Reputation Quotes

Text Quotes
Although one never really knows what one’s associates think of one deep down, I believe I was easy to work with, even though I have the reputation of being authoritative. Still, I’ve always delegated responsibility and authority to other; I’ve always listened to opposing views and suggestions with an open mind (Reputation Quotes)
It’s the behaviour of your company and its people that form your reputation, and your reputation is your brand (Reputation Quotes)
Your reputation is what influences people to think, feel and talk about you the way they do (Reputation Quotes)
I was spoiled and I was arrogant. I was very demanding, had an overblown image of who I was and got a reputation for being difficult. And rightfully so (Reputation Quotes)
Our aim was to insure repeat business based on the system’s reputation rather than on the quality of a single store or operator (Reputation Quotes)
Chastity seems to have come as a late development. What the primitive maiden dreaded was not the loss of her virginity but a reputation for sterility (Reputation Quotes)
Do you want to injure someone’s reputation? Don’t speak ill of him, speak too well (Reputation Quotes)
As a leader, you have to not only do the right thing, but be perceived to be doing the right thing. A consequence of seeking a leadership position is being put under intense public scrutiny, being held to high standards, and enhancing a reputation that is constantly under threat (Reputation Quotes)
Trust and reputation are not discretionary. They are as necessary in business as the people in whom they reside (Reputation Quotes)
All things and all people in life have to sink or swim on their own merits, not their reputation; that just as a wise man can say a foolish thing, a fool can say something wise (Reputation Quotes)
An individual’s treatment and alternatives in life may depend as much on the reputation of the group to which that person belongs as on their own merit (Reputation Quotes)
The lasting and ultimately most important reputation of a film is not based on reviews, but on what, if anything, people say about it over the years, and on how much affection for it they have (Reputation Quotes)
Reputation is only a candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out, but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit (Reputation Quotes)
A man’s reputation is the opinion people have of him; his character is what he really is (Reputation Quotes)
There is a difference between image and reputation. Image is nice. Reputation is developed over an entire career. Reputation is what I’m searching for (Reputation Quotes)
The ethics of excellence requires a sense of perspective. Look at the big picture. If you live for the moment you might mortgage the future? What happens if you put your reputation at risk and lose the bet? (Reputation Quotes)
Every young man should aim at independence and should prepare himself for a vocation; above all, he should so manage his life that the steps of his progress are taken without improper aids; that he calls no one master, that he does not win or deserve the reputation of being a tool of others, and that if called to public service he may assume its duties with the satisfaction of knowing that he is free to rise to the height of his opportunity (Reputation Quotes)
My father taught me that reputation, not money, was the most important thing in the world (Reputation Quotes)
A man can build a staunch reputation for honesty by admitting he was in error, especially when he gets caught at it (Reputation Quotes)
His reputation is what men say he is. That can be damaged; but reputation is for time, character is for eternity (Reputation Quotes)
I have not a clue why they sent it to me. As far as I know I have not got a reputation as a receiver of stolen goods (Reputation Quotes)
There are a few animals that have won themselves a bad reputation even though they have little or no effect on man. They have won their rating through man’s interpretation of their attitude towards lower animals. These animals have been seen feeding in what appears to be a savage manner. But this behavior may perhaps be comparable to a man tearing the flesh off a chicken leg with his teeth (Reputation Quotes)
Trust, honesty, humility, transparency and accountability are the building blocks of a positive reputation. Trust is the foundation of any relationship (Reputation Quotes)
A strong reputation is like a good bonfire. When you have one kindled it’s easy to keep the flame burning, even if someone comes along and tries to piss on it. But if you fall asleep and neglect it... You’ll wake up with ashes (Reputation Quotes)
Algebraic geometry seems to have acquired the reputation of being esoteric, exclusive, and very abstract, with adherents who are secretly plotting to take over all the rest of mathematics. In one respect this last point is accurate (Reputation Quotes)
Referrals are very powerful. When I refer you, I give a little bit of my reputation away. If you do a good job, my friend that hired you is pleased. But if you do a bad job, that reflects badly on me. People forget that (Reputation Quotes)
Integrity is what you do behind closed doors or when you think nobody is watching. Integrity is the true essence of who you are, your beliefs and your values. Reputation is the public perception of who you are. It is how others view your integrity or strong moral principles (Reputation Quotes)
Where a reputation for intolerance is more feared than a reputation for vice itself, all manner of evil may be expected to flourish (Reputation Quotes)
For men are held above their fellows by the gossamer of reputation, which is so soft and fragile a breath can blow it away (Reputation Quotes)
If we want to be known in heaven and feared in hell we must be willing to lose our reputation here on earth (Reputation Quotes)