Respect Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer (Respect Quotes)
Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people’s suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal (Respect Quotes)
Respect man, love man. Respect his individuality, respect his differences. And that is possible only if you respect your individuality. That is possible only if you are grounded in your own being and you are unafraid (Respect Quotes)
Our notions with respect to the importance of life, and our attachment to it, depend on a principle which has very little to do with its happiness or its misery. The love of life is, in general, the effect not of our enjoyments, but of our passions (Respect Quotes)
When a leader takes responsibility for his own actions and mistakes, he not only sets a good example, he shows a healthy respect for people on his team (Respect Quotes)
For our self respect depends upon our ability to make requital, for good or for evil (Respect Quotes)
For most of us, generosity is a quality that must be developed. We have to respect that it will grow gradually; otherwise our spirituality can become idealistic and imitative, acting out the image of generosity before it has become genuine (Respect Quotes)
I was raised to have value for money, to have respect for money, even though you have a lot of it (Respect Quotes)
Neither we, nor any other people, will ever be respected till we respect ourselves and we will never respect ourselves till we have the means to live respectfully (Respect Quotes)
Respect for character is always diminished in proportion to the number among whom the blame or praise is to be divided (Respect Quotes)
Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it (Respect Quotes)
Nature is always lavish of her gifts even to the most insignificant forms. The butterflies and moths are richly dowered in this respect (Respect Quotes)
There is one respect in which beasts show real wisdom... their quiet, placid enjoyment of the present moment (Respect Quotes)
I am utterly fed up with the respect we have been brainwashed into bestowing upon religion (Respect Quotes)
People respect you because they feel you’ve survived hard times and endured, and although you’ve become famous, you haven’t become phony (Respect Quotes)
The freer the market is and the more respect you have for private property, the better the environment is protected (Respect Quotes)
Respect yourself. Try to remember that not everything in life can be perfect. You will make mistakes. That’s inevitable. But you are not ugly. You will only be ugly when you behave in an ugly way (Respect Quotes)
We have to teach our boys the rules of equality and respect, so that as they grow up gender equality becomes a natural way of life. And we have to teach our girls that they can reach as high as humanly possible (Respect Quotes)
To secure respect to a neutral flag requires a naval force organized and ready to vindicate it from insult or aggression (Respect Quotes)
Care and responsibility are constituent elements of love, but without respect for and knowledge of the beloved person, love deteriorates into domination and possessiveness (Respect Quotes)
History shows that when the taxes of a nation approach about 20 percent of the people’s income, there begins to be a lack of respect for government... When it reaches 25 percent, there comes an increase in lawlessness (Respect Quotes)
Acknowledged differences may create mutual respect, but hazy misunderstandings bring forth nothing but prejudice and rejection (Respect Quotes)
Does my behavior in respect of love affect nothing? That is because there is not enough love in me (Respect Quotes)
One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he despises (Respect Quotes)
Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen (Respect Quotes)
That each day that you love, honor, and respect your own unique point of view, you’re a step closer to finding a fortune (Respect Quotes)
As a historian, he felt it his duty to respect everything that had ever been respected, except for the occasional statesman (Respect Quotes)
Young men need to show women the respect they deserve and recognize sexual assault and to do their part to stop it (Respect Quotes)
It’s not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those (Respect Quotes)
Travel enables us to enrich our lives with new experiences, to enjoy and to be educated, to learn respect for foreign cultures, to establish friendships, and above all to contribute to international cooperation and peace throughout the world (Respect Quotes)