Resent Quotes

Text Quotes
You are insignifiant. One of millions, neither special nor unique. I did not ask for this ignominy, and I resent the comparison. Fine. I don't like you, either (Resent Quotes)
Indeed, it is a kind of quintessence of pride to hate and fear even the kind and legitimate approval of those who love us! I mean, to resent it as a humiliating patronage (Resent Quotes)
What! Out of senseless nothing to provoke a conscious something to resent the yoke of unpermitted pleasure, under pain of everlasting penalties, if broke! (Resent Quotes)
One thing I resent is the slur that I just support political candidates because of the business (Resent Quotes)
I don’t really resent being on the red carpet as much as I do having to deal with the paparazzi (Resent Quotes)
If you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself (Resent Quotes)
The only thing of weight that can be said against modern honor is that it is directly opposite to religion. The one bids you bear injuries with patience, the other tells you if you don’t resent them, you are not fit to live (Resent Quotes)
I believe that people who don’t achieve anything in life are isolated and resent those that are successful (Resent Quotes)
I resent the idea that people would blame the messenger for the message, rather than looking at the content of the message itself (Resent Quotes)
Now that I’m staring down the barrel of the last act of my life, I’m less excited about control and solo effort, and I resent the way the business aspects interfere with my space for creative writing (Resent Quotes)
A lot of people resent that I’ve been in someone’s life for 50 years. Why shouldn’t people have an affection for me and what I’ve done? Didn’t I have to be genuine for them to buy into what I did? There are children who grow up today who will not have that when they’re 55 years old. With whom will they have it? Name an example for me (Resent Quotes)
If you only try to please others, you’re going to resent those people you’re trying to please; the ones who are often closest to you. If you choose a path that you yourself want to take, then you’re going to be much kinder to the people in your life (Resent Quotes)
Memories have ways of becoming independent of the reality they evoke. They can soften us against those we were deeply hurt by or they can make us resent those we once accepted and loved unconditionally (Resent Quotes)
Who do you suppose decided that the birds are free? Even if they can fly the skies unless they have a destination and a branch upon which to perch and rest their wings they might even come to resent having those wings. True freedom... true freedom may be having somewhere to return to (Resent Quotes)
We resent being faced with facts we’d prefer to ignore as much as being wrongly accused of doing something we haven’t (Resent Quotes)
Freedom includes the right to say what others may object to and resent... The essence of citizenship is to be tolerant of strong and provocative words (Resent Quotes)
You have to give them unconditional love. They need to know that even if they screw up, you love them. You don’t want them to grow up and resent you or, even worse, parent the way you parented them (Resent Quotes)
And when you try to live there, to live in a place where you’re betraying yourself over and over, not only do you grow to resent the hell out of it, and resent the hell out of whomever you’re betraying and censoring yourself for, but the very idea of your self begins slowly and inexorably to erode. Until you realize one day out of the clear blue that you have no idea who your self is, anymore (Resent Quotes)
I don’t resent being a female painter. I don’t exploit it. I paint (Resent Quotes)
For nothing is so hard to hear as that which is half known, and evaded. One never denies so hotly as in denying to one’s self what one fears is true, and one never resents so bitterly as in resenting that which one cannot say one has the right to resent (Resent Quotes)
Being thankful is also the law of increase. What we give thanks for is automatically multiplied. If we have only a dime and give thanks for it, it will soon be increased. If we resent our position and dwell upon what we lack, that is exactly what we get back (Resent Quotes)
I have stood your meanness as long as I intend to. You have played the part of a damn scoundrel, and if you were any part of a man I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it (Resent Quotes)
You don’t want to help the young too much,it will just weaken them and they’ll only resent it (Resent Quotes)
I resent the fact that a parental warning sticker has to be included on an album as cover art. To me that’s censorship (Resent Quotes)
I happen to like household chores and resent them only when performing them makes it difficult for me to fulfill my professional duties (Resent Quotes)
Australians are very provincial in many ways. If they feel that you’ve used them as a stepping stone to bigger things, they resent it (Resent Quotes)
I definitely challenge people. But hopefully, I am working harder than anybody else, and so people won’t resent the fact that I want them to work hard, as well (Resent Quotes)
You can gain experience, if you are careful to avoid empty redundancy. Do not fall into the error of the artisan who boasts of twenty years experience in craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience–twenty times. And never resent the advantage of experience your elders have. Recall that they have paid for this experience in the coin of life, and have emptied a purse that cannot be refilled (Resent Quotes)
It’s an odd thing but when you tell someone the true facts of a mythical tale they are indignant not with the teller but with you. They don’t want to have their ideas upset. It rouses some vague uneasiness in them, I think, and they resent it. So they reject it and refuse to think about it. If they were merely indifferent it would be natural and understandable. But it is much stronger than that, much more positive. They are annoyed. Very odd, isn’t it (Resent Quotes)
Now the work of art also represents a state of final equilibrium, of accomplished order and maximum relative entropy, and there are those who resent it. But art is not meant to stop the stream of life. Within a narrow span of duration and space the work of art concentrates a view of the human condition; and sometimes it marks the steps of progression, just as a man climbing the dark stairs of a medieval tower assures himself by the changing sights glimpsed through its narrow windows that he is getting somewhere after all (Resent Quotes)