Repose Quotes

Text Quotes
... The friends we have lost do not repose under the ground... they are buried deep in our hearts. It has been thus ordained that they may always accompany us (Repose Quotes)
How beautiful you are! You are more beautiful in anger than in repose. I don’t ask you for your love; give me yourself and your hatred; give me yourself and that pretty rage; give me yourself and that enchanting scorn; it will be enough for me (Repose Quotes)
Our age is essentially one of understanding and reflection, without passion, momentarily bursting into enthusiasm and shrewdly relapsing into repose (Repose Quotes)
We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness (Repose Quotes)
Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed... Cool things become warm, the warm grows cool; the moist dries, the parched becomes moist... It is in changing that things find repose (Repose Quotes)
Stability in government is essential to national character and to the advantages annexed to it, as well as to that repose and confidence in the minds of the people, which are among the chief blessings of civil society (Repose Quotes)
Repose is the secret of all contemplation and meditation, the secret of getting in tune with that aspect of life which is the essence of all things. When one is not accustomed to take repose, one does not know what is behind one’s being (Repose Quotes)
For it is only the finite that has wrought and suffered; the infinite lies stretched in smiling repose (Repose Quotes)
We repose an unwise confidence in any government, or in any men, when we invest them officially with too much, or an unnecessary quantity of, discretionary power (Repose Quotes)
Power ceases in the instant of repose; it resides in the moment of transition from a past to a new state, in the shooting of the gulf, in the darting to an aim (Repose Quotes)
There is no repose for the mind except in the absolute; for feeling, except in the infinite; for the soul, except in the divine (Repose Quotes)
We have used up all our inherited freedom, like the young bird the albumen in the egg. It is not an era of repose. If we would save our lives, we must fight for them (Repose Quotes)
History is the most dangerous product which the chemistry of the mind has concocted. Its properties are well known. It produces dreams and drunkenness. It fills people with false memories, exaggerates their reactions, exacerbates old grievances, torments them in their repose, and encourages either a delirium of grandeur or a delusion of persecution. It makes whole nations bitter, arrogant, insufferable and vainglorious (Repose Quotes)
I sat down and tried to rest. I could not; though I had been on foot all day, I could not now repose an instant; I was too much excited. A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow: impossible to slumber in the interval; I must watch feverishly while the change was being accomplished (Repose Quotes)
Why persist in walking difficult and toilsome paths? There is no repose where you are seeking it. Search as you like, it is not where you are looking. You are seeking a happy life in the realm of death, and it will not be found there. How could life be happy where there is no life at all? (Repose Quotes)
Muse who in the past inspired me to sing of the throes of love: Go and repose. What I need is a sword, rivers of gold, and acrid prose (Repose Quotes)
The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defence against injury and violence as for his repose (Repose Quotes)
Judges commonly are elderly men, and are more likely to hate at sight any analysis to which they are not accustomed, and which disturbs repose of mind, than to fall in love with novelties (Repose Quotes)
It was not a bosom to repose upon, but it was a capital bosom to hang jewels upon (Repose Quotes)
Arcadians skilled in song will sing my woes upon the hills. Softly shall my bones repose, if you in future sing my loves upon your pipe (Repose Quotes)
Solitude bears the same relation to the mind that sleep does to the body. It affords it the necessary opportunities for repose and recovery (Repose Quotes)
Who pants for glory, finds but short repose; a breath revives him, or a breath overthrows (Repose Quotes)
There is no happiness for him who oppresses and persecutes; no, there can be no repose for him. For the sighs of the unfortunate cry for vengeance to heaven (Repose Quotes)
The true grotesque being the expression of the repose or play of a serious mind, there is a false grotesque opposed to it, which is the result of the full exertion of a frivolous one (Repose Quotes)
Who is it that does not voluntarily exchange his health, his repose, and his very life for reputation and glory? the most useless, frivolous, and false coin that passes current among us (Repose Quotes)
Art, industry, and commerce, so long crushed and overborne, were stirring into renewed life, and a crowd of adventurous men, nurtured in war and incapable of repose, must seek employment for their restless energies in fields of peaceful enterprise (Repose Quotes)
The best remedy for a bruised heart is not, as so many people seem to think, repose upon a manly bosom. Much more efficacious are honest work, physical activity, and the sudden acquisition of wealth (Repose Quotes)
When every man has realized that his birth is a defeat, existence, endurable at last, will seem like the day after a surrender, like the relief and the repose of the conquered (Repose Quotes)
The best remedy for a bruised heart is not, as so many people think, repose upon a manly bosom. Much more efficacious are honest work, physical activity, and the sudden acquisition of wealth (Repose Quotes)
Five or six hundred heads cut off would have assured your repose, freedom and happiness (Repose Quotes)