Resolved Quotes

Text Quotes
No problems are ever resolved by violence. It only aggravates the pain and the hurt on every side (Resolved Quotes)
Sometimes in life, we have to go backward a certain distance in order to go forwards. If we have conflicts within ourselves that we have not resolved, then we will find ourselves living inside of these conflicts, not in the realms of light (Resolved Quotes)
Everyone always wants to find the answer, to feel that things are resolved. But in dreams, maybe there isn’t an answer so much (Resolved Quotes)
And, to prevent mistakes, I must advertize you, that I now mean by elements, as those chymists that speak plainest do by their principles, certain primitive or simple, or perfectly unmingled bodies; which not being made of any other bodies, or of one another, are the ingredients of which all those called perfectly mixt bodies are immediately compounded, and into which they are ultimately resolved: now whether there be any such body to be constantly met with in all, and each, of those that are said to be elemented bodies, is the thing I now question (Resolved Quotes)
You don’t need the painful memories, because either you’ve resolved them. Denying always makes them want to come back. Denial is a mechanism that doesn’t work. But allowing them to come back in little by little, those memories, you can begin to be quite comfortable with them, and it’s even nice to have that as part of the map of your life (Resolved Quotes)
There’s a proud modesty in merit; averse from asking, and resolved to pay ten times the gifts it asks (Resolved Quotes)
There are few situations in life that cannot be resolved promptly, and to the satisfaction of all concerned, by either suicide, a bag of gold, or thrusting a despised antagonist over a precipice on a dark night (Resolved Quotes)
I love and in a way need, a private secret place. It’s a kind of deep obsession, but I also love to need and be with friends and the two things often need to be together... it’s a painful conflict that will never be smoothly resolved (Resolved Quotes)
Doubts must be resolved alone within the soul. Otherwise one would profane one’s own powerful solution (Resolved Quotes)
The keys of a fortress are always well worth the retirement of the garrison when it is resolved to yield only on those conditions. On this principle it is always wiser to grant an honorable capitulation to a garrison which has made a vigorous resistance than to risk an assault (Resolved Quotes)
When you have resolved to fight a battle, collect your whole force. Dispense with nothing. A single battalion sometimes decides the day (Resolved Quotes)
A thought no less than a thing, an idea equally with an empire, is resolved into a complex of infinitely extensive relations between infinitesimally small parts (Resolved Quotes)
If only all our conflicts could be resolved with a few grunts and a smack in the ass (Resolved Quotes)
The difficulty that contestation must be done in the name of an authority is resolved this: I contest in the name of contestation what experience itself is (Resolved Quotes)
These are economic issues that should get resolved. There are creative solutions to every problem. Hopefully between the lending institutions and the city, we’ll be able to find creative solutions (Resolved Quotes)
Everything... has to be resolved through rhythms. You’re constantly massaging each form, trying to get it home, pushing further and further until these all coalesce into a marvellous kind of rhythm that reveals the life of the painting (Resolved Quotes)
One of the things that I try to be conscious about in crafting a song is the concept of bringing it home. I like to bring it somewhere familiar, someplace that people feel it’s resolved, it’s settled (Resolved Quotes)
Once the will is resolved, one’s spirit is strengthened. Even a peasant’s will is hard to deny, but a samurai of resolute will can sway ten thousand men (Resolved Quotes)
If the newspapers cut me up so much that I shall not venture before the world again, I have resolved to become a house painter; that would be as easy as anything else, and I should, at any rate, still be an artist! (Resolved Quotes)
Many people come into company full of what they intend to say in it themselves, without the least regard to others; and thus charged up to the muzzle are resolved to let it off at any rate (Resolved Quotes)
Make for the children an evening of happiness in a world of storm. Let the children have their night of fun and laughter... resolved that by our daring, these same children shall not be denied their right to live in a free and decent world (Resolved Quotes)
Conflicts between nations will continue to arise. The real issue is whether they are to be resolved by force, or by resort to peaceful methods and procedures, administered by impartial institutions (Resolved Quotes)
My dad was depressed a lot of the time, and there were a lot of things in his life that he never resolved (Resolved Quotes)
People don’t want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messed cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown (Resolved Quotes)
I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution (Resolved Quotes)
My position has always been, along with many other people, that any differences be resolved in a nonviolent way (Resolved Quotes)
Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book (Resolved Quotes)
Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them (Resolved Quotes)
It helps if you don’t see it as traffic but rather as thousands of individuals resolved to press on another day (Resolved Quotes)
That gloomy outside, like a rusty chest, contains the shoring treasure of a soul resolved and brave (Resolved Quotes)