Resources Quotes

Text Quotes
The destruction of our environment and resources cannot be stemmed unless the growth of the world’s population is stemmed and ultimately reduced. (Resources Quotes)
I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction (Resources Quotes)
..the planet is just too small for these developing countries to repeat the economic growth in the same way that the rich countries have done it in the past. We don’t have enough natural resources, we don’t have enough atmosphere. Clearly, something has to change. (Resources Quotes)
Turkey is a model of economic and social development, especially in terms of human resources and regional cooperation. (Resources Quotes)
China is a main energy consumer and, therefore, is also a big greenhouse gas emitter. We must use energy resources rationally and must conserve. This needs us to adjust our economic structure, transform the mode of development, to make economic development more dependent on progress of science and technology and the quality of the work force. (Resources Quotes)
Most people in the country would think the diamond jubilee is a wonderful occasion for us to celebrate together as a community and as a nation. But I suspect that most people in the country would think, given that there is very little money around, that this probably would not be the top of their list of priorities for the use of scarce public resources. (Resources Quotes)
In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children’s classrooms and in their future. (Resources Quotes)
Make the difficult choices and adopt the discipline regime required of a person who has set their mind to succeed, kiss mediocrity goodbye and translate an ordinary life to the extraordinary. It takes personal commitment of time and resources, and a sacrifice of non-essential pleasures to move towards success. (Resources Quotes)
In science, one should use all available resources to solve difficult problems. One of our most powerful resources is the insight of our colleagues. (Resources Quotes)
I was once a single mother, with very few resources, so I have a special place in my heart for women in difficult situations. (Resources Quotes)
As digital communications have multiplied, and NSA capabilities with them, the agency has shifted resources from surveillance of individual targets to the acquisition of communications on a planetary scale. (Resources Quotes)
If you’re directing, it doesn’t really matter any more if it’s going straight to TV - what matters is whether you have the resources to make a story that moves you. (Resources Quotes)
Companies, in fact, are specifically organized to under-invest in disruptive innovations! This is one reason why we often suggest that companies set up separate teams or groups to commercialize disruptive innovations. When disruptive innovations have to fight with other innovations for resources, they tend to lose out. (Resources Quotes)
God regenerates us and puts us in contact with all his divine resources, but he cannot make us walk according to his will. (Resources Quotes)
The breakthrough innovations come when the tension is greatest and the resources are most limited. That’s when people are actually a lot more open to rethinking the fundamental way they do business. (Resources Quotes)
When good enough gets the job done, go for it. It’s way better than wasting resources or, even worse, doing nothing because you can’t afford the complex solution. (Resources Quotes)
I don’t think we should be putting first-time drug offenders in jail for five years. It’s a waste of resources. (Resources Quotes)
Any big organization can be subverted by governments or multinational special interests. They have the resources to cast doubt and fear over any group they feel threatened by. (Resources Quotes)
By bringing about a rational drug policy, we’d be freeing up a lot of resources for real crime. Drug disputes would get played out with courts rather than with guns. So it would make this country a much better place overnight. (Resources Quotes)
I’ve often said that far more sensible than a ‘make poverty history’ campaign would be a ‘make wealth history’ campaign. It is, after all, the wealthy people who do all the damage. The less money you earn, the fewer resources you use up. (Resources Quotes)
There has been evidence throughout history of cycles when the earth gets warmer and cycles when the earth gets colder. We should always be wise stewards of the earth and all of our natural resources. But as a policymaker, I won’t be guided by the global warming propaganda machine. Al Gore - we need you to return your Nobel Peace Prize! (Resources Quotes)
The resources of this earth are inexhaustible, because God made man’s mind inexhaustible (Resources Quotes)
The real wealth of the Nation lies in the resources of the earth - soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife. (Resources Quotes)
Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance. (Resources Quotes)
Squeezing the lives of people is now being proposed as the saviour of the planet. Through the green economy an attempt is being made to technologise, financialise, privatise and commodify all of the earth’s resources and living processes. (Resources Quotes)
In the past, on Earth, it has largely been to exploit foreign resources and to expand the domestic territory. (Resources Quotes)
Hollywood usually guesses that extraterrestrials would only be interested in one of three things: (1) They want to breed with us, because their own reproductive machinery is on the blink; (2) They want Earth’s resources; or (3) They want the Earth. All of it. (Resources Quotes)
Chemistry itself knows altogether too well that - given the real fear that the scarcity of global resources and energy might threaten the unity of mankind - chemistry is in a position to make a contribution towards securing a true peace on earth. (Resources Quotes)
What is needed is the intelligent management of Earth’s resources. If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems, we must eventually declare Earth and all of its resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people. (Resources Quotes)
We need a transformation of the world economy and of how we use and share the Earth’s resources. We are running out of time. We are truly at the point of no return. (Resources Quotes)