Rescue Quotes

Text Quotes
Rationalism and Newtonian science has lured us into dark woods, but a new metaphysics can rescue us (Rescue Quotes)
I looked at a fetal development chart at the Operation Rescue Office in Dallas. I had a lot of emotions stirring up inside of me. That’s when I decided that it was wrong in any stage of pregnancy (Rescue Quotes)
Ryan finally came to my rescue. He’d thought working together in Paper Moon would help us bond (Rescue Quotes)
When I was nine, I had this girlfriend and we used to have running races in the park. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her (Rescue Quotes)
There is a set of balances and rhythms to a novel that we can’t experience in real life. So I think there is a sense in which fiction can rescue history from confusion (Rescue Quotes)
There are terrible, terrible memories of September 11th, things that I saw, people that I lost, the devastation, the identification of bodies. I mean, all these memories come back to you at different times. And then the other side of it this tremendous response with the firefighters and the police officers saving people, the rescue workers (Rescue Quotes)
Some rescue groups are highly organized, experienced, well-funded, nearly professional. Others are small amateur operations run out of garages and back yards. Their members may identify strongly with animals as victims, sometimes because of traumas and disappointments in their own lives. Others simply love animals and want to help them (Rescue Quotes)
This is part of what it means to become holy, to be refined by fire. Difficulties and sufferings are God’s form of hazing. Sometimes it gets so hard, we think Him cruel. But He’s only looking for men and women who will keep their cool when things go horribly wrong, a people prepared to dash into burning rooms to rescue those about to be engulfed in flames (Rescue Quotes)
Good presidents, people like George Bush, they SEND people to war. They don’t bring them a rescue. This is America. We rescue insurance companies and banks (Rescue Quotes)
I am a big proponent of adopting dogs through shelters and rescue operations. Having dogs in the office might not be right for everyone, but it has certainly worked well for me. My advice to other offices, on the Hill and off, would be to try it out (Rescue Quotes)
If I wasn’t doing candy, I’d want to create the best rescue animal-shelter organization. Otherwise, the Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson were so much a part of my childhood, and Janet and I have become friends. So my second dream job would be backup singer for Janet Jackson! (Rescue Quotes)
My wife and I, we started a foundation about companion animal rescue, but there’s a group called Performing Animal Welfare Society just outside of Sacramento... and they offered me a job as an elephant keeper. (Rescue Quotes)
I am a huge animal lover. I prefer to rescue any of the pets that I have had. (Rescue Quotes)
I love to rescue animals.... The pounds were so crowded they were putting animals down almost immediately. Seven thousand dogs were put to sleep. (Rescue Quotes)
I don’t eat animals. I rescue strays and take injured pigeons to the wildlife rehab. I carry spiders and wasps outside in a cup covered with a 3x5 card. It would only follow that I’d take pause when contemplating the abrupt and apparently brutal ending of a tiny human being’s life, or even a potential human being’s life. (Rescue Quotes)
A good breeder or experienced rescue agency wants you to prove that you’ll be a capable caretaker. The interrogation and screening can be annoying, but it’s also a sign that you’re on the right track. A breeder ought to know if you work long hours away from home, have a fenced yard, have kids or other animals, or if you have access to parks. (Rescue Quotes)
I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. (Rescue Quotes)
A Valley Without Wind’ takes the idea of dungeon crawls and throws it on its head by casting you as a magic user in this 2D platforming labyrinth of a world. From NPC’s to rescue, spells to learn, and a whole civilization you practically need to build back from scratch, this adventure takes to a new world where few other games dare to go. (Rescue Quotes)
‘Tis a good rule in every journey to provide some piece of liberal study to rescue the hours which bad weather, bad company, and taverns steal from the best economist. (Rescue Quotes)
We’re going balls to the wall, guys. Our sneak-and-peak just turned into a hostage rescue (Rescue Quotes)
After my wife and I were married, we obtained a rescue dog from a family that didn’t want her anymore. She was a beautiful Collie/Shepherd mix named ‘Precious.’ It then came to pass that our first marital ‘debate’ was whether we should change the dog’s name away from the same name used by the wacky villain in ‘Silence of the Lambs.’ (Rescue Quotes)
Technology will never rescue anyone from being a bad poet, but if you’re good, it has the potential to do a lot of exciting things. (Rescue Quotes)
If your goal is to produce firefighters and rescue workers, you have to produce people willing to enter burning buildings. (Rescue Quotes)
For years, liberals have demonstrated a near religious devotion to the cause of ‘cleaning up elections’ with campaign finance reform, the wondrous panacea that would finally rescue our great country from corruption in politics. ... How anyone could believe that corrupt politicians could or would legislate away their own corruption is completely beyond me. (Rescue Quotes)
God’s love for us is constant and will not diminish, but he cannot rescue us from the painful results that are caused by wrong choices. (Rescue Quotes)
When I was growing up, there were no cell phones and no roads into the bush, and so if something happened to your plane, that was serious. Nobody was coming to rescue you. (Rescue Quotes)
In my books, women often solve the problem. Even if the woman is not the hero, she’s a strong character. She does change the plot. She’ll often rescue the male character from some situation. (Rescue Quotes)
The primary message of the Christian Church is that we were born in sin and we need to be rescued; we cannot rescue ourselves, so God comes to our rescue, pays the price of our sin and transforms us through the death of Jesus. (Rescue Quotes)
I’d run my whole life long to reach you; paddle my way across Atlantic and Pacific; traverse Jungle and Desert to find you; climb cliffs and drop from the sky to rescue you. Anything to be close to you. Any way to say I love you. (Rescue Quotes)
Under the common law, one of the more controversial rules is the ‘no duty to rescue rule’ that says that, if you were not responsible for placing someone in danger or risk, you have no obligation to help them, even when it would cost little to save their life. (Rescue Quotes)