Researchers Quotes

Text Quotes
We sleep researchers like cats, you know; they sleep a lot! (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers have proven that scientifically, that all humans are one people (Researchers Quotes)
For scientific researchers, charitable donations are enormous engines of new opportunities (Researchers Quotes)
Traditional market researchers are cold and calculating and scientific (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers warn us against walking out on married life without a dang good reason (Researchers Quotes)
Since German reunification in 1990, historians and researchers have been free to work in the East, where the lost Nazi art collection disappeared. (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can’t remember what they are. (Researchers Quotes)
The world is hungry for the discoveries that young, leading-edge brain researchers are making in Ontario today. This collaboration will help them bring their best ideas to market, improving the quality of life for Ontarians while creating good jobs and promoting economic growth. (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers have found that the brain definitely sends nerves directly to organs of the immune system and not just to the heart and the lower gut. In that way, too, the brain is influencing the body. (Researchers Quotes)
Birth mothers choose life, and a family, for their child. But this choice is rarely celebrated. Women routinely face family, friends and even health-care providers who think that adoption equals abandonment, according to researchers and conversations with birth mothers. (Researchers Quotes)
! want to leverage the creativity of researchers across mathematics, statistics, data mining, computer science, biology, medicine, and the public at large. (Researchers Quotes)
America’s doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken. (Researchers Quotes)
It turns out there’s only 10 minutes of productive conversation in any family dinner. The rest is taken up with ‘take your elbows off the table’ and ‘pass the ketchup.’ And what researchers have found is you can take that 10 minutes and put it in any time of the day and get the benefit. So, if you can’t have family dinner, have family breakfast! (Researchers Quotes)
In the digital universe, our personal history and its sense of narrative is succeeded by our social networking profile - a snapshot of the current moment. The information itself - our social graph of friends and likes - is a product being sold to market researchers in order to better predict and guide our futures. (Researchers Quotes)
Even with cameras being very cheap, one thing that researchers noticed was that you look really bad in a videoconference image because the lighting is bad and you get shadows and things. (Researchers Quotes)
It’s a very bad idea for scientific conclusions to be accepted because they fit with the political values of a group of researchers. (Researchers Quotes)
Virtual-reality researchers have long struggled to eliminate effects that distort the brain’s normal processing of visual information, and when these effects arise in equipment that augments or mediates the real world, they can be that much more disturbing. (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers find it very necessary to keep blinkers on. They don’t want to admit that the animals they are working with have feelings. (Researchers Quotes)
When we see animals doing remarkable things, how do we know if we’re simply seeing tricks or signs of real intelligence? Are talented animals just obeying commands, or do they have some kind of deeper understanding? One of the biggest challenges for animal researchers is to come up with tests that can distinguish between the two. (Researchers Quotes)
Around 93, 94, the conventional wisdom about the Internet was that it was a toy for academics and researchers. So it was very, very underestimated for about two years (Researchers Quotes)
Because GMOs aren’t labeled, it’s very hard to prove causality in terms of health effects. It’s even more difficult because the seeds are patented, so independent researchers have a hard time gaining access to them (Researchers Quotes)
Our Government understands that local, community organizations are essential in addressing social issues like economic development, poverty, education and integration in Canadian communities. The Community and College Social Innovation Fund will connect the innovative talent of researchers and students at colleges and polytechnics to meet the research needs of local community organizations to build stronger, safer, healthier communities (Researchers Quotes)
In studies asking why young people left their family religion, their most frequent response was unanswered doubts and questions. The researchers were surprised: They expected to hear stories of broken relationships and wounded feelings. But the top reason given by young adults was that they did not get answers to their questions (Researchers Quotes)
Many researchers do feel that humankind may have to face another Great Cleansing, such as the Great Flood of world mythology. Again, numerous UFO contactees and abductees feel that it is their mission to alert their fellow humans that some kind of apocalypse will soon be visited upon Earth (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers here in New York created a robot that actually passed a self-awareness test. So if you’re keeping score, that’s robots: 1, Donald Trump, 0 (Researchers Quotes)
Researchers and biotech executives foresee the day when the effects of many catastrophic diseases can be reversed. The damaged brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients may be restored. Severed spinal cords may be rejoined. Damaged organs may be rebuilt. Stem cells provide hope that this dream will become a reality (Researchers Quotes)
Chaga is significant in ethnomycology, forest ecology, and increasingly in pharmacognosy. Its long-term human use and cultural eastern European and Russian acceptance should awaken serious researchers to its potential as a reservoir of new medicines, and as a powerful preventive ally for protecting DNA (Researchers Quotes)
The explosion of a terrorist’s single nuclear device in a major metropolitan center would trigger an unparalleled humanitarian and environmental disaster. An accidental military launch of multiple warheads could result in a worldwide nuclear holocaust. Medical researchers and military analysts forebode grim consequences. (Researchers Quotes)
It’s clear that policymakers and economists are going to be interested in the measurement of well-being primarily as it correlates with health; they also want to know whether researchers can validate subjective responses with physiological indices. (Researchers Quotes)
Medical researchers don’t know much about head lice because they don’t much care. The reason that they don’t much care is, paradoxically, that they know a lot. That is, they know one important thing: there is no evidence that head lice transmit disease. (Researchers Quotes)