: Men have learned to shoot without missing their mark and I have learned to fly without perching on a twig (Replied Quotes)
A disciple asked, who is a Master? the Master replied, anyone to whom it is given to let go of the ego. Such a person's life is then a masterpiece (Replied Quotes)
They say, "God told me", or "God replied to me". And yet most of the time they are talking to themselves (Replied Quotes)
I was taking my dog out the other day and I met this chap who asked me where I was going. The dog is foaming at the mouth, so I explained that I was on my way to the vet to have it put down. He asked if it was mad, to which I replied that it wasn’t exactly pleased about it (Replied Quotes)
One of her instructors in fashion had given her to understand that curls were not the thing. They'll always pass muster, miss Dunstable had replied, when they are done up with bank notes (Replied Quotes)
I once asked a hermit in Italy how he could venture to live alone, in a single cottage, on the top of a mountain, a mile from any habitation? He replied, that Providence was his next door neighbor (Replied Quotes)
A Spartan, being asked why his people drank so little, replied: That we may consult concerning others, and not others concerning us (Replied Quotes)
Demosthenes, when taunted by Pytheas that all his arguments smelled of the lamp, replied, yes, but your lamp and mine, my friend, do not witness the same labours (Replied Quotes)